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CRDC Student Setup (2020-2021)


The following data elements are required for CRDC student setup.

Data Element

Additional Information



[Select Student] > Attendance

For CRDC reporting, absences of .5 or greater count as full-day absences and count towards the Chronic Student Absenteeism calculation.

Attendance Date

The date of the attendance record.


Attendance Code

The code of the attendance record.



[Select Student] > Demographics

Federal Ethnicity

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate.

Valid Values:

  • -1 – Default, no value
  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino
  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino


Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race

Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify race then select this value, if appropriate.



Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu.

Note: Female is stored as F and Male is stored as M.


Additional Information

[Select Student] > State Information > Civil Rights Data Collection

Exclude Student from CRDC

If the student should not be considered in CRDC reporting, select the checkbox.


School Part 2

Did this student participate in AP classes this year, and if so did they take AP exams and did they pass at least one?

Choose the status of AP exams taken by the student:

  • (N) No - Did not participate in any AP classes
  • (X) Yes - Did participate, but did not take any exams
  • (W) Yes - Did participate and did take 1 or more exams (this is the new option)
  • (Z) Yes - Did participate and took AP exam but did not pass at least 1 test.
  • (Y) Yes – Did participate, took AP exam and passed at least 1 AP test, but not all.
  • (A) Yes – Did participate, took AP exams in all AP classes and passed all.

Note: Leave blank if student did not take AP classes.

Using this field overrides any results entered via the AP Test Tracking functionality described in the District Setup portion.


Verifying Historical Grade Data

[Select Student] > Historical Grades > [Select Grade]

Term ID

The Term ID of the section the grade pertains to


Store code

The store code assigned to the stored grade.


Associated Section

The Section ID of the section this grade pertains to.


Course Number

Enter the course number for the course enrollment record.


Earned Credit Hours

Enter the amount of credit earned.


Potential Credit Hours

Enter the amount of credit possible.


Verifying Test Results

[Select Student] > Test Results > [Select Test/Enter New]


The test the student took.

Note: For CRDC Reporting purposes, only the tests flagged as either the SAT or ACT will be looked at (See CRDC District Setup for necessary setup).


Test Date

Enter the date the test was taken.


Test Term

Enter the term in which the test was taken.


Grade Level

Enter the student's grade level at the time of the test.


Test Score

Enter the score the student received on the test.

Note: For CRDC reporting purposes, the student must only take the test. Passing the test is not collected information.




Managing Discipline Incidents

[Select Student] > Incidents > [Select Incident]

Incident Date

The date the incident occurred.



The person(s) involved in the incident.

Note: CRDC reporting looks at both offenders and victims.


Participant Role

The role of the participant.


Add Action: Action Code

The resulting action, taken by the district, for the behavior.



Add Action: Action Subcode

The resulting action, taken by the district, for the behavior.



Add Action: Action Date Range Begin date

The first date of the selected action.


Add Action: Action Date Range End Date

The last date of the selected action.


Add Action: Action Attributes

Attributes that can be set to further describe aspects of the resulting action.


Add Behavior: Behavior Code

The infraction of the incident.

Note: If there is more than one behavior, one MUST be flagged as the primary. For CRDC reporting purposes, this should be the most egregious.



Add Behavior: Behavior SubCode

A code that further describes the infraction of the incident.



Add Behavior: Primary Indicator

A flag indicating the primary behavior of the incident.

Note: If there is more than one behavior, one MUST be flagged as the primary. For CRDC reporting purposes, this should be the most egregious.


Add Attribute

An attribute that can be used to describe the overall incident.



All Enrollments

[Select Student] > All Enrollments > [Select Enrollment]

Dual Credit

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this course enrollment is for dual credit.

Note: A blank value is considered No.

This field overrides Section and Course Dual Credit values.


[Select Student] > All Enrollments > [Select Enrollment] > Advanced Placement Exam Attempts/Results (AP)

This field is only visible if enabled on the District Info page. See CRDC District Setup for more information.

Exam Type

The type of exam taken.

Note: This will always be AP


Examination Date

The date the AP exam was taken.


Exam Result

The result of the AP exam.



For local use only.

Not used for CRDC reporting pruposes.


Special Programs

Special Programs > [Select Enrollment/Enter New]

Program eligibility for the CRDC report will be derived in the same manner as the existing ISEE reports. The following programs are reported in the CRDC: IDEA (Sped), 504, Gifted/Talented, ELL, and Credit Recovery (CRDC Specific Program).

Entry Date

The date the student entered the program.


Exit Date

The date the student exited the program.


Grade Level

The grade level of the student in the program.



The program for which the enrollment pertains.


Tested – Ineligible for Special Education

Indicates whether or not the student was tested and found ineligible for Special Education.

Note: If this is checked, the student will not be counted as a SPED student.


SPED Eligibility

Indicates whether or not the student is eligible for Special Education

Note: This value must be "E" (Eligible) to be counted as SPED for the CRDC report.


EL Status

The ISEE EL status.

Note: For CRDC reporting purposes, statuses of L1 and LE are used for the LEP counts.


Transfer Info

Transfer Info > [Select Enrollment]

Entry Date

The entry date for the student's school enrollment.



Exit date

The exit date for the student's school enrollment.



Exit Code

The code denoting the manner in which the student's school enrollment ended.



Grade Level

The student's grade level during the school enrollment.



Report this student as a "No Grade" student.

Check this box if the student should be counted as not having a conventional grade level.

Note: For CRDC reporting purposes, this checkbox will determine if the student is counted as an "Ungraded" student.



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