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District Setup


The following data elements are required for district setup.

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page.

  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The District Start Page appears.

  3. Under Setup, click District.

For more information on code values, refer to the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name


Used in these Reports

Entering Attendance Tracking and Notification Information

Editing Tracking Methods

Attendance Tracking and Notification > Tracking Methods

Attendance Tracking and Notification can be used in combination with the basic PowerSchool attendance setup. The additional setup elements allow for tracking of truant attendance using a combination of thresholds and triggers. Each time a student meets or exceeds a specific threshold, a notification record is created in the PowerSchool database. The notification records can be used to print attendance letters for students with truant attendance.

For example, you may set up your school to track unexcused absences. Using basic PowerSchool attendance, you can report the total number of unexcused absences for a student forparticularperiod of time. Using attendance tracking, you can report when the student reaches a defined number of unexcused absences (thresholds) for multiple instances (triggers). In this example, you may track the first time the student reaches five unexcused absences, as well as the second time (ten absences) and third time (fifteen absences).

For complete information, see the Attendance Tracking and Notification User Guide on PowerSchool Community.


Choose Percent from the menu.

The Percent method is required for ATN functionality. This method indicates the percentage of the day the student can miss due to unlawful absences




Refresh Attendance Tracking Data

Location Fact

Location Fact Detail


Enter a value for the threshold, as determined by your school district.

Enter a percentage of time as the threshold for the Percent tracking method. Percent is calculated as greater than the threshold. For example, if the percentage is 50 then students who are absent 51% or more of the day are counted as absent.

The maximum threshold percentage is 99 for a full day absence




Refresh Attendance Tracking Data

Location Fact

Location Fact Detail

Adding Unexcused Tracking Levels

Attendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Tracking Levels

Using tracking levels, you can report when the student reaches a defined number of unexcused absences (thresholds) for multiple instances (triggers). For example, you may want to track the first time the student reaches five unexcused absences, as well as the second time (ten absences) and third time (fifteen absences).

Each time a student reaches a threshold, a notification record is created in the database. Multiple records may exist per day if the student reaches a threshold for more than one attendance tracking level. These records can be used to print attendance letters for students who meet or exceed attendance thresholds.

Level Name

Enter the appropriate description for the unexcused tracking level, such as Unlawful





Location Fact

Location Fact Detail

Tracking Method

Choose Percent from the pop-up menu.





Refresh Attendance Tracking Data

Location Fact

Location Fact Detail


Enter the trigger value. Per PDE PIMS Manual “Habitually truant is defined by the School Code as an unlawful absence for more than six (6) days or their equivalent following the first notice of truancy given to the student. The first notice of truancy is provided to the student after six (6) school days or their equivalent of unlawful absences.

Based on this information:

1st Trigger should be set to 6

[Gen]ValueLi = 6




Location Fact

Location Fact Detail

Entering District Course Information

Courses > Edit Course District Information

Course Name

Enter the course name.



Course Template

Course Instructor Template

Course Number

Enter the locally assigned course number.



Course Template

Course Instructor Template

Vocational Class

Select the checkbox if this is a career and technology course.



Course Template

Exclude From PIMS

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether this course should be excluded from PIMS reporting.



Course Template

Course Instructor Template

Student Course Enrollment

Honors Indicator

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this is an honors course.



Course Template

Supplementary Course Differentiator

Choose the supplemental course differentiator that represents the general span of time in which the course and its sections are offered. This value is used as a unique indicator when the same Course Code is offered during more than one time period for the school year.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Course Template

Course Instructor Template

Student Course Enrollment

Student Grades Template

Course Subject (Select Subject to View List of Course Codes)

Select the subject from the list.



Course Template Extract
CRDC Report (2017-2018)
Course Template (EWS)

PA Course Code

Enter the state-assigned course code for this course.

Note: Click the specific codes link to view a list of the state-assigned course codes.



Course Template

Credit Hours

The amount of credit awarded for completing a course.


Course Delivery Model Code

The method used to deliver instruction to the student for this section of the Course Code



Student Course Enrollment Template

Requirements Indicator Code

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this course is required for graduation.



Course Template

Dual Credit

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student receives dual credit for this course.



Course Template

College Credit Hrs

Enter the number of college credit hours associated with a course.



Course Template

Organization Defining Course

Enter the AUN of entity with Dual Enrollment Agreement.



Course Template

Cambridge Advanced Course Indicator

Select Yes to indicate that the course is a Cambridge Advanced course.



Course Template

Advanced Placement Indicator

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this is an advanced placement course.



Course Template

Gifted Indicator

Choose Yes or No to indicate if this is a gifted and talented course.



