District Setup
The following data elements are required for state reporting.
To perform district specific tasks:
Click the School link at the top of the page. The School pop-up menu appears.
Choose District Office. The district Start Page appears.
Under District, click Setup.
Note: The following information describes the setup required for State Reporting. For information about general school setup, see Help > System Help.
Additional Information | [Table] Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Defining Attendance Information | |||
Verify that the following two tracking methods are setup: Percent and Semester | [Gen]Name=UEAT_Percent [Gen]Cat=Semester | N/A | N/A |
Verify that the following thresholds are set up:
| [Gen]ValueLi=% [Gen]ValueLi=5 [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | N/A |
Defining Unexcused Tracking LevelsAttendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Tracking Levels | |||
Enter a name; WI Truancy Important: The Level Name must not be changed to anything other than WI Truancy | [Gen]Value=Truant [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | N/A |
Semester | [Gen]Value2 [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | N/A |
1 | [Gen]ValueLI [Gen]SortOrder=1 [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | N/A |
Defining District CoursesCourses > Edit Course District Information District > Courses > View Master Course List > New | |||
Enter the course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | Max 40 | RosterCTEERS Summer School |
The course number. | [Courses]Course_Number | Max 11 | Roster CTEERS Summer School |
Type the number of credits the student will earn upon successful completion of this course. | [Courses]credit_hours | 4 | RosterSummer School |
School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) code is a unique identifier assigned to a course. The select list updates based on the year selected. | [S_WI_CRS_RSTR_X]SCED11_Course_Code_2425 OR [S_WI_CRS_RSTR_X]SCED5_Course_Code | 6 | Roster |
The Roster Code assigned by the Department of Public Instruction. The select list updates based on the year selected. | [S_WI_CRS_RSTR_X]Roster_Course_Code_2425 OR [S_WI_CRS_RSTR_X]Course_Code | 6 | Roster |
Check the box if Academic Service Learning. | [S_WI_CRS_CWCS_X]AcadServLearning | 1 | Roster |
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down, if applicable. Note: Beginning in 21-22, districts may select more than one Dual Enrollment option. | [S_WI_CRS_RSTR_X]DualEnrollment | 10 | Roster |
If college credit is earned, enter the amount of college credit earned. Note: Greater than or equal to (>=)0.000 and less than or equal to (<=10.000. Enter with up to 3 decimal places | [S_WI_CRS_CWCS_X]CollegeCredit | 6 | Roster |
Select the appropriate option from the dropdown if applicable. | [S_WI_CRS_CWCS_X]AltEdProgram | 5 | Roster |
Select the appropriate Bilingual/ESL option, if applicable. | [S_WI_CRS_CWCS_X]BilingualESL | 2 | Roster |
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down if applicable: Note: Beginning in 21-22, districts may select more than one World Language option. | [S_WI_CRS_CWCS_X]WorldLanguage | 4 | Roster |
Select Yes if this course is to be excluded from the PI-1202 Staff Report. | [S_WI_CRS_PI1202_X]ExcludeFromPI1202 | 1 | Staff Report |
Select Yes if this course should be flagged as bilingual for the PI-1202 Staff Report. | [S_WI_CRS_PI1202_X]Bilingual | 1 | Staff Report |
Select Yes if this course should be flagged as part of an Alternative Education Program for the PI-1202 Staff Report. | [S_WI_CRS_PI1202_X]AltEdProg | 1 | Staff Report |
Enter the appropriate PI-1202 grade levels for this course, comma separated. Valid grade levels are; PK, K4, KG, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 | [Courses]WI_1202_Grades | 45 | Staff Report |
Check this box to exclude this course from the PI-1804 Summer School Report. | [S_WI_CRS_PI804_X]ExcludeFromPI1804 | 1 | Summer School |
Enter the period length in minutes for the course. | [S_WI_CRS_PI804_X]Minutes | 3 | Summer School |
Entering District InformationDistrict Information | |||
Enter the 4-digit state assigned district ID. | [Prefs]Name=districtnumber [Prefs]Value | 4 | Extra/Co-Curricular Activities PI-1330R School Sponsored Community Activities |
Enter the Ed-Fi LEA number assigned for the district. | [Prefs]EdFiLEANumber | 7 | WISE Roster |
District elects to allow DPI to collect student address information for all students in the District | [Prefs]Address_Collection_Opt_In | 1 | WISEdata |
Entering Districts of ResidenceDistrict of Residence > [New/Edit] District ID | |||
Enter the state assigned district ID. Enter school districts other than your own from which students enroll. The Resident District numbers are available from the Data Exchange > Download Data > Organization Directory. You can search by Name and the appropriate number for Ed-FI Reporting will be in the State LEA Number field. | 4 | CTEERS Composite Enrollment WISEid WISEdata | |
Creating Ethnicity Codes | |||
Ethnicity Codes > [New/Edit] Ethnicity Code | |||
Define ethnicity codes. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Name | 1 | CTEERS Composite Enrollment WISEid WISEdata |
