Incident Management Setup for State Reporting
Student behavior reporting for Virginia is now done through the SBAR Extract which has replaced DCV. The SBAR Extract uses Incident Management, a PowerSchool core feature that can be used for both local and state policies of school incident reporting. To use for the Student Behavior Administrative Response (SBAR) Extract, follow the steps below. For more information on Incident Management, review the PowerSchool Administrative Guide
Incident Management Setup for SBAR
Prior to running the Student Behavior and Administrative Response Extract, Incident Management must be enabled and set up.
Step 1: System Administrator Setup
1. Log into the PowerSchool Admin Portal and navigate to Start Page > System Administrator > Groups.
2. Select the Group(s) that will be managing Incidents.
3. Enable the checkbox in Accessible Incident Types for VA State Reporting^ to view/create incidents.
4. Enable the checkbox in Accessible Student Screens for Incidents to allow group access to the student Incident page.
*Note: The access level set for the selected group will apply to IM by default. Page permissions can be used to manage access.
Step 2: District Office Setup
1. Log into the PowerSchool Admin Portal and navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Info and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
2. Click on the hyperlink that reads Load Codes/Subcodes. On the next page, enable the checkbox to verify that you want to proceed and submit.
3. At the top of the hour, the Virginia Incident Management configuration file, which is used to automatically set up incident types, codes and subcodes for State Reporting will run. Restarting PowerSchool will also trigger the file to run. Once complete, codes needed for the SBAR extract will display at Start Page > District Setup > Incident Management > Codes/Subcodes. If "Load is Complete" displays, then the configuration file has already been activated. This process must be run every time a new state code change has been made available in a state reporting release.
Note: If you are using an array, only the PowerSchool task master application is updated. If more than one PowerSchool application exists in a server array, review additional information about changing task master node designation on a server array.
4. Optional: Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > Incident Management > Codes/Subcodes Setup > Action Attribute Codes to add an Alternate Placement Educational Agency or Alternate Placement School.
4a. Alternate Placement Educational Agency: Select Alt Placement Educational Agency from the list and click on the plus sign icon to add a new subcode. Enter the desired agency name, description, agency number, display order and enable the state reportable flag. Submit to save. Repeat for each additional alternate agency number needed.
4b. Alternate Placement School: Select Alt Placement School from the list and click on the plus sign icon to add a new subcode. Enter the desired agency school name, description, school number, display order and enable the state reportable flag. Submit to save. Repeat for each additional alternate school number needed.
State Reportable |
Step 3: Creating an Incident
- Log into the PowerSchool Admin Portal and from the school of choice, select Incident Management from the main menu or select a student. If a student is selected, click on Incidents from the student menu.
- Using the Create Incident button, choose either the Quick Entry or Detail entry option. Detail entry must be used to add an unknown offender as a participant for an incident. If no unknown offenders are involved, Quick Incident can be used. *Note: Actions must be associated with a behavior for SBAR reporting. To ensure actions are associated with a behavior when using Quick Entry, follow the instructions in Incident Management Setup:
- Quick Incident: Complete the form by providing all relevant incident information, paying attention to select any templates or populate required fields that have been enabled. When the series of form pages are populated, submit to save your changes.
- Detail Incident: Complete the top section of the page with all relevant incident information. Next, add the participant(s) for the incident by clicking on the
sign, paying attention to add relevant participant attributes and selecting the appropriate participant role. Once all participants are added, proceed to add the Behavior(s), Action(s), Object, etc. paying attention to add any attributes for each. Once saved, drag the appropriate incident element to the corresponding participant(s) with the Behavior being assigned first, followed by Action.