Course Template

International Baccalaureate Indicator

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether a course is part of an international baccalaureate program



Course Template

Keystone Test Date

Enter the Keystone test date that will apply to the students enrolled in this course



Staff Student Subtest Template

PSSA Test Date

Enter the PSSA test date that will apply to the students enrolled in this course



Staff Student Subtest Template

Keystone Subtest Identifier

Choose from a pop-up menu the Keystone Subtest Identifier that applies to this course



Staff Student Subtest Template

PSSA Subtest Identifier

Choose from the pop-up menu the PSSA Subtest Identifier that applies to this course

Note: If this is an Algebra course where 7th and 8th grade students are enrolled; it is required that you assign the Math Grade 8 (PSSAM8) subtest Identifier. TheStaff Student Subtest report will automatically assign the Math Grade 7 (PSSAM7) subtest identifier for 7th grade students.



Staff Student Subtest Template

Defining District Information

District Information

Name of District

Enter the district name.




State Audit Report

District Number

Enter the district number.




Required Setup

Entering State Report Information

District Information > State Report Information

Administrative Unit Number

Enter the 9-digit unique assigned Administrative Unit Number for the district.




Required Setup


Enter the county name for the district.




District Fact Template

Scope of Security Contract

The Scope of security services provided by the contract security company during the school year



District Fact Template –Safe Schools

Pennsylvania Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status

Use the functionality to update the Incident Management Setup


Discipline Domain Reports

Enabling Sub-District Configuration

District Information > Enable Sub-District Configuration

Enable Sub-District Configuration

Select the checkbox to enable Sub-District setup on the District Setup page.

[Prefs]Name =PSSR_SubDistrict



Configuring a Sub-District

District Information > State Report Information > Sub-District Configuration > New/Edit

Use the Sub-district Configuration page only if your organization runs a single version of PowerSchool with multiple districts. You can use this option to create the CST_SUBDISTRICTS and CST_SCHOOLSUBDISTRICTS database tables to store sub-district data.

Note: For this functionality to be visible Sub-districts must be enabled. To enable Sub-District Configuration navigate to Start Page> District Setup> Enable Sub-District Configuration, and select the Enable Sub-District Configuration checkbox.

Sub-District Number*

Enter the number assigned to this district by the state.



Sub-District Name*

Enter the name of the district.




Enter an abbreviation to identify this district.




Enter the mailing street address for the district.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Address



Enter the city for the district's mailing address.




Enter the two-digit state abbreviation for the district's mailing address.



Zip Code

Enter the zip code for the district's mailing address.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_ZipCode


Phone Number

Enter the district's phone number with area code.



Fax Number

Enter the district's fax number with area code.




Enter the name of the district's superintendent.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent


Superintendent Phone Number

Enter the district superintendent's phone number with area code.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Phn


Superintendent Fax Number

Enter the district superintendent's fax number with area code.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Fax


Superintendent Email

Enter the district superintendent's email address.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Eml


Entering Title 1 Information

District Information > State Information > PA Title 1 Information (District Fact Title 1 Extract) > New/Edit

Total number of nonpublic students in district participating in Title 1, Part A program

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in the district participating in a Title 1, Part A program


District Fact- Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students age 0-2 years in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students age 0-2 years in the district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students age 3-5 years in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students age 3-5 years in the district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in kindergarten in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in kindergarten in the district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 1 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 1 in the district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 2 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 2 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 3 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 3 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 4 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 4 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 5 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 5 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 6 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 6 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 7 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 7 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 8 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 8 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 9 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 9 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 10 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 10 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 11 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 11 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic students in grade level 12 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic students in grade level 12 in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

Total number of nonpublic ungraded students in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs

Enter the total number of nonpublic ungraded students in district participating in Title 1 nonpublic programs


District Fact-Title 1

District Staff Data - No Longer Collected By The State

Percentage of paraprofessionals funded in Title 1, Part A TAS program who were qualified under Section 1119(c) and (d) of ESEA

Enter the percentage of paraprofessionals funded in Title 1, Part A TAS program who were qualified under Section 1119(c) and (d) of ESEA


District Fact-Title 1

Number of FTE teachers funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)

Enter the number of FTE teachers funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)


District Fact-Title 1

Number of FTE paraprofessionals funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program

Enter the number of FTE paraprofessionals funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program


District Fact-Title 1

Number of FTE clerical support staff funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)

Enter the number of FTE clerical support staff funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)


District Fact-Title 1

Number of FTE other paraprofessionals (translators, parental involvement, computer assistance) funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)

Enter the number of FTE other paraprofessionals (translators, parental involvement, computer assistance) funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)


District Fact-Title 1

Number of FTE administrative (non-clerical) staff funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)

Enter the number of FTE administrative (non-clerical) staff funded by a Title 1, Part A TAS program (for staff working both TAS and SWP, report only FTE attributable to TAS duties)


District Fact-Title 1

Percentage of paraprofessionals funded by a Title 1, Part A SWP program who were qualified under Section 1119(c) and (d) of ESEA

Enter the percentage of paraprofessionals funded by a Title 1, Part A SWP program who were qualified under Section 1119(c) and (d) of ESEA


