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New Year Rollover

New Year Rollover is the process that occurs each year between the end of the current school year and the beginning of the next school year. During this process, student grade level promotions are recorded within the Student Information System to match current grade levels within the SIF for the new school year. Students who are promoted to a different school or are transferred between schools within the district will have their records transferred appropriately within the requisite applications.

SIF Agent for PowerSchool

A new feature of the PowerSchool SIF Agent is the New Year Rollover reminder. Depending on school year settings configured in the Agent, the New Year Rollover wizard will display this reminder at start-up:

You can choose to start the rollover process here by selecting "Yes" or defer it for a later time by clicking "No." Check the box "Don't prompt me about this again" if you don't want to receive this reminder again.

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