BC TRAX Extract
This report creates the Transcripts and Examinations (TRAX) extract files consisting of demographic information (.DEM file), graduation Assessment Information (.XAM file), and other course enrollments (.CRS file) for selected students. Each individual file is a fixed column text file and the three files are zipped into a single extractable ZIP file. The data is submitted to the Ministry up to 5 times per year depending on the type of school.
The extract can only be run for the currently selected school if the school meets the selection criteria. If the report is run from the district office, the resulting output will be blank files.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the expected records.
School Selection
The school(s) must meet the following criteria:
The school must be a secondary school (Grades 9-12).
The school must not be excluded from state/provincial reporting.
For the selection criteria above, a school is excluded from state/provincial reporting if [Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting =1 (box is checked on the School Info page).
Student Selection
One record appears in the TRAX Extract .DEM file for each student that meets the following criteria:
Student is or has been enrolled at the school sometime during the current school year.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student is in Grades 11 or 12 and [S_BC_STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 1996 or
The student is in Grades 10, 11, or 12 and [S_BC_STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 2023 or
The student is in Enrolled Grade Override (S_BC_STU_Students_X.Grade_Override) AN or AD and the [S_BC_ STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 1950 or
The student is in any grade and [S_BC_ STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is SCCP or
Any student not included above who has grad_reqt_year IN ( '2004', '2018', '2023) and is enrolled in or has taken a grade 10, 11, or 12 course.
Note: For the 2018 - 2019 school year the following also applies; The student is in Grades 10, 11, or 12 and [S_BC_ STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 2018
Course Selection - Graduation Assessment Record
One record appears in the TRAX Extract .XAM file for each course a student was/is enrolled in that meets the following criteria:
The course must be for a student included in the DEM file.
The course must not be excluded from state reporting.
The course must be from the current school year.
The course must be Numeracy/Literacy Assessment Course checkbox is selected on the Course page - [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]isNumeracyAssessmentCrs = 1
The course must be Grade 11 or 12 (first two digits of [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]Ministry_Course_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X] Course_GradeLevel or [Sections]Grade_Level = 11 or 12) if [S_BC_STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 1996 or 1950.
The course must be a Grade 10, 11, or 12 course (first two digits of [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X] Ministry_Course_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X]CourseGradeLevel or [Sections]Grade_Level = 10, 11 or 12) if [S_BC_ STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 2004 or SCCP
The course must be a grade level = 10 or 12 ( 4th and 5th character of S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]Ministry_Course_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X] Course_GradeLevel or [Sections]Grade_Level = 10 or 12)
Course Selection - CRS
One record appears in the TRAX Extract .CRS file for each course a student was/is enrolled in that meets the following criteria:
The course must be for a student included in the DEM file.
The course must not be excluded from state reporting.
The course can be for any school year (not just current courses).
The course must NOT be in the Graduation Assessment Record File.
The course must NOT be designated as a provincially examinable course ([S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]Provincial_Exam_Ind or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X]Provincial_Exam_Ind = 1 (checkbox is selected)
For Grade Level 12 course (first two digits of [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]Ministry_Course_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X]CourseGradeLevel or [Sections]Grade_Level = 12) if [S_BC_ STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 1996 or 1950
For Grade 10, 11, or 12 course (first two digits of [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X] Ministry_Course_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X]CourseGradeLevel or [Sections]Grade_Level = 10, 11 or 12) if [S_BC_ STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 2004 or SCCP
The course must be Grade 11 or 12 ([S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]Ministry_Course_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X] Course_GradeLevel or [Sections]Grade_Level = 11 or 12) if [S_BC_STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 1996 or 1950.
The course must be Grade 10, 11 or 12 ([S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]Ministry_Course_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X] Course_GradeLevel or [Sections]Grade_Level = 10, 11 or 12) if the [S_BC_STU_Students_X]Grad_Reqt_Year is 2004 or SCCP.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Schools to Include | This report can only be run for the currently selected school. The school must meet the school selection criteria outlined above or the resulting report will contain no data. |
Current Selection Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Include Ministry Final Grades | If your school stores Ministry final grades that are averaged to include the provincial exam score, check this box if you want the report to include Ministry final grades in the Graduation Assessment Record (.XAM file). If selected, the report will include Ministry final grades based on the store codes configured for Ministry final grades in school setup. |
Include Interim Grades | Check this box if you want the report to include interim grades for courses in progress. If selected, the report will include interim grades based on the store codes configured for interim grades in school setup. |
Report Terminations Status | Terminations can only be reported after January 1st of the current year. By default, this checkbox is not selected. |
Note: School final grades for the completed course are always included in the report and are pulled based on the Final School Grades store codes configured for Final School Grades in school setup.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
The extract creates a single ZIP file containing the three component files consisting of the DEM, Graduation Assessment Record, and CRS file. If multiple schools were selected at runtime, the ZIP file will contain the 3 files for each school selected. The file name has the format DDDNNNNN.ZIP where DDD is the 3-character ministry district number and NNNNN is the 5 character ministry school number for the currently selected school; if the district office is the currently selected a school number of 00000 is used.
