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Direct Admit Transcript

This creates the Direct Admit Transcript file (PDF) that is uploaded to the Universities of Wisconsin.

Selection Criteria

How Students are selected for this report:

  • The school has opted in for Direct Admission and has been approved by the Universities of Wisconsin.

  • The student has an active enrollment during the specified date range.

  • The student's legal name and gender are entered in PowerSchool, select a student > Compliance > WISEid Student Information or WISEdata Choice Student Information pages for more information.

  • The student has a FERPA Consent date (select a student > Compliance > Direct Admission Reporting).

  • The student is identified to be submitted for Direct Admission.

  • If an override GPA is specified, an override tier should be specified and vice versa.

  • All students have been verified using the Student Academic Review for Direct Admit.

  • Historical Grades are only reported if the student has an earned credit and EITHER: the associated grade level is 9-12 OR the associated credit type is populated.

Additional Criteria

  • Only Schools with students in grade 12 may be selected.

  • If running prior the District having completed the Year End Process use the option - Run for Current Grade 11, (running before EOY process).

Report Input



Academic Year (Year of Graduation)

Select the academic year. This will be the year that the student is a senior.

Select School

Select the school to run the report.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If you run the report for a single student or a group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Enrollment Entry Date

Enter the enrollment entry date for the students you wish to report.

Enrollment Exit Date

Enter the enrollment exit date for the students you wish to report.

Run for Current Grade 11, (running before EOY process)

Select Yes or No.

SFTP connections

Select SFTP connection.

Report Output

Data Element


Table[Field Name]

High School Name

High school name.


School Street

High school street address.


School City, State and Zip Code

High school city, state and zip code.

[Schools]SchoolCity, [Schools]SchoolState, [Schools]SchoolZIP)

School Phone

High school phone number.


School Phone

High School Fax.


Student Name

Student’s first middle initial and last name.


Student Street Address

Student’s street address.


Student City, State and Zip Code

Student’s city, state and zip code.

[Students]City, [Students]State, [Students]Zip

Student DOB

The student's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.


Student Grade Level

Student’s grade level.


Student Year of Graduation

Student’s year of graduation.


Local District ID

Student Number.


Student WiseID

The student’s WISEid.


Direct Admission GPA

Direct admission GPA.

[S_STU_DirectAdmit_X]Override_GPA or


Course History

School Year

School year the course was completed.

TERMS where IsYearRec = 1


Student Grade

Grade Level student was in when course was completed.


Course Name

Course Name.


Grading Term

Term The Course Grade was stored.


Grade Earned

Grade the student received for the course.


Credit Earned

Credits earned in the course.


Courses In Progress

Student Grade

School year the course was taken by the student.


Course Name

Name of the course.



Term the student was in the course.


Credit Hours

Potential credits for the course.


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