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Pre-Migration Data Validation

The Pre-Migration Data Validation is only available for PowerSchool 19.x and lower. Auto-migration for PowerSchool - Custom Fields was released with PowerSchool 20.4.0.

Database extensions are replacing state-specific legacy custom fields and virtual tables, providing real database extensions, and solving the issues with legacy custom fields and virtual tables.

Prior to using database extensions, state-specific legacy custom fields and virtual table fields will be mapped to state-specific database extensions and the data migrated within the application. This allows current state-specific functionality, including reports and custom pages, to continue to work and pull data from the new database extension fields without having to re-create custom pages or reports.

Data migration is a one-time, irreversible process. Data types may not properly convert during the migration if the source data is not in the proper format. The Pre-Migration Validation tool checks if state-specific legacy custom field and virtual table data will convert correctly to the extended field data type, allowing you to correct any data type issues prior to migration.

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