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Direct Admission

Direct Admit Wisconsin is an initiative by the Universities of Wisconsin to proactively offer admission to qualifying high school students in between their junior and senior years of high school. Direct admission removes the traditional application process and instead uses data provided by the high school to admit students to universities.

Enable Feature in PowerSchool

To participate in Direct Admission schools must have prior approval from the Universities of Wisconsin. Approved schools must enable the feature using the following steps:

District Management > District Setup > School Info > Select School > Select ‘Yes’ School has been approved and will participate in Direct Admission.

  • Public Schools should download the State Courses (Data and Reporting > Data Exchange > State Courses)

  • Choice Schools should download all 2024-25 courses from the Department of Public Instruction. Update all the High School Mathematics courses with the appropriate Roster Code from the .xlsx. See Roster Course Code. See Defining District Courses.

Direct Admission Reporting

Select the school year in which the student will be a senior (i.e. 24-25).

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in These Reports

Date of FERPA Consent

This is the date the school received FERPA consent.



Student Academic Review for Direct Admission

Stored GPA

This is the student’s stored GPA (display only).



Student Academic Review for Direct Admission

Stored Tier

This is the student’s stored Tier (display only).



Student Academic Review for Direct Admission

Override for Student Tier

If applicable enter the student tier override.



Student Academic Review for Direct Admission

Override for Student GPA

If applicable enter the student GPA override.



Student Academic Review for Direct Admission

Submit for Direct Admission

Indicates whether the student should be included for Direct Admission. Options are:

Y = Yes

N = No



Student Academic Review for Direct Admission

Student is on Track for Graduation

Indicates the student is on track from graduation. Option are:

Y = Yes

N = No

When blank or No a student's Tier will not be generated or stored.



Student Academic Review for Direct Admission

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