District Fact-Title 1

Number of FTE paraprofessionals funded by a Title 1, Part A SWP program

Enter the number of FTE paraprofessionals funded by a Title 1, Part A SWP program


District Fact-Title 1

Entering District Fact LIEP Survey Information

District Information > State Information > District Fact LIEP Survey (Title III) > New/Edit

Select school year

Choose the school year from the pop-up menu.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 07 - Supporting the development and implementation of LIEPs

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether there is support for the development and implementation of LIEP.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 08 - Enhancing existing LIEPs and programs for restructuring and reforming schools with ELs

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether existing LIEPs and programs for restructuring and reforming schools with ELs.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 09 - Supporting implementation of school-wide programs

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether there is support for implementation of school-wide programs for EL students.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 10 - Professional development to teachers and other personnel serving ELs

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether there is professional development for teachers and other personnel serving ELs.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 11 - Parent and community engagement activities

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether there are parent and community engagement activities.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 12 - Supporting the development and implementation of pre-school programs

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether there is support for the development and implementation of pre-school programs.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 13 - Improving LIEPs by upgrading curricula, instructional materials, software, and assessment procedures

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether there LIEPs are being Improved by upgrading curricula, instructional materials, software, and assessment procedures.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 14 - Improving instruction of ELs with disabilities

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether instruction of ELs with disabilities is improved.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 15 - Providing tutorials, career, and technical education

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether tutorials, career, and technical education are provided.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 16 - Offering programs to help ELs achieve success in post-secondary education

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether programs to help ELs achieve success in post-secondary education is offered.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 17 - Other

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether another activity is implemented.



District Fact-ELs

Explanation of Professional Development Activities

Enter details about Other activity being implemented. This field becomes active if Yes is selected for Activity 17 - Other.


Professional development provided to content classroom teachers.

Enter the code for the professional development function(s) provided to content classroom teachers.



District Fact-ELs

Professional development provided to EL classroom teachers.

Enter the code for the professional development function(s) provided to EL classroom teachers.



District Fact-ELs

Professional development provided to principals.

Enter the code for the professional development function(s) provided to principals.



District Fact-ELs

Professional development provided to administrators other than principals.

Enter the code for the professional development function(s) provided to other administrators.



District Fact-ELs

Professional development provided to other school personnel/non administrative

Enter the code for the professional development function(s) provided to non-administrative school personnel.



District Fact-ELs

Professional development provided to community-based organization

Enter the code for the professional development function(s) provided to community-based organizations.



District Fact-ELs

Total number of nonpublic EL students served by Title III

Enter the total number of nonpublic EL students served by Title III.



District Fact-ELs

Total number of nonpublic Immigrant Children and Youth served by Title III

Enter the total number of nonpublic Immigrant Children and Youth served by Title III.



District Fact-ELs

Total number of nonpublic school served by Title III

Enter the total number of nonpublic school served by Title III.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have aboard approved policy that ensures the LEA’s commitment to address the needs of ELs?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA board ensures its commitment to address the needs of ELs.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA’s local comprehensive plan address the needs of English language learners in the core foundations of the plan? Practices for English language learners should be embedded throughout the plan.

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA board addresses the needs of English language learners in the core foundations of the plan.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a written description of the K-12 English Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP), including a detailed description of the instructional model(s) employed?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a written description of the K-12 English Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP), including a detailed description of the instructional model(s) employed.



Has the LEA made the description of the K-12 LIEP available to every teacher?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has made the description of the K-12 LIEP available to every teacher.



District Fact-ELs

Has the LEA made the description of the K-12 LIEP available to the parents of ELs?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has made the description of the K-12 LIEP available to the parents of ELs.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA administer a Home Language Survey (HLS) to every student upon entrance to identify students who have a Primary home language other than English (PHLOTEs)?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA administers a Home Language Survey (HLS) to every student upon entrance to identify students who have a Primary home language other than English (PHLOTEs).



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA administer the Language Use Survey as a parent interview?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA administers the Language Use Survey as a parent interview.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA maintain a Home Language Survey in the permanent record folder for all students enrolled in the district through graduation?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA maintains a Home Language Survey in the permanent record folder for all students enrolled in the district through graduation.



District Fact-ELs

For students identified as PHLOTEs, does the LEA administer English language proficiency tests and begin ESL instruction within 30 days of enrollment at the beginning of the school year?

For students identified as PHLOTEs, choose Yes (Y) or No (N) to indicate if the LEA administers English language proficiency tests and begins ESL instruction within 30 days of enrollment at the beginning of the school year.



District Fact-ELs

For any child entering school, after the first 30 days of the school year, does the LEA administer the English language proficiency tests and begin instruction within 14 days of enrollment?

For any child entering after the first 30 days of school, choose Yes (Y) or No (N) to indicate if the LEA administers English language proficiency tests and begins instruction within 14 days of enrollment.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA maintain an updated list of PHLOTEs?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA maintains an updated list of PHLOTEs.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA maintain in each ELs' permanent record their current English language proficiency level?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA maintains the EL's current English language proficiency level in their permanent record.