Demographic Records (.DEM)
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Field Offset |
TX_ID | Identifies which file this record belongs to. | Always "E02" for the DEM file. | 3 | 0 |
VENDOR_ID | Code supplied by the Ministry to identify the vendor. | Always "F" for PowerSchool. | 1 | 3 |
VERI_FLAG | Indicates if the file has been run through TRAX verification Software | Space | 1 | 4 |
FILLER1 | Filler field | Spaces | 5 | 5 |
MINCODE | 8 digit ministry code that consists of the 3 digit ministry assigned district code concatenated with the 5 digit ministry assigned school code. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber + [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number if alternate school number is blank. | 8 | 10 |
STUD_LOCAL_ID | Local PowerSchool student number. | [Students]Student_Number | 12 | 18 |
PEN | Ministry assigned personal education number NOT including the check digit. | First nine digits of [Students] State_StudentNumber | 10 | 30 |
FILLER2 | Filler field | Spaces | 9 | 40 |
STUD_SURNAME | The student's legal last name. Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name | 25 | 49 |
STUD_GIVEN | The student's legal first name. Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [Students]First_Name | 25 | 74 |
STUD_MIDDLE | The student's legal middle name. Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [Students]Middle_Name | 25 | 99 |
ADDRESS1 | The student's address line 1. | [Students]Street | 40 | 124 |
ADDRESS2 | The student's address line 2. | Spaces | 40 | 164 |
CITY | The student's address city. | [Students]City | 30 | 204 |
PROV_CODE | The province the student's address is located in. | [Students]State | 2 | 234 |
CNTRY_CODE | The country the student's address is located in. | [S_BC_STU_Students_X]Country_Code | 3 | 236 |
POSTAL | The postal code associated with the student's address. | [Students]Zip | 7 | 239 |
BIRTHDATE | The student's date of birth in YYYYMMDD format | [Students]DOB | 8 | 246 |
STUD_SEX | Gender of the student (M or F) Note: If populated, the student's legal gender overrides the student's preferred gender. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender [Students]Gender | 1 | 254 |
STUD_CITIZ | Indicates if the student is a citizen of Canada.
| [S_BC_STU_Students_X]Citizenship | 1 | 255 |
STUD_GRADE | The grade level of the student | [S_BC_STU_Students_X] Grade_Override or, if Null, [Students]Grade_Level | 2 | 256 |
PRGM_CODE1 | Code showing which career program the student is taking courses for. | If S_BC_STU_Students_X] Enrolled_Program_CodeN (where N is 1-8) = 40, 41, 42 or 43 Then [S_BC_STU_Students_X] Enrolled_Program_CodeN + [S_BC_STU_Students_X] Career_Program | 4 | 258 |
PRGM_CODE2 | Code showing which career program the student is taking courses for. | Spaces | 4 | 262 |
PRGM_CODE3 | Code showing which career program the student is taking courses for. | Spaces | 4 | 266 |
PRGM_CODE4 | Code showing which career program the student is taking courses for. | Spaces | 4 | 270 |
PRGM_CODE5 | Code showing which career program the student is taking courses for. | Spaces | 4 | 274 |
FILLER3 | Filler Field | Spaces | 5 | 278 |
PROGRAM_CADRE_FLAG | Indicates the student is in a Program Cadre.
| If [S_BC_STU_Students_X] Enrolled_Program_CodeN (where N is 1-8) = 05 – Programme Francophone then set to "Y" otherwise blank. | 1 | 283 |
STUD_STATUS | The current enrollment status of the student.
| If [Students]Enroll_Status=0 or -1 set to "A", else if [Students]Enroll_Status !=0 or -1 and [Students]ExitCode = [Gen]Name where [Gen]Cat ='exitcodes' and [Gen]ValueT = 'Deceased' set to "D". If Report Terminations Status is selected, then set to "T" otherwise set to "A". | 1 | 284 |
GRAD_REQT_YEAR | The year the graduation requirements the student is fulfilling were defined by the ministry.
