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Rhode Island Reports in Powerschool

PowerSchool for Rhode Island provides a wide variety of Rhode Island-specific reports. The table below lists these reports by report type. Tip: Click a report type link to go to that report section.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Rhode Island Census Extracts

Daily Attendance

Attendance data includes information for every school day for every student describing the student’s attendance in a school. This collection collects days of attendance, days of absence, days of tardiness, and days of early dismissal.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Discipline ReportDiscipline data includes in‐school suspensions, out‐of‐school‐suspensions, and removals to Interim Alternative Educational Settings (by school personnel or by a due process hearing officer).Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Enrollment Census

Information collected in this Census are generally used to generate roster labels for various State assessments, supply detailed student demographic and program information for analyses of State test results, AYP determinations, State Aid and other mandated State and federal reporting.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Program Core

Program data includes student level services provided by an LEA/School.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Student ContactStudent Contact includes data regarding how to contact a student. The data set includes mailing address, email address, and phone numbers for a student as well as primary and secondary contacts.Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.
TermsA term is a division of an academic year. A term may be divided into semesters, trimesters, quarters, etc. In this submission, LEAs must report for each school in the LEA, each term and the start date and end date of the term.Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Summer Withdrawal

The summer withdrawal data collection allows districts to update the prior year’s exit type data as well as update the current year’s summer withdrawals.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Rhode Island CTE Data Collection

CTE Courses Submission

This submission is applicable to all RIDE approved or provisionally approved CTE programs of study. LEAs must report the courses which make up each of the CTE programs of study.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

CTE Post Secondary Credit Submission

This submission is applicable to all students who participated in a RIDE approved or provisionally approved CTE program that have current district-, school-, or program-guided agreements enabling students to earn post-secondary credit including: dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, AP credit and/or IB credit. The earned post-secondary credit does not have to relate to a specific course within the program.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

CTE Programs Submission

This submission is applicable to all RIDE approved or provisionally approved CTE programs of study.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

CTE Recognized Credentials Submission

This submission is required for all students who participated in a RIDE approved or provisionally approved CTE program of study that offers an opportunity for students to earn one or more of the recognized credentials.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

CTE Student Apprenticeship Programs SubmissionThis submission is required for all students who participated in a RIDE approved or provisionally approved CTE program of study that has a current written agreement with a registered apprenticeship program.Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.
CTE Student Programs SubmissionThis submission would only be applicable to students enrolled in a RIDE approved or provisionally approved CTE program of study.Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Rhode Island State Reports

Advanced Coursework

The Advanced Coursework Collection is where LEAs report to RIDE information regarding students who are concurrently or dually enrolled in your LEA as well as at a post-secondary institution and students who are enrolled in a course through the Advanced Coursework Network.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

Teacher Course Student Data Collection


The Section-Course submission includes links between your LEA course code and the SCED course code.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.


Teacher Course Student (TCS) data includes information related to sections of the courses.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.


Teacher Course Student (TCS) data includes information related to staff assigned to teach courses.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.


Teacher Course Student (TCS) data includes information related to students enrolled in a course.

Refer to the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Information Sciences page.

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