District Fact-ELs

For the purpose of initial placement, ongoing assessment, and reclassification, are ELs assessed for the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing?

For the purpose of initial placement, ongoing assessment, and reclassification, choose Yes (Y) or No (N) to indicate if ELs are assessed for the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA administer a state English language proficiency assessment annually to all ELs?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA administers a state English language proficiency assessment annually to all ELs.



District Fact-ELs

Has the LEA incorporated the State Required Exit Criteria into its LIEP plan?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has incorporated the State Required Exit Criteria into its LIEP plan.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA monitor the progress of students exited from an LIEP for a period of two years as per the ESSA regulations?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA monitors the progress of students exited from an LIEP for a period of two years as per the ESSA regulations.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA report former ELs as such to the state for each of the first four years after reclassification?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA reports former ELs as such to the state for each of the first four years after reclassification.



District Fact-ELs

Are the ELs in the LIEP guaranteed access to the full school curriculum (both required and elective courses) including career education and technology (e.g., guidance materials, registration handbook, career technology, criteria for selection, student schedules, club lists, handbooks)?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the ELs in the LIEP are guaranteed access to the full school curriculum (both required and elective courses) including career education and technology.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA provide information about assessment, academic achievement, and related issues to parents in their preferred language and mode of communication?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA provides information about assessment, academic achievement, and related issues to parents in their preferred language and mode of communication.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a line item in the general budget for ESL instructional resources and staffing?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a line item in the general budget for ESL instructional resources and staffing.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a procedure for accessing interpreters (oral) and translators (written) who can be called upon when needed?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a procedure for accessing interpreters (oral) and translators (written) who can be called upon when needed.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA provide a planned instruction for English language acquisition commensurate with proficiency level and delivered via ELDS aligned to the reading, writing, listening, and speaking standards?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA provides a planned instruction for English language acquisition commensurate a with proficiency level and is delivered via ELDS aligned to the reading, writing, listening, and speaking standards



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA periodically evaluate its LIEP to ensure its efficiency?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA periodically evaluates its LIEP to ensure its efficiency.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA provide ELs with meaningful, comprehensible access to instruction in all content areas?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA provides ELs with meaningful, comprehensible access to instruction in all content areas.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a system in place to inform teachers of all ELs proficiency levels, domain strengths and challenges, and background information such as first language?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a system in place to inform teachers of all ELs proficiency levels, domain strengths and challenges, and background information such as first language.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a procedure to inform parents of ELs about their right to refuse ESL programs and services that segregate their child for language assistance?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a procedure to inform parents of ELs about their right to refuse ESL programs and services that segregate their child for language assistance.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a policy and procedure to inform parents of their right to refuse the placement of their child as they continue in the LIEP annually?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a policy and procedure to inform parents of their right to refuse the placement of their child as they continue in the LIEP annually.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a uniformed grading policy outlining the system in which ELs are graded in content and other classes?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a uniformed grading policy outlining the system in which ELs are graded in content and other classes.



District Fact-ELs

Does the LEA have a written policy stating ELs cannot be retained in a grade based solely on their lack of English proficiency?

Choose Yes (Y) or No (N) from the pop-up menu to indicate if the LEA has a written policy stating ELs cannot be retained in a grade based solely on their lack of English proficiency.



District Fact-ELs

Total number of all certified/licensed teachers currently working in a LIEP

Enter the total number of all certified/licensed teachers currently working in a LIEP.



District Fact-ELs

Total number of all teachers not fully certified currently working in a LIEP

Enter the total number of all teachers not fully certified currently working in a LIEP.



District Fact-ELs

Estimated total number of additional certified/licensed teachers that will be needed for your LIEP for the next five years.

Enter the estimated total number of additional certified/licensed teachers that will be needed for your LIEP for the next five years.



District Fact-ELs

Provide the dollar amount allocated to the LEA's general budget for your LIEP

Enter the dollar amount allocated to the LEA's general budet for your LIEP.



District Fact-ELs

Assessment administered to ELLs upon ENTRY. (More than one may be selected)

Select the assessment(s) administered to ELLs upon school entry.



District Fact-ELs

ONGOING Assessment administered to ELLs. (More than one may be selected)

Select the ongoing assessment(s) administered to ELLs.



District Fact-ELs

Assessment administered to ELLs upon Exit. (More than one may be selected)

Select the assessment(s) administered to ELLs upon school exit.



District Fact-ELs

Does your LEA implement the DUAL Bilingual program model? If so, select the Language Code(s) that apply.

If the LEA implements the DUAL Bilingual program model, select the language code(s) that apply.



District Fact-ELs

Does your LEA implement the TWO-WAY Bilingual program model? If so, select the Language Code(s) that apply.

If the LEA implements the TWO-WAY Bilingual program model, select the language code(s) that apply.