Entering Performance-Based Conversion TypesGrade Scales > New/Edit Grade Scales | |||
Select the Performance Base Conversion Type. This field describes the assessment of the student's performance, and the data field is required for Career and Technical Education (CTE) and College and Career Ready (CCR) courses. | [GradeScaleItem]Perf_Base_Conversion_Type | 10 | WISEdata Roster |
Ancestry/Ethnic Origins and Tribal AffiliationSetup > District > Wisconsin State Information > Load Ancestry/Ethnic Origins and Tribal Affiliation | |||
Editing Log Entry FieldsLog Entry Setup > Edit Log Entry Field District > Log Entry Fields > Edit Log Entry Field | |||
Define the fields that appear on the log entry page. See the Appendix for more information. | [Gen]Cat=logentrycodes | N/A | Discipline Collection |
Enter the data for pop-up or radio buttons. See the Appendix for more information. | [Gen]Cat=logentrycodes [Gen]Valuet2 | N/A | Discipline collection |
Entering Discipline LogsLog Types > Edit Log Type | |||
Enter a log type of Discipline. Enter a log type of CRDC. Note: You must create a Discipline Log Type record to add a discipline incident to a student’s record using the Student Log Entry option. The Discipline Log Type is used to retrieve the discipline fields required by the State of Wisconsin. The Log Type of CRDC is used victims of harassment or bullying or other situations required to be reported on CRDC where a Discipline incident should not be logged. While the Discipline log type will have sub-types associated to it, the CRDC Log Type does not require sub-types. See the Appendix for more information. | [Gen]Cat=logtype [Gen]Name | Max 20 | Discipline Collection CRDC |
Defining District SchoolsSchools/School Info > Edit School | |||
Enter the 4-digit number assigned to the school building. This can be obtained from https://apps6.dpi.wi.gov/SchDirPublic/home and is not the school’s Ed-Fi State School number, see below. | [Schools]School_Number | 4 | CTEERS Composite Enrollment CTEERS Graduate Completer Follow-up Roster Discipline Collection Extra-/Co-Curricular Activities Habitual Truants WISEdata October 1 Child Count School Sponsored Community Activities |
Alternate School Number | |||
Enter the 4-digit number assigned to the school building. Note: This should only be entered if your school number is NOT your assigned 4-digit DPI school number. This can be obtained from https://apps6.dpi.wi.gov/SchDirPublic/home. This is not the school’s Ed-Fi State School number, see below. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | 4 | CTEERS Composite Enrollment CTEERS Graduate Completer Follow-up Discipline Collection Extra-/Co-Curricular Activities Habitual Truants WISEdata October 1 Child Count School Sponsored Community Activities |
Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting. | [Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | N/A |
Enter the school grades (lowest - highest). Note: Grade levels must be in the range -8 to 12. | [Schools]Low_Grade [Schools]High_Grade | N/A | WISEdata |
Associate the school with the appropriate choice of how it will report to WISEdata. Valid values: N=Public School - All Students Reported C = Private School - Only Choice Students Reported A = Private School - All Students Reported | [S_WI_SCH_X] Choice_School_Reporting_Option | N/A | WISE Roster |
Charter School | |||
Select the option to publish District of Residence for the Charter School Students. Options are: CS - Charter School in a Public School District and on the same PowerSchool instance as other public schools All other Schools This is required when a Charter School exists on the same PowerSchool instance with other Public (Non-Charter) Schools and all students reside in the same Public School District. | [S_SCH_X]SchoolType | 1 | WISE |
Ed-Fi State School Number | |||
If this school will publish to WISEdata enter the school’s Ed-Fi State School Number. This can be obtained from Data and Reporting > Data Exchange > Download Data > Organization Directory > State School Number. | [S_WI_SCH_X]EdFi_StateSchoolNumber | ||
LEA Number | |||
LEA Number | [S_SCH_X]LEA_Number | 4 | Direct Admission Reporting |
Learning Preference | |||
Learning Preference - Select the Learning Preference to be set for a School. Valid values:
| [S_SCH_X]LearningPreference | 3 | WISEdata |
Address Collection Opt In | |||
The School elects to allow DPI to collect student address information for all student in the School (if left blank, then School defaults to District setting). Options are: Y - Yes, the school elects to allow DPI to collect student address information for all student in the School. N - No, the school does not elect to allow DPI to collect student address information for all student in the School. | [S_WI_SCH_X]Address_Collection_Opt_In | ||
Direct Admission Opt InApproval from UW System is required to participate. | |||
School has been approved and will participate in Direct Admission. Approval from UW System is required to participate. Options are: Y - Yes, the school has been approved by UW System and will participate in Direct Admission. N - No, the school has not been approved by UW System and will not participate in Direct Admission.