Note: Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, 2018 will apply to students in Grades 10, 11, and 12. | [S_BC_STU_Students_X] Grad_Reqt_Year | 4 | 285 |
SCCP_COMPLETION_DATE | Date the student completed or will complete the requirements for a School Completion Certificate | [S_BC_STU_Students_X] SCCP_Comp_Date | 8 | 289 |
Graduation Assessment Record(.XAM)
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Field Offset |
TX_ID | Identifies which file this record belongs to. | Always "E06" for the XAM file. | 3 | 0 |
VENDOR_ID | Code supplied by the Ministry to identify the vendor. | Always "F" for PowerSchool. | 1 | 3 |
VERI_FLAG | Indicates if the file has been run through TRAX verification Software | Space | 1 | 4 |
FILLER1 | Filler field | Spaces | 5 | 5 |
MINCODE | 8 digit ministry code that consists of the 3 digit ministry assigned district code concatenated with the 5 digit ministry assigned school code. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber + [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number if alternate school number is blank. | 8 | 10 |
STUD_LOCAL_ID | Local PowerSchool student number. | [Students]Student_Number | 12 | 18 |
PEN | Ministry assigned personal education number NOT including the check digit. | First nine digits of [Students] State_StudentNumber | 10 | 30 |
CRSE_CODE | First 5 characters of the provincial course number. Left justified padded with spaces on the right if less than 5 characters. | [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X] Ministry_Course_Code or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X]TRAXCourseNumber if [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X] Provincial_Exam_Ind = 1 | 5 | 40 |
CRSE_LEVEL | The grade level of the provincial course. Left justified padded with spaces on the right if less than 3 characters.
| This value is set to blank | 3 | 45 |
CRSE_YEAR | The year the exam for the specified course was or will be taken | Derived based on when the Term of the course ends and the session date of the provincial exam. Must align with the course month. Special processing for "I" (Incomplete) Grades:
| 4 | 48 |
CRSE_MONTH | The month the exam for the specified course was or will be taken.
| Derived based on when the Term of the course ends.
| 2 | 52 |
INTERIM_LETTER_GRADE | The interim letter grade for the course assigned by the school. | This value is set to blank | 2 | 54 |
INTERIM_SCHOOL_PERCENT | The interim percentage score for the course assigned by the school. | This value is set to blank | 3 | 56 |
FINAL_SCHOOL_PERCENT | The final percentage score for the course assigned by the school. | This value is set to blank | 3 | 59 |
EXAM_PERCENT | The exam percentage score as determined by the Ministry | Extracted as blanks in the submission to the Ministry | 3 | 62 |
FINAL_PERCENT | The final percentage score calculated by the Ministry for the assessment. Valid values 001 - 004 | If Include Ministry Final Grades is checked at report run time then [StoredGrades]Percent where [StoredGrades]StoreCode in [S_BC_SCH_Schools_X] FinalMinGradeStoreCd. | 3 | 65 |
FINAL_LETTER_GRADE | The final letter grade calculated by the Ministry for the course based on the exam and school percentages | This value is set to blank | 2 | 68 |
E_EXAM_FLAG | Indicates the student took or will take the exam electronically. As part of student setup, if the student will take this exam electronically checkbox is selected, then the report output displays "Y", else "N". | [S_BC_CC_CC_X] Electronic_Exam_Ind | 1 | 70 |
PROV_SPEC_CASE | Indicates if there special conditions on this course for the student.
| [S_BC_CC_CC_X] Exam_Special_Case | 1 | 71 |
LOCAL_CRSE_ID | Local course identifier | [CC]Course_Number + [CC]Section_Number or [StoredGrades]Course_Number + [Sections]Section_Number | 20 | 72 |
CRSE_STATUS | Student course status.
| If [CC]DateLeft <= current date and <= last in-session day of the term and no final grade exists for this year/term/course then W else A | 1 | 92 |
STUD_SURNAME | The legal last name of the student. Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name | 25 | 93 |
NUM_CREDITS | Number of credits for the course. All Provincially Examinable courses must be 4 credits. | This value is set to blank | 2 | 118 |
CRSE_TYPE | Indicates how the credit was earned - Equivalency or credit challenge.