District Fact-ELs

No Longer Collected Fields - District Fact LIEP Survey (Title III)

Activity 01 - Instructional strategies for EL students.

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if instructional strategies are used for EL students.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 02 - Understanding and implementation of assessment of EL students.

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if assessment of EL students is implemented.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 03 - Understanding and implementation of ELD standards and academic content standards for EL students.

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if ELD and academic content standards are implemented for EL students.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 04 - Alignment of the curriculum in LIEP to ELD standards.

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if LIEP curriculum aligns properly with ELD standards.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 05 – Subject matter knowledge for teachers.

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if teachers have sufficient subject knowledge.



District Fact-ELs

Activity 06 - Other

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if another activity is implemented.

Please email the professional development activity to PDE to the following email:



District Fact-ELs

Adding Districts of Residence

Districts of Residence

District ID

Enter the district number.



PA State Audit Report

PA Secure ID

Student Calendar

Student/Student Snapshot template

District Name

Enter the district name.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order for this district of residence, for display purposes.



District Boundary

Click Edit Boundary to open a map and define the boundaries of the district. Enter the address of the district and click Search. To begin defining the boundary, click Add Point and then click the map to assign a point. Repeat to add additional points.

Note: Address Management must be enabled in order to use the District Boundary feature, Start Page > District Setup > 3rd Party Configuration. See the PowerSchool Help within the application for details.





Adding Entry Codes

District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the entry code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



PA State Audit Report

School Enrollment

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Required Setup

Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Mapping School Enrollment Entry Codes

Entry Codes > Edit Entry Code > School Enrollment Entry Code Mapping

School Enrollment Template Entry Code

Used for mapping the Child Account Entry Codes to the new School Enrollment Entry Codes

See the Appendix for valid values.

Note: Required for Field 8- Enrollment Code on the School Enrollment Template



School Enrollment Template

Entering Exit Codes

District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.



Summer OASIS

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.



Required Setup

Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Mapping School Enrollment Exit Codes

Exit Codes > Edit Exit Code > School Enrollment Exit Code Mapping

School Enrollment Template Exit Code

Used for mapping the Child Accounting Exit Codes to the new School Enrollment Entry Codes

See the Appendix for valid values.

Note: Required for Field 8 Enrollment Code on the School Enrollment Template. Data will not be extracted on the School Enrollment Template unless the mapping of codes is complete.



School Enrollment Template

Defining Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Ethnicity Decline to Specify

Do not select the checkbox; this option is not allowed for Pennsylvania.



Not Allowed

Race Decline to Specify

Do not select the checkbox; this option is not allowed for Pennsylvania.



Not Allowed

Federal Race Categories: Sort

In the Sort box, enter the order to display the federal race codes on the students’ Demographics page.




District Race Codes: Sort

In the Sort box, enter the order to display the federal race codes on the students’ Demographics page.




Adding Federal Race Category

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > New/Edit Federal Race Category


Enter the federal race code.

Review additional information importing federal ethnicity and race categories.





Enter a description for the federal race code.




Adding District Race Category

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > New/Edit District Race Category


Enter the district race code.

Review additional information importing federal ethnicity and race categories.




Enter the district race description.



Federal Category

Choose the associated federal race category from the pop-up menu.




Alt Race Code

Enter an alternate, equivalent race code.

Note: This field can be used for SIF.




Adding School Information

Schools/School Info > Edit School

School Name

Enter the school name.



CTE Student Industry Credential

CTE Student Fact

PA State Audit Report


School Number

Enter the school number.

You may enter the 4-digit state assigned school number in this field. If you enter a locally defined school number, then enter the PDE 4-digit school number in the Alternate School Number field.



Required Setup

Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.

If you entered a locally assigned value in the School Number field above, then enter the unique PDE 4-digit number in this field.



PA Secure ID

Exclude from State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.



Staff Development


Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

See the Appendix for valid values.




State Audit Report






Adding Pennsylvania-Specific State Information

Schools/School Info > Edit School > Pennsylvania State Information

School Type

Choose a value to indicate whether the school is Private or Public.




PIMS Location Code

Enter the PDE defined 4-digit code identifying the school.

All school location codes can be found at:


  • If not populated, reports will reference Alternate School Number or School Number.

  • "0000" is a valid location code.



Course Template

Course Instructor Template

CTE Student Fact

CTE Student Industry Credential

Program Fact

School Enrollment

Special Education Events

Education Services

Special Education

Student Course Enrollment

Staff Template/Snapshot

Staff Assignment/ Snapshot

Student Template/ Snapshot

Incident Template

Student Grades Template

Location Fact

Location Fact Detail

Intermediate Unit Number

Enter the Intermediate Unit number under which most of the student population is reported.



