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Import Virginia Data Files – Historical Grades

The Virginia Data Files Import function provides users the functionality to import VA State custom field data into the [StoredGrades] table. From the start page in PowerSchool users can access the function by clicking on Special Functions on the left hand side of the start page > Import Virginia Data Files- Historical Grades. Users are allowed to Insert Only, Update Only, or Insert and Update data. The import file must be tab delimited and have pre-defined format described below. For more information including a pre-defined template to use for importing purposes see KB #69796 in PowerSource.

IMPORTANT: Unlike Quick Import the columns on the template MUST remain in the same order as the example template. For those columns where the data is recommended, but not required you MUST still leave the column in the template and in the same order. For example, if you do not import the Teacher Name the column must still be included for the import to function correctly

Header Field Name

[Table]Field Name




Required-Unique number assigned to the student in PowerSchool



Required - Name of the course. A unique alpha/numeric character to identify the course.



Required –Grade Level for the student when the grade was earned.



Required-Must be a valid value in the Terms Table.



Required-The code used to store the grade e.g. S2, Y1



Internal Section ID of the class where the grade was earned.



Local District Course Number



Credit hours a student earns for completing the class with a passing grade.



The grade a student earns in a class.



Total number of credit hours the course is worth.



The grade points a student receives for the class.



If your school calculates GPA's by adding a value to the GPA points or multiplies the GPA points by a value.



The percent a student earns in the class.



Total number of absences per course student earned a grade for.



Total number of Tardies per course student earned a grade for.



The name of the school where the class was taken.



The credit type a student receives for completing the class.



Name of the Grade Scale applied to the course. e.g. Default, Honors



The name of the teacher who taught the class. Teacher does not have to be created in PowerSchool.



The school number the class was taken at, if it's a school on the PowerSchool server. Must match the School Number in the PowerSchool system under "District Setup".



Flag indicating whether this grade should be excluded from GPA (1=yes).



Flag indicating whether this grade should be excluded from class rank (1=yes).



Flag indicating whether this grade should be excluded from honor roll (1=yes).



Format: mm/dd/yyyy



VA State test credit earned based on credit earned in course and passing test score.



1 or null



This field is used as an override for the course. If this grade was issued by a school outside of the district, then then this field is mandatory.



This field is used as an override for the course. If this grade was issued by a school outside of the district, then then this field is mandatory.



This field is used as an override for the course. If this grade was issued by a school outside of the district, then then this field is mandatory.



This field is used as an override for the course. If this grade was issued by a school outside of the district, then then this field is mandatory.



This field is used as an override for the course. If this grade was issued by a school outside of the district, then then this field is mandatory.



This field is used as an override for the course. If this grade was issued by a school outside of the district, then then this field is mandatory.



This number must reconcile with the number that is entered in Alternate School ID in > District Setup > VA Division and Schools.



This field is used as an override for the course. If this grade was issued by a school outside of the district, then then this field is mandatory.

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