Run Pre-Migration Validation
You must run the Pre-Migration Validation at least once prior to running the migration for state-specific field sets.
- Sign in at the District Office.
- On the Start Page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
- Under Data Management, click Page and Data Management.
- Under Database Management, click Custom Field Data Migration.
- Choose the state-specific field set you want to validate from the pop-up menu.
Click Validate State Data. The Pre-Migration Validation page appears.
Click Refresh to update the status of the validation.- If the field set has no validation errors, a confirmation message appears. See Migration for more information.
- If the field set has validation errors, the error records appear. See Pre-Migration Validation Results for more information.
Pre-Migration Validation Page Layout
Your validation results appear on the Pre-Migration Validation page. This page displays your validation errors for the specified state-specific data set and allows you to either export your errors or fix them on the page.
Pre-Migration Validation Results
If your field set has validation errors, the error records appear with the following fields:
Field Name | Description |
Error Category | The category associated with the validation error. See the Appendix for more information. |
Error Message | Additional information about the validation error. See the Appendix for more information. |
Source Field | The name of the source field. |
Database Extension | The name of the database extension table. |
Extended Field | The name of the database extended field. |
Source Value | The source data from the field. |
Destination Value | The value that will be entered into the extended field during the migration process. |
Destination Data Type | The data type for the database extended field. |
Destination Length | If applicable, the length of the extended field. |
DCID | The source record’s unique identifier. |
Table specific metadata field | Provides identifying information about the record with the validation error. See the Appendix for more information. |
Table specific metadata field | Provides identifying information about the record with the validation error. See the Appendix for more information. |
Table specific metadata field | Provides identifying information about the record with the validation error. See the Appendix for more information. |
Status | The status of the error record. This value only changes if you use the Pencil icon to update the error value.
Action | Contains one of the following:
For more information on how to use the action tools, see How to Correct Validation Error Records. |
Using the Filter section, you can filter your results based on table, status, and/or error categories.
- Table - If the field set has multiple tables in it, the tables will be listed in the Table pop-up menu. Select a table name to filter the results.
- Status - The Status field only changes when you use one of the Action tools. Select a Status to filter the results. For more information on Status, see How to Correct Validation Error Records.
- Error Category - You can filter by the error categories of Extra Data, Invalid, or Other. Select an Error Category to filter the results. For more information on error categories, see the Appendix.
- Source Field – Select a source field to filter the results by a particular field.
School –Enter the school’s name in the School field to filter the results for a particular school.
School is only available for certain tables. For more information on which tables display the school as part of the results, see the Appendix.
- You can sort the validation results by any column except Action. Click the name of a column to sort in ascending order. Click the column name again to sort in descending order.
Using the export function, you can export the validation error records into a .csv format.
- Click Export all # records. This will export your validation error records.
Filters modify the number of records visible. If you have filtered your data, you will only export the filtered records.
Make Current Selection
This function is only visible when you are migrating fields on the student table. Use the Make Current Selection function to generate a currently selected student list.
- Click Make Current Selection to open a new Start Page with your selected list of students. The student list will show under Current Student Selection on your new page. You can then correct validation errors for the student records. For more information on correcting validation errors, see How to Correct Validation Error Records.
Filters modify the number of records visible. If you have filtered your data, only the current list of filtered students will show in your Current Student Selection.