Defining School Title 1 Information

Schools/School Info > School Title 1 Information

Select school year

Select a school year for the title 1 data that you are populating



District Fact Template- Title 1

School Wide Program

Check box to indicate that this school falls under the SWP program –meaning the entire school qualifies for Title



District Fact Template- Title 1

SWP Public School Only 0-2

Total number of students in school age 0-2 years participating in Title 1 SWP programs



District Fact Template- Title 1

SWP Public School Only 3-5

Total number of students in school age 3-5 years participating in Title 1 SWP programs



District Fact Template- Title 1

TAS Public School Only 0-2

Total number of students in school age 0-2 years participating in Title 1 TAS programs



District Fact Template- Title 1

TAS Public School Only 3-5

Total number of students in school age 3-5 years participating in Title 1 TAS programs



District Fact Template- Title 1

Updating Special Program Information

Special Programs > Edit/New Special Program Information

Program Name

Enter the special program name.

Note: A special program will need to be created for each program reported on the Program Fact Template as well as the Special Education Snapshot Template. The names are locally defined and related to the PIMS Program Codes for the Program Fact Template report. Review PIMS Programs Codes for valid values

For the Special Education Fact Template




Program Fact

District Fact –Title 1

Qualifies as a special education program

Select the checkbox to indicate a special education program. Required for the Special Education Snapshot data elements to be displayed on the Students > Special programs data entry page.



Special Education Snapshot

PIMS Programs Code

PIMS Program Codes are used to indicate that the student is enrolled into a Program and reported on the Program Fact Template.

Choose the PIMS Program Code associated with the appropriate program offered in the district.

Note: PIMS Title I program codes must be applied to locally-created programs for data to be extracted and for the data elements to be displayed on the students >special programs data entry page:

  • Title I Part A (015)

  • Title I Part B- Even Start Program (016)

  • Title I Part C – Even Start Program

  • Title I Part D (018)

Note: PIMS EL codes must be applied to locally created programs for EL data to be extracted on the District Fact-Title 1 Template:

Refer to the PIMS Manual Volume 2 appendix for the appropriate codes




Program Fact

District Fact Title 1

Program Comment

Required if a PIMS Program Code of 001 or 012 has been selected for the PIMS Programs Code.


Special Education Snapshot

Program Provider Type Code

(Discontinued for 2018-2019)

Required if a PIMS Program Code of 003 or 004 is selected for the PIMS Program Code


Special Education Snapshot

Defining Location Fact - Safe School Information

Updating Fire and Security Drill Data Entry (All Schools)

Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill Data Entry (All Schools) > Edit/New

Note: To apply a filter and override the year selected in the Term field, choose a year from the Filter By Year pop-up menu

Field #3. Select school year

Choose the school year for the drill from the pop-up menu.



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #5. Drill Type

Choose the type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Fire

  • Security



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #6. (CATEGORY 3) Month

Choose the month for the drill from the pop-up menu:

  • JUL

  • AUG

  • SEP

  • OCT

  • NOV

  • DEC

  • JAN

  • FEB

  • MAR

  • APR

  • MAY

  • JUN



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #18. Was a drill held this month?

Indicate whether a drill was held during the month.



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #7. (CATEGORY 4) Indicator for reason drill was not held

Choose the reason the drill was not held from the pop-up menu.

Note: This field is required if a drill was not held this month (Field #18).



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #22. Enter Comment as to why a required drill was not conducted

Enter any additional comments as to why the drill was not conducted.

Note: This field is required if a drill was not held this month (Field #18).



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #20. Date on which the drill was conducted

Enter the date on which the drill was conducted.



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Updating District Fire and Security Drill Data Entry (District Only)

Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill Data Entry (District Only) > Edit/New

Note: To apply a filter and override the year selected in the Term field, choose a year from the Filter By Year pop-up menu

Field #3. Select school year

Choose the school year of the drill from the pop-up menu.



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #5. Drill Type

Choose the drill type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Fire

  • Security



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #6. (CATEGORY 3) Month

Choose the month for the fire drill from the pop-up menu:

  • JUL

  • AUG

  • SEP

  • OCT

  • NOV

  • DEC

  • JAN

  • FEB

  • MAR

  • APR

  • MAY

  • JUN



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #18. Was a drill held this month?

Indicate whether a drill was held during the month.



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #7. (CATEGORY 4) Indicator for reason drill was not held

Choose the reason the drill was not held from the pop-up menu.

Note: This field is required if a drill was not held this month (Field #18).



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #22. Enter Comment as to why a required drill was not conducted

Enter any additional comments as to why the drill was not conducted.

Note: This field is required if a drill was not held this month (Field #18).



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Field #20. Date on which the drill was conducted

Enter the date on which the drill was conducted.



Location Fact - Fire and Security Drill

Updating AED Data Entry (All Schools)

Location Fact - AED Data Entry (All Schools) > [New/Edit]

Note: To apply a filter and override the year selected in the Term field, choose a year from the Filter By Year pop-up menu

School Name

Select the school name from the pop-up menu.


Location Fact - AED Extract

No AED Unit

If there are no AED units at the school, select the checkbox.



