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VIIS - Data Exchange

The Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS) is a statewide registry system which combines immunization histories for persons of all ages from both the public and the private sector.  School Divisions use VIIS to view student immunization records for immunization compliance. The PowerSchool Integrated Data Exchange with VIIS enables Schools and Districts to request the download of student immunization data into PowerSchool.

When PowerSchool requests immunization data from VIIS, incoming records that already exist are ignored. PowerSchool determines whether an incoming record is new or existing by matching on the Student Name, DOB, CVX Code, and the date the immunization was administered. Downloaded data is merged into the PowerSchool health tables for each student who meets the immunization download criteria.

Usage of this feature requires the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement form. This form can obtained by contacting the VDOH and must be submitted to the department prior to any setup in PowerSchool . The Memorandum of Agreement should be signed by your senior leadership such as your Superintendent and your IT department. To request a copy and to submit your signed document, contact

For detailed setup and usage see:

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