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Required Data Entry for the Staff Student Subtest - Courses

The following data must be entered for the Staff Student Subtest - Courses report.

  1. On the Start Page, under District, click Setup. The District Setup page appears.
  2. Under General Functions, click Courses, and then click the course where data needs to be applied for PVAAS. The Edit Courses page appears.
  3. Under Staff Student Subtest Data Collection, complete the fields as indicated below.

Note: If this is an Algebra course where 7th and 8th grade students are enrolled, you must assign the Math Grade 8 (PSSAM8) subtest Identifier. The Staff Student Subtest report will automatically assign the Math Grade 7 (PSSAM7) subtest identifier for 7th grade students.  Keystone Subtest Identifier must be populated for this logic.




Keystone Test Date

Enter the Keystone test date that will apply to the students that will be enrolled into this course. The values that are set at the course level may be overridden at the section level.


PSSA Test Date

Enter the PSSA Test date that will apply to the students that will be enrolled into this course. The values that are set at the course level may be overridden at the section level.


Keystone Subtest Identifier

Choose a Keystone Subtest Identifier that applies to this course. The Keystone Subtest Identifier only needs to be applied to those courses where students will be receiving instruction towards an applicable Keystone Test.


PSSA Subtest Identifier

Choose a PSSA Subtest Identifier that applies to this course. The PSSA Subtest Identifier only needs to be applied to those courses where students will be receiving instruction towards an applicable PSSA Subtest.

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