| This value is set to blank | 1 | 120 |
TO_WRITE_FLAG | Optional exam indicator – indicates if the student will take the optional exam.
| This value is set to blank | 1 | 121 |
Other Course Records (.CRS)
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Field Offset |
TX_ID | Identifies which file this record belongs to. | Always "E08" for the CRS file. | 3 | 0 |
VENDOR_ID | Code supplied by the Ministry to identify the vendor. | Always "F" for PowerSchool. | 1 | 3 |
VERI_FLAG | Indicates if the file has been run through TRAX verification Software | Space | 1 | 4 |
FILLER1 | Filler field | Spaces | 5 | 5 |
MINCODE | 8 digit ministry code that consists of the 3 digit ministry assigned district code concatenated with the 5 digit ministry assigned school code. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber + [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number if alternate school number is blank. | 8 | 10 |
STUD_LOCAL_ID | Local PowerSchool student number. | [Students]Student_Number | 12 | 18 |
PEN | Ministry assigned personal education number NOT including the check digit. | First nine digits of [Students] State_StudentNumber | 10 | 30 |
CRSE_CODE | First 5 characters of the course number | [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]Ministry_Course_Code or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X] TRAXCourseNumber or if blank/null then the First 5 characters from [Courses]Course_Number or[StoredGrades]Course_Number | 5 | 40 |
CRSE_LEVEL | The grade level of the course | [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X] Ministry_Course_Level or [Sections]Grade_Level or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X] Course_GradeLevel or [StoredGrades]Grade_Level If = 99 then this field is set to blank on output. Left justified space padded on the right. | 3 | 45 |
CRSE_YEAR | The year the course was or is being taken | Derived based on when the Term of the course ends. | 4 | 48 |
CRSE_MONTH | The month the course ended or will end | Derived based on when the Term of the course ends. | 2 | 52 |
INTERIM_PERCENT | The interim percent assigned by the school | Blanks if a final grade exists for the course or if "Include Interim Grades" is not checked at report run time. Otherwise [StoredGrades]Percent where [StoredGrades]StoreCode in [S_BC_SCH_Schools_X]InterimGradeStoreCd. Set to blank if Interim_LG = TS or RM | 3 | 54 |
INTERIM_LG | The interim letter grade assigned by the school | Blanks if a final grade exists for the course or if "Include Interim Grades" is not checked at report run time. Otherwise [StoredGrades]Grade where [StoredGrades]StoreCode in [S_BC_SCH_Schools_X]InterimGradeStoreCd. | 2 | 57 |
FINAL_PERCENT | The final percentage score assigned by the school | [StoredGrades]Percent where [StoredGrades]StoreCode in [S_BC_SCH_Schools_X]FinalSchGradeStoreCd. Set to blank if Final_LG = TS or RM | 3 | 59 |
FINAL_LG | The final letter grade given by the school | [StoredGrades]Grade where [StoredGrades]StoreCode in [S_BC_SCH_Schools_X]FinalSchGradeStoreCd. | 2 | 62 |
CRSE_STATUS | Student course status.
| If [CC]DateEnrolled <= current (system) date and ([CC]DateLeft <= current (system) date and <= last in-session day of theTerm) and no final grade exists for this year/term/course then W else A | 1 | 64 |
STUD_SURNAME | The legal last name of the student. Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name | 25 | 65 |
NUM_CREDITS | Number of credits for the course. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs or [Courses]Credit_Hours . Withdrawals are reported as 0. | 2 | 90 |
RELATED_CRSE | Course code of a related course for an independent directed study course. | [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X] IDSRelatedCourseCode | 5 | 92 |
RELATED_LEVEL | Course level of the related course. | [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X] IDSRelatedCourseLevel | 3 | 97 |
CRSE_DESC | The description of a Technique Fine Arts or Applied Skills course that should appear on the transcript. | [Courses]Name or [StoredGrades]Course_Name | 40 | 100 |
CRSE_TYPE | Indicates how the credit was earned - Equivalency or credit challenge.
| [S_BC_CC_CC_X]TRAX_Course_Type or [S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X]TRAX_Course_Type | 1 | 140 |
CRSE_GRAD_REQT | Indicates that a course meets the Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills graduation requirement.
| [S_BC_CRS_Courses_X]FA_AS_Grad_Reqt | 1 | 141 |