| [S_WI_SCH_X]Direct_Admit_Approved_Y_N | ||
Creating Student ProgramsDistrict Setup > Enrollment > Student Programs | |||
To publish the required WISEdata Student Programs:
| [GEN]Name where CAT is specprog | 80 | WISEdata |
Select this option. | [GEN]spedindicator where CAT is specprog TRUE = Yes, False = No | Number(10,0) | WISEdata |
Not required for State Reporting. Select the checkbox to indicate that this special program is to appear in the Attendance by Program grid on the Quick Lookup page. By default, the checkbox is not selected. | [GEN]ValueLi2 | Number(10,0) | |
Enable Student Contacts for State ReportingDistrict Setup > Student Contact Adoption Status | |||
Select 'Yes' to use Student Contacts for State Reporting. Select 'No' to continue using Primary and Secondary Parent/Guardian for State Reporting. Note: This is a District setting and is applied to all schools. | |||
Code Set Relationship Value for WISEidDistrict Setup > Code Sets > Relationship | |||
Select Relationship from the Code Set drop-down. | |||
Enter the Reported Value | To enter the Reported Value, click on the action pencil icon. When the window opens, set the Reported Value to one of the following valid options:
Note: Contacts without a valid reported value will not be used for state reporting. | WISEid | |
High School Graduation RequirementsDistrict Setup > Wisconsin State Information > High School Graduation Requirements | |||
Select New Graduation Plan to create a new plan for the school year or click the Edit Pencil to review or edit the plan for the current year. | |||
Enter the number of credits by the subject area required for Graduation. | [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_English [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Mathematics [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Science [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Social_Studies [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Fine_Arts [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Miscellaneous [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_World_Languages [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Health [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Physical_Education [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Computer_Science [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_CTE [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Personal_Finance [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Rcmd_Elective | Number(25,10) | High School Graduation Requirements (PI-1215 Course Offering Submission) |
Enter the total credits required for Graduation. | [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Total_Required | Number(25,10) | High School Graduation Requirements (PI-1215 Course Offering Submission) |
Enter the total hours of community service required for graduation. | [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Community_Service | Number(25,10) | High School Graduation Requirements (PI-1215 Course Offering Submission) |
Enter the credits of health education requirement fulfilled in grade 7 and/or grade 8. | [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Credits_Non_HS_Healh | Number(25,10) | High School Graduation Requirements (PI-1215 Course Offering Submission) |
Check the box to indicate if passing a civics test is a requirement for graduation. | [S_WI_GradPlan_S]CivicsExam | 1 | High School Graduation Requirements (PI-1215 Course Offering Submission) |
Enter in the required notes explaining any reported miscellaneous required credits. | [S_WI_GradPlan_S]Misc_Required_Credits | Max 900 | High School Graduation Requirements (PI-1215 Course Offering Submission) |
Creating Entry Codes
Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode
For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode | |
Code | Enter the entry code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the entry code description. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate | 8 |
Creating Exit Codes
Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode
For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length | |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode | ||
Code | Enter the exit code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 | |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | ||
Description | Enter the exit code meaning. | [CODESET]Description | N/A | |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A | |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 | |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8 | 8 | |
Defining Years & TermsYears & Terms | ||||
Years & Terms | Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates. For more information, see PowerSchool Help. | [Terms] | N/A | N/A |
Store code for Student Grades Submission | Specify the PowerSchool final Grade Code to report as the final letter grade earned for the Student Grades Submission. Final Grades are defined from School > Final Grade/Reporting Term Setup. | [S_WI_TRM_X]Store_Code | 2 | WISEdata Grades |