SectionInfo is published per section that is related to schools that are part of the zone.
Element Mappings for SectionInfo
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | Business Rules |
| @RefId | M |
| @SchoolCourseInfo | M |
| @SchoolYear | M |
Sections.Course_Number Sections.Section_Number | LocalId | M | The SIF Agent concatenates the two fields to make this value. |
Sections.TermID | ScheduleInfoList/ScheduleInfo/@TermInfoRefId | M |
SectionTeacher.TeacherID | ScheduleInfoList/ScheduleInfo/TeacherList/StaffPersonalRefId | O | The SIF Agent supports multiple staff from the SectionTeacher table. See PowerSchool SIF Agent for more information to configure this option. |
| ScheduleInfoList/ScheduleInfo/MeetingTimesList/MeetingTime/TimeTablePeriod | M |
Terms.FirstDay | SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement[@Name='urn:com.edustructures.scheduleinfo.startdate'] | O |
Terms.LastDay | SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement[@Name='urn:com.edustructures.scheduleinfo.enddate] | O |