Location Fact - AED Extract

School Year

Select the school year from the pop-up menu.



Location Fact - AED Extract


The Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) number, 01 through 16.



Location Fact - AED Extract


Choose the condition of the AED from the pop-up menu:

Valid values:

  • (NA) Not Applicable

  • NEW

  • GOOD

  • FAIR

  • POOR



Location Fact - AED Extract


Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the location has an AED.



Location Fact - AED Extract

Service Date

Enter a single date indicating the school year during which the AED was placed in service.


  • June 30 at the end of the standard school year is used to designate a school year; for example, 2017-2018 school year would be indicated by 2018-06-30.

  • The service date must fall within a school year defined in the school's Years & Terms setup.



Location Fact - AED Extract

Inspection Expires Date

Enter the date on which the current AED inspection expires. If none, report the earliest date of expiration of any of the components (batteries, pads, etc.)



Location Fact - AED Extract


Enter a brief description of the location of the AED within the school.



Location Fact - AED Extract

Updating AED Data Entry (District Only)

Location Fact - AED Data Entry (District Only) > [New/Edit]

Note: To apply a filter and override the year selected in the Term field, choose a year from the Filter By Year pop-up menu.

No AED Unit

Select the checkbox to indicate if there are no AED units at the district.



Location Fact - AED Extract

School Year

Select the school year from the pop-up menu.



Location Fact - AED Extract


The Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) number, 01 through 16.



Location Fact - AED Extract


Choose the condition of the AED from the pop-up menu:

Valid values:

  • (NA) Not Applicable

  • NEW

  • GOOD

  • FAIR

  • POOR



Location Fact - AED Extract


Choose Yes or No to indicate whether or not the location has an AED.



Location Fact - AED Extract

Service Date

Enter a single date indicating the school year during which the AED was placed in service

Note: June 30 at the end of the standard school year is used to designate a school year. Thus, the 2017-2018 school year would be indicated by 2018-06-30.



Location Fact - AED Extract

Inspection Expires Date

Enter the date on which the current AED inspection expires. If none, report the earliest date of expiration of any of the components (batteries, pads, etc.)



Location Fact - AED Extract


Enter a brief description of the location of the AED.



Location Fact - AED Extract

Updating Bus Evacuation Drill Data Entry (All Schools)

Location Fact Safe Schools - Bus Evacuation Drill (All Schools) > New/Edit

Note: To apply a filter and override the year selected in the Term field, choose a year from the Filter By Year pop-up menu.

School Name

Choose the school for which the bus drill will occur.



LocationFact - Bus Drill

Off SiteLocation

Select the checkbox if the drill will occur at an offsite location.



LocationFact - Bus Drill

School Year

Choose in which school year the bus drill will occur.



LocationFact - Bus Drill

Bus Drill Type

The type of bus drill. This field is read-only.



LocationFact - Bus Drill


Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No from the pop-up menu to indicate if a drill took place.



LocationFact - Bus Drill


Enter the date for the bus drill.



LocationFact - Bus Drill


Enter any additional comments.



LocationFact - Bus Drill

Updating Bus Evacuation Drill Data Entry for District Only

Location Fact - Bus Evacuation Drill Data Entry (District Only) > New/Edit

Note: To apply a filter and override the year selected in the Term field, choose a year from the Filter By Year pop-up menu.

School Year

Choose in which school year the bus drill will occur.



LocationFact - Bus Drill

Bus Drill Type

The type of bus drill. This field is read-only.



LocationFact - Bus Drill


Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No from the pop-up menu to indicate if a drill took place.



LocationFact - Bus Drill


Enter the date for the bus drill.



LocationFact - Bus Drill


Enter any additional comments.



Location Fact - Bus Drill

Defining School Calendar Information

School Calendar Information

Create a school calendar for each specific calendar program that may apply to the students in the LEA


A unique number and/or alphabetical unit used to identify this calendar

To the extent possible, create a CALENDAR ID that is descriptive of the unique calendar.







School Calendar

PIMS Act 80 Group

This data element will be used to associate this Act 80 approval with one or more School Calendars



School Calendar

Calendar Description

Enter a description for the calendar.

Note: This is a Free-form text description of the calendar; its purpose and target student population.


  • ABC_Elementary_KHT

  • William-Penn-Middle School

  • CTC_all-AM-Sessions


School Calendar

Rotation Pattern Code

For part-time CTC/AVTS programs, enter code for half-day, one-week, two-week, three-week, nine-week, semester rotation, or other.

For part-time pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, enter code for half-day or alternate day.

Valid values for CTC/AVTS programs:

  • H – half day

  • 1 – one week

  • 2 – two week

  • 3 – three week

  • 9 – nine week

  • S – semester

  • O- other

Valid values for part-time pre-kindergarten or kindergarten programs:

  • H – half day

  • A – alternate day

Required only for part-time CTC/AVTS programs, and for part-time pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs



School Calendar

School Year ID

Select from the pop-up menu the school year that applies to the calendar record being created.


