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Universities of Wisconsin SFTP Setup

Complete the steps below to utilize a SFTP connection to send data to Universities of Wisconsin for Direct Admission.

Retrieve Credentials from Universities of Wisconsin

Create an account with Universities of Wisconsin and retrieve the following:

  1. SFTP Server Address

  2. Username

  3. A private key (keyfile.ppk)

  4. A public key (public.ppk)

  5. Instructions from Universities of Wisconsin on how to create an account can be found here: Powerschool EApp Admin Instructions For assistance on these instructions please reach out to

Import the Public/Private Key Pair

  1. Navigate to System Management > Server > Digital Certificates

  2. Select the Key Store tab

  3. Under the Import Digital Certificate section, select “I have a public and private key pair”

  4. Key Pair Name: this can be anything (Example: WI Direct Admit Key)

  5. Public Key: Select the Public Key Provided by Universities of Wisconsin

  6. Private Key: Select the Private Key Provided by Universities of Wisconsin

  7. Click “Import”

  8. The new key will be imported and should display under the “List of Certificates with Private key”

Create SFTP Connection

  1. Navigate to System Management > Server > Plugin Configuration

  2. Select the Remote Connection Manager plugin

  3. Select Remote Connection Manager

  4. Click Create Connection

  5. Fill out the following form items:
    a. Name – this can be anything (Example: WI Direct Admit SFTP)
    b. Protocol – select SFTP
    c. Host – enter Host provided by Universities of Wisconsin
    d. Port – enter 22
    e. Authentication Type – select Private Key. * Do not select Public/Private.
    f. Username - Enter Username Provided by UW Systems
    g. Leave Password blank
    h. Key Certificate Alias – Select the imported key (see Import the Public/Private Key Pair)
    i. Select “Allow upload”
    j. Click “Submit”

  6. The new SFTP connection is created.

Sending Data to Universities of Wisconsin through SFTP

To send report results to Universities of Wisconsin select the SFTP connection on the report parameter screen. Results will not be sent if SFTP connections is set to (Disable) on the parameter screen.

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