Student Supplemental Mark
This report allows the school to submit or correct the school supplemental (rewrite) mark for a student. For this version this report runs for a single student, please select the student prior to running the report.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Data to be Filled | Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All. |
Students to Include | Choose whether you wish to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on school. |
Department Assigned Course Id | The department-assigned number of the course for which the student is granted a mark. (required) |
the school granting the mark | The department-assigned number of the school granting the mark. |
Educator certificate number | Choose the educator who evaluated the student. |
The mark granted by the school | This has to be a whole number between 1 and 100 inclusive. (required) |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
MsgId | Displays a Global Unique Identifier. | N/A |
Date | Displays the date that the Report was generated. | N/A |
Time | Displays the time that the Report was generated in the format HH:MM:SS, using a 24-hour clock. | N/A |
Zone | Always equals “UTC-06:00” | N/A |
SourceId | Displays the current School Number. This is the department-assigned number of the organization. | [Schools]School_Number |
RefId | Display an auto-increment reference ID for returning the response. | N/A |
ObjectName | Displays “StudentSupplementalMark” as the object name | N/A |
Action | Always equals “Add” | N/A |
StudentSupplementalMark | ||
StudentIdentification/DeptAssignedPersonId | Displays the Learning ID Number of the student whose data is to be sent. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
StudentIdentification/BirthDate | Displays the Student date of birth in the “YYYY-MM-DD” format | [Students]DOB |
SchoolId | Displays the department-assigned number of the school offering the class | [Schools]School_Number |
DeptAssignedCourseId | Displays the user entered value for the department-assigned number of the course for which the student is granted a mark. | [courses]alt_course_number or [Courses]course_number when alt_course_number is null |
EducatorCertificateNumber | Displays the EducatorCertificateNumber for the selected educator. | [S_SK_USR_X]EducatorCertNumber |
SchoolMarkInfo/CorrectionCode | Displays “Yes” since this is a correction to a previously reported mark. | N/A |
SchoolMarkInfo/SchoolMark | Displays the user entered mark granted by the school. | N/A |