School Calendar

Calendar Programs Code

Provides additional context for calendars created by LEAs for students in certain special situations.

Required (R) fields for these reporting LEAs:

  • CTC

  • PRRI

  • APS

Conditionally Required (CR) for all other LEAs

See Appendix R in Volume 2 of the PIMS User Manual for a complete list of valid values.



School Calendar

Calendar Start Date

The date of the first day on the original calendar. This date could be an approved full-day Act 80 day prior to the first day of instruction.


School Calendar

Calendar End Date

The date of the last day on the original calendar. This date could be an approved full-day Act 80 day after the last day of instruction.


School Calendar

Instruction Start Date

The date of the first day of instruction


School Calendar

Instruction End Date

The date of the last day of instruction


School Calendar

Graduation Ceremony Date

The date of the seniors’ graduation ceremony




School Calendar

Number of Scheduled School Days

Enter the number of planned instructional student instructional days.

[S_PA_Calendar_S] Num_Of_Scheduled_School_Days


School Calendar

Instructional Min in a Standard Day

Enter the number of instructional minutes in a regular school day.

Note: Minutes must be within the range of 30 to 435.



School Calendar

Total Days In Session Lost Due to Strike

Enter the number of instructional days lost due to work stoppage.



School Calendar

Total Days In Session Lost Due to Act80

Enter the number of instructional days lost due to PDE Approved full-day Act 80 dismissals.



School Calendar

Total Days In Session Lost Due to Other

Enter the number of instructional days lost due to other reasons such as snow, flood, or adverse weather conditions. If the School Services Office granted a waiver for an emergency closing, do not include in the number of days lost.



School Calendar

Total Make-up Days

Enter the number of instructional days made up within or beyond the original calendar.



School Calendar

Lost Time (Instructional Minutes) Due to Planned Shorted Days and PDE Emergency Waiver

Enter the number of instructional minutes lost due to planned shorted days and PDE Emergency Waiver.

Note: Enter total minutes as whole numbers.


School Calendar

Select the Sub-District number that applies to this calendar record

Select the Sub-District to which the calendar applies.

Note: For information on how to enable and configure Sub-Districts, see District Information > Enable Sub-District Configuration, above


School Calendar

Setting up NCES Language Codes

NCES Language Codes Setup > New/Edit


Enter the NCES code for primary languages.



ISO Code

Enter the International Standard Code for primary languages.




Enter a code description.




Select the checkbox to indicate that the code is in active use.



Updating Industry Credential Certification Codes

Industry Credential Certification Codes > [New/Edit]

Industry Credential Code

Enter the state-assigned industry credential code.

Note: See the PIMS Manual, available through the Pennsylvania DOE, for a list of all valid credential codes.



CTE Student Industry Credential

Industry Credential Description

Enter the state-assigned description of the industry credential.



CTE Student Industry Credential

Industry Credential Category

Enter the state-assigned industry credential category.



CTE Student Industry Credential


Select the checkbox to make the credential active.



CTE Student Industry Credential

Adding a PA Student Local Assessment

PA Student Local Assessment > [New/Edit]

If a local assessment is linked to a student, the local assessment record cannot be deleted and only the test name can be edited. To delete a local assessment, first, remove the local assessment from all student records.

This page does not allow duplicate records. When a new record matches the Test Description, Local Assessment Test Name, Subtest Area, Subtest Grade Level, and Subtest Version ID of an existing record, the record is not accepted.

Test Description

Choose the PDE-defined code that identifies the assessment.

Valid values:

  • [Blank]





  • DRA


  • EASYCBM1-8

  • EASYCBM2-8


  • FP









  • I-READYK-8





Local Assessment Subtest

Local Assessment for Reporting and Analytics

Local Assessment Test Name

Enter the name of the subtest. If the Test Description is not LOCAL, then this field is disabled or uneditable.



Local Assessment Subtest

Local Assessment for Reporting and Analytics

Subtest Area

Choose the subtest area from the pop-up menu. If the Test Description is LOCAL, then only MATH and READING display as options. If the Test Description is not LOCAL, then only ELA and MATH display as options.

Valid values:

  • [Blank]

  • ELA

  • MATH




Local Assessment Subtest

Local Assessment for Reporting and Analytics

Subtest Grade Level

The grade level for which the subtest is administered.

If the Test Description is LOCAL, this field automatically populates based on the Subtest Area field:

  • If the subtest area is Math, 07 populates this field.

  • If the subtest area is ELA, 02 populates this field.

  • If no subtest area is selected, the field defaults to blank.

If the Test Description is not LOCAL, then choose the applicable grade level from the Grade Level Codes pop-up menu.



Local Assessment Subtest

Local Assessment for Reporting and Analytics

Subtest Version ID

Enter the code identifying the subtest version. If the Test Description is LOCAL, then the only valid value for this field is 1. If the Test Description is not LOCAL, these options display: COMPST