SIF Mappings
This documentation discusses important aspects of business logic for the SIF Agent for PowerSchool, and also lists the specific data objects and mappings for this agent.
Below are the objects that the SIF Agent for PowerSchool supports by default, and their default settings for providing and events. These settings can be changed within the SIF Agent Configuration.
SIF Data Object | Provides | Reports Adds | Reports Changes | Reports Deletes |
AttendanceCodeInfo | X | X | X | X |
CalendarSummary | X | - | X | - |
GradingCategory | X | - | - | - |
LEAInfo | X | M | - | - |
RoomInfo | X | X | X |
RoomType |
SchoolCourseInfo | X | X | X |
SchoolInfo | X | M | X |
SectionInfo | X | X | X |
StaffAssignment | X | X | X |
StaffPersonal | X | X | X |
StaffSectionAssignment |
StudentAcademicRecord | X | - | - | - |
StudentAttendanceSummary | X | - | - | - |
StudentContact | X |
StudentContactPersonal |
StudentContactRelationship |
StudentPersonal | X | X | X |
StudentSchoolEnrollment | X | X | X |
StudentSectionEnrollment | X | X | X |
StudentSectionMarks | X | X | X | X |
StudentSnapshot | X | - | - | - |
TermInfo | X | X | X |
Any blank space is available in the SIF Agent to be enabled.
X – This is the default setting of the SIF Agent.
M – This can be published through a manual process.
– – This is not available for events to be published.