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District Setup

The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.

  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.

  3. Click District. The District Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Defining District Courses

Courses > Edit Course District Information

Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.



Required Setup

Course Number

Enter the course number.



Carl Perkins

CIP Code

Enter the CTE career cluster code assigned to this course.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Carl Perkins

Vocational Class

Select the checkbox to indicate that this is a career and technical education (CTE) course that meets the requirements for Carl Perkins.



Carl Perkins

Course Subject

Select the applicable course subject.



Migrant Course History

Course Type

Select the type of course the student is taking.



Migrant Course History

Term Type Override

Select the Term Type code that should be reported for any sections under this course.

Note: This is an override field. If this field is blank, and the section level override field is blank, the TermID of the section will be used to derive this value.



Migrant Course History

Entering District Info

District Information

Name of District

Enter the district name.




Required Setup

District Number

Enter the district number.




Required Setup

Creating Entry Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the entry code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Summer OASIS

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Required Setup

Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Creating Exit Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Summer OASIS

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Required Setup

Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Immunization Setup

Entering Vaccination Requirements

Health Setup > Immunizations > Vaccines

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Currently, deleting seeded data elements also deletes the immunization rules attached to the element. Until further notice, it is recommended not to delete seeded data elements. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values. See Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Vaccine Name

Enter the name of the vaccine.

The following vaccines must set up for Alaska:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis

  • Polio (IPV, OPV)

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR, MMRV)

  • Hepatitis B

  • Hepatitis A

  • Varicella (Chickenpox)

  • Varicella (Chickenpox) - Documented Disease History

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) booster

  • Meningococcal

See the Appendix for a complete list of vaccine values.



Not Yet Used

Vaccine Code

Enter the vaccine code or abbreviation.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Not Yet Used

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Not Yet Used

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this vaccine, if applicable.

Note: Do not populate this field with a value other than what is specified in the Appendix. If a vaccine is being added that is not in the Appendix, leave the State Report Code blank.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Not Yet Used

Number of Doses

Enter the number of doses required for this vaccine.

See the Appendix for valid values.

Note: If your district requires additional doses than what was set up by PowerSchool, you can increase the number of doses.



Not Yet Used


Enter a description of the vaccine.



Not Yet Used

This vaccine is optional

Select the checkbox if the vaccine is not required.



Not Yet Used

Rules Engine

The rules engine is available to automatically determine whether a student is compliant for a vaccine.

Each vaccine can only be bound to one rule. Once a vaccine is bound to a rule, the Unbind rule checkbox is available on the Edit Vaccine dialog box.



Not Yet Used

Entering Vaccination Exemption Types

Health Setup > Immunizations > Exemption Types

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values. See Health Management User Guide document on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Exemption Name

Enter the name of the exemption type.

The following exemption types must set up for Alaska:

  • Medical

  • Religious

  • Philosophical/Personal

  • Varicella - Undocumented disease history

See Health Immunization: Exemption Type Codes for a complete list of immunization exemption type values.



Not Yet Used

Exemption Code

Enter the exemption type code or abbreviation.



Not Yet Used

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.



Not Yet Used

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this exemption type, if applicable.



Not Yet Used

Entering Vaccination Certificate Types

Health Setup > Immunizations > Certificate Types

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values. See the Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Certificate Name

Enter the name of the certificate type.

Valid value:

  • Physician Record



Not Yet Used

Certificate Code

Enter the certificate type code or abbreviation.

Valid value:

  • PhysRec



Not Yet Used

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.

Valid value:

  • PhysRec


Not Yet Used

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this certificate type, if applicable.

Valid value:

  • PhysRec



Not Yet Used

Default Certificate

Select the checkbox to indicate that this is the default certificate associated with immunization records.



Not Yet Used

Defining Health Grade Level Entry Certifications

Health Setup > Grade Level Entry Certifications > Grade Level Entry Certification

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values. See the Health Management document on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Grade Level

Choose a grade level from the pop-up menu. The grade level will appear in a menu on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page as available for certification.

Note: If your District requires additional grade certifications, you can add additional certifications beyond those that were seeded.



Not Yet Used


Enter a description for the grade level entry certification.



Not Yet Used

Entering Health Certification Status Values

Health Setup > Grade Level Entry Certifications > Certification Status Values (All Grade Levels)

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values. See the Health Management User Guide document on PowerSource for general Health setup. If you require additional Grade Level Entry Certifications, it may be set up manually.

Display Value

Enter the display value for this data element. The value will display as a Certification Status on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page.

See Health: Certification Status Codes for a complete list of certification status values.



Not Yet Used

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.



Not Yet Used

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this grade level certification status, if applicable.



Not Yet Used

Creating Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > New/Edit Ethnicity Code


Enter the ethnicity code.

See the Appendix for valid values.




Summer OASIS


Enter the ethnicity description.

See the Appendix for valid values.




Required Setup

Defining District Schools

Schools/School Info > Edit School

School Name

Enter the school name.



Required Setup

School Abbreviation

Enter the school abbreviation.



Required Setup

School Number

Enter the school number.



Summer OASIS


Carl Perkins

Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.



Not Required

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from the state reports listed in the “Used in these Reports” column.



Summer OASIS



Enter the school grade levels (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.

See the Appendix for valid values.




Summer OASIS


Class rank method for GPA reporting

Select the GPA calculation method that will be used to calculate the GPA for the OASIS reports.

Note: The calculation methods that display are methods that have already been created for standard GPA functionality in PowerSchool. A new method can be created for state reporting purposes, or an existing method can be used. Please refer to the Grading User Guide on PowerSource for details on how to set up a new GPA calculation method.



Summer OASIS

Mapping Final Grade Store Codes

Schools/School Info > Edit School > Migrant Course History/Final Grade Store Codes > New/Edit

Note: This functionality is used to determine what stored grade store code represents the “final” grade for a given class. A record should be created for each unique term that sections are assigned to (i.e., if the school has semester length sections, a record should be created for Semester 1 and another should be created for Semester 2).


Select the applicable term.

Note: Terms only need to be selected if there are sections in use with that specific term length.



Migrant Course History


School Name

This value is based on the school that was selected on the “Schools/School Info” page.



Migrant Course History


CRDC Final Store Code List

Enter the store code(s) for the school term which should be considered as the final grade for a class for the defined term length.


  • Separate store codes using commas. Do not use spaces.

  • See CRDC District Setup for more Information on Civil Rights Data Collection.

[S_AK_FinalGradeStoreCodes_S] CRDCstoreCodeList



Migrant Final Store Code List

Enter the store code(s) for the school term which should be considered as the final grade for a class for the defined term length.


  • Stored grades with this store code will be extracted as the final grade in the Migrant Course History report.

  • Separate store codes using commas. Do not use spaces.

[S_AK_FinalGradeStoreCodes_S] migrantFinalStoreCode


Migrant Course History

Defining Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.




Required Setup

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