VAAP, VSEP Student Registration Import Report
Report Description
This report creates the Student Registration Import Report file for the Virginia Alternate and Alternative Assessments Program. The result file naming convention is as follows: VAAPYYYY###.csv for VAAP and VSEPYYYY###.csv for VSEP (### is the 3-digit division code). The filename extension is in csv.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determines which database records are used in the report. For the Incident Template, students’ discipline incident records are selected.
Student not excluded from state reporting.
School not excluded from state reporting.
Test not excluded from SDU Report.
Include all active SOL test assigned to the student based on his/her class enrollment where the student has a valid school and class enrollment for the terms in the date range.
Include all SOL tests assigned to the student with a valid school enrollment for the terms in the date range.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools* | If run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Report Start Date* | Enter the start date for the reporting period. Incidents must occur on or after this date)* The Report Start Date defaults to the First Day defined for the current year in the District.
Report End Date* | Enter the end date for the reporting period. (Incidents must occur on or after this date)* The Report End Date defaults to the Last Day defined for the current year in the District. |
Administration Type | Select from the pop-up menu the Test Administration Season for which the report is running for. Note: The Test Administration Season selected has not effect on which records get extracted. The selection is used to determine the filename and Column 1 in the output file. |
The year of the Test Administration (yyyy)* | Enter in the year of the Test Administration. |
Include Teachers Fields (Columns 52-52) | Select Yes/No from the pop-up menu. |
Column 9 value (If Group Name not defined at the Section Level) | If the Group Name is not defined at the section level, select a value from the pop-up menu. |
Exclude TermIDs from the Report (comma separated list) | Enter in the TermID for the test enrollments that should not be extracted. |
Include Previous School Enrollments | From the pop-up menu select No/Yes. If Yes is selected, then students with previous test enrollments will be included. |
Print Student's Legal Name and Gender? | Select Yes or No to indicate whether to print the student's legal name and gender on the report. |
Show column Field Headers | Select Yes from the pop-up menu for validation purposes. |
Scheduling | Select when to run the report. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
55Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]Field Name | Field Type | Field Length |
1 | Administration | This field must contain the code representing the administration for which the Student is being registered (e.g., wrtg1415 = Writing 2014-2015 or nwfall14 = Non-Writing Fall 2014). | Derived | N/A | N/A |
2 | Student Last Name | This field must contain the student’s last name. | [students]last_name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name | String | 1-25 |
3 | Student First Name | This field must contain the student’s first name. | [students]first_name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name | String | 1-15 |
4 | Student Middle Name | The student’s middle initial is not a required field. The limit is 1 character. | [students]middle_name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name | String | 1-20 |
5 | Login ID | The student's TestNav login ID. | NA | N/A | 60 |
6 | Division Code | This field must contain the three-digit division code assigned to your division by the state. | [prefs]value where [prefs]name=”districtnumber” | String | Variable |
7 | School Code | This field must contain the four-digit school code assigned to a particular school by the state. | [schools]alternate_school_number [students]schoolId | String Integer | Variable N/A |
8 | Test Code | This field should contain a valid test code. | [S_VA_TEST_S]code | String | 1-10 |
9 | Group Name | This field may contain a teacher name and period number, block number, or other common identifier. | [S_VA_STU_SECTESTEXCEP_C]SDUGroupName [S_VA_SEC_X]SDUGroupName | String | 1-20 |
10 | Group Code | This optional field is available for use by divisions to further identify or track group information e.g., course number, section number, period number, or other identifier). | [S_VA_STU_SECTESTEXCEP_C]SDUGroupCode [S_VA_SEC_X]SDUGroupCode | String | 1-20 |
11 | Date of Birth | This field must contain the student’s date of birth and must match the four other associated fields for the student within Pearson Assessment file including the student’s First and Last Name, Gender, and STI. | [students]dob | Date | N/A |
12 | Grade | This field contains the student’s grade level and must be one of the following values (leading zeros are required): 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, TT. | [S_VA_STU_X]State_Grade_Code [students]grade_level | String Integer | 2 N/A |
13 | Gender | This field must contain the code representing the student’s gender. | [students]gender | String | 1 |
14 | State Testing Identifier (STI) | This field must contain the student’s STI. | [students]state_studentNumber | String | 1-32 |
15 | Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino | This field must contain a Y if the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino or an N if the student’s ethnicity is Not Hispanic or Latino. | [students]fedethnicity | Integer | N/A |
16 | Race | This 2-character numeric field should contain a code representing the student’s race. | [S_VA_STU_X]Virginia_Ethnicity_Race_Code | String | 2 |
17 | Military Connected Student Code | This field contains an indicator of student’s military connectedness. Valid values = 1, 2, 3, 4 | [S_VA_STU_X]Military_Connected | String | 1 |
18 | Multidivision Online Provider (MOP) | Indicates whether the student participated in a multi-divisional online provider (MOP) program. | [S_VA_STU_X]VA_MOPFlag If a value is stored, report Y, or report N | String | 1 |
19 | Resident Division | Displays the resident division code for the MOP program. | [S_VA_STU_X]VA_MOP_ResidentDivision | Integer | 3 |
20 | Virtual Virginia | This field displays 'Y' if the student was enrolled in the course associated with this test through the Virginia Department of Education's program, Virtual Virginia (VVA). Eligible Virginia students enroll in Virtual Virginia through their local schools. | [ S_VA_STU_SecTestExcep_C]Virtial_Virginia_TF | String | 1 |
21 | Student Number | This field contains a locally assigned student number. | [students]student_number | Integer | |
22 | Initial Primary Nighttime Residence Code | This field contains a code identifying the primary nighttime residence when the student was identified as a homeless child or youth at any point during the current school year. | [S_VA_STU_X]Primary_Nighttime_Res_Code | 1 | |
23 | Foster Care | This field should contain a Y if the student is in a foster care setting. | 1 | ||
24 | N-Code/Economically Disadvantaged | This field should contain a Y if the student is classified as economically disadvantaged. | [S_VA_STU_X]Disadvantaged_TF | Integer | N/A |
25 | EL Overall Proficiency Level | If the student participated in WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs™ (VAAP only) testing in Spring 2016, this field must contain the student’s ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Overall Proficiency Level. | 2 | ||
26 | Disability Status | The disability status field must be used for any student who is identified as having a disability. | [S_VA_STU_X]Primary_Disability_Code | String | 2 |
27 | Filler | Not used for VAAP or VSEP. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
28 | Formerly EL | This field should be Y for students who met the English Language Proficiency (ELP) criteria. | [S_VA_STU_X]ESL_Code | Integer | N/A |
29 | X-Code-B | This field should be left blank unless authorized by VDOE. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
30 | X-Code-C | This field should be left blank unless authorized by VDOE. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
31 | X-Code-D | This field should be left blank unless authorized by VDOE. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
32 | SOA Adjustment-EL | This field should contain a value of Y if the student has not met the English Language Proficiency (ELP) criteria (See field 27 for additional details on ELP criteria) AND the student has been enrolled in a Virginia public school for less than 11 semesters. Students who are in membership for the majority of days in a semester are considered to have been enrolled for that semester. | [S_VA_STU_X]SOA_Adjustment_LEP_TF | Integer | N/A |
33 | Transfer | This field should contain a Y if the student meets any of the Transfer criteria- See SOL VAAP, VSEP SDU Requirements for further details on data elements. | [S_VA_STU_X]SOA_Adjustment_Transfer_TF | Integer | N/A |
34 | Recently Arrived EL | Student Classified as LEP and enrolled in U.S. schools less than 12 months. This field should be Recently Arrived EL for students who are classified as LEP and who have been enrolled in U.S. schools for less than 12 months. This includes LEP students who enrolled in a U.S. school on or after the first day of school in the 2014-2015 school year. | [S_VA_STU_X]SOL_AYP_D | String | 1 |
35 | Local Use Data - Student | This alphanumeric field is available for optional use by the school division. | N/A | 9 | |
36 | Local Use Data - Test | This alphanumeric field is available for optional use by the school division. | N/A | 1 | |
37 | Online Testing | This indicates that the student requires a paper test. This field applies to the specific test being assigned in field 8 (Test Code). | [S_VA_STU_SECTestExcep_C]papertesting | Integer | N/A |
38 | Session Name | The name of the test session. This field is only applicable if field 34 Online Testing is set to Y. Valid values include: 0-9, A-Z, space, and special characters: - ‘ ( ) / \ & + | [S_VA_STU_Test_C]AssessmentSession_Name and/or [S_VA_STU_SECTestExcep_C] AssessmentSession_Name and/or [S_VA_CRS_CRSTestExcep_C] AssessmentSession_Name | String | 30 |
39 | Recovery | This field should contain a Y if the student is classified as described in Appendix A. | [S_VA_STU_SECTESTEXCEP_C]recovery | Integer | N/A |
40 | Filler | Not used for VAAP or VSEP. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
41 | SLIFE | This field displays a 'Y' if the student is classified as SLIFE (Students with Limited and/or interrupted Formal Education). | [S_VA_STU_X]SLIFE_Status_YN | String | 1 |
42 | Filler | Not used for VAAP or VSEP. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
43 | Filler | Not used for VAAP or VSEP. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
44 | Filler | Not used for VAAP or VSEP. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
45 | Z-Code-D | This field should be left blank unless authorized by VDOE. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
46 | Z-Code-E | This field should be left blank unless authorized by VDOE. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
47 | Z-Code-F | This field should be left blank unless authorized by VDOE. | N/A | N/A | 1 |
48 | Code VTLN | This optional field may be used to associate a valid Virginia Teacher Licensure Number (VTLN) with the specific SOL test record. | [Users]sif_stateprid | String | 1-32 |
49 | Code TLN | This optional field may be used with field 53 to associate a valid Teacher Last Name (TLN) with a specific SOL test record. | [Users]last_name | String | 1-20 |
50 | Code TFN | This optional field may be used with field 53 to associate a valid Teacher First Name (TFN) with a specific SOL test record. | [Users]first_name | String | 1-20 |
51 | Filler | NA | NA | NA | NA |
52 | End of Record | This field must contain a Y at the end of a student record. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
53 | Alternate Representation of Reponse Options (1) | This is accommodation 1. Enter Y or leave blank. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
54 | Read Aloud (2) | This is accommodation 2. Enter Y or leave blank. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
55 | Interpret/Transliterate (3) | This is accommodation 3. Enter Y or leave blank. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
56 | Braillle (4) | This is accommodation 4. Enter Y or leave blank. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
57 | End of Record | Y must be entered at the end of a student record. | N/A | N/A | N/A |