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New Year Rollover Wizard

New Year Rollover is a 3 step process with a final step of resynronizing any other SIF Agents.

Beginning with the PowerSchool SIF Agent 3.3.3, the following changes have been applied to the New Year Rollover Process:

  • If a zone is disabled at the time that Phase A of the NYR process is run, then during Phase C of the NYR process, the zone will remain disabled.
  • In the past, if there was an error during the NYR process, event processing would remain disabled and could cause issues later.  Event processing will now be turned back on at the completion of the NYR process even if an error has occurred.
  • The StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId Reconciliation process has been updated for better speed and overall performance to decrease the time it takes to run the NYR process. 

Step 1: Run the New Year Rollover Wizard (Phase A, End of Current School Year)

Phase A is the starting point for New Year Rollover. During this phase, the Agent disables connectivity for all zones, and closes down database resources and event monitoring for the current school year.
To begin New Year Rollover by running Phase A of the New Year Rollover Wizard:

  1. Start the PowerSchool SIF Agent.
  2. From the main menu, click Tools > Wizards > New Year Rollover.
  3. The Welcome screen of the New Year Rollover Wizard is displayed.

  4. Choose "It's the end of the current school year."
  5. Step 2, "Confirm Changes," is displayed.

  6. Click Finish to proceed with this phase of the Rollover.
  7. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

  8. Click OK to continue.
  9. A New Year Rollover Report (for Phase A, closing out the current school year) is displayed.

  10. Review the report, which details the Wizard's operations for this phase.
  11. Close the report and return to the main console.


The report is automatically saved to the Log folder for later use in identifying errors.

Step 2: Perform Application New Year Rollover Procedures

Performing New Year Rollover procedures for the PowerSchool application is essential to overall success of the New Year Rollover.
For assistance with performing PowerSchool New Year Rollover tasks, review PowerSchool documentation or consult your system administrator.

Step 3: Run the New Year Rollover Wizard (Phase C: Beginning of New School Year)

Phase C performs these tasks to initiate settings for the new school year:

    • Reconciles StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId
    • Updates school year settings UI
    • Unregisters SIF Connectivity for all zones
    • Enables SIF Connectivity (connects to database resources and activates event monitoring)

To perform Phase C of the New Year Rollover:

  1. Return to the New Year Rollover Wizard by choosing Tools > Wizards >New Year Rollover.
  2. The New Year Rollover Wizard is displayed.

  3. Choose "It's the beginning of a new school year (Phase C)."
  4. Choose the new school year, and select the start and end dates for the new school year.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Step 2, "Confirm Changes," is displayed.

  7. Click Finish to proceed.
  8. The Wizard displays progress of the operations in this step.

  9. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

  10. Click OK to view the New Year Rollover report (for Phase C, in preparation for the new school year).
  11. The New Year Rollover report (for Phase C) is displayed.

  12. Close the report and return to the main console.
  13. Restart the PowerSchool SIS SIF Agent Service.


The report is automatically saved to the Log folder for later use in identifying errors.

Step 4: Resynchronize Any Subscribing SIF Agents

Resynchronization incorporates all of the changes made during New Year Rollover, and allows other agents to subscribe to the new objects, thus aligning current data between the PowerSchool application and other agents. Follow the instructions provided in the vendor documentation for each subscribing Agent to resynchronize with the PowerSchool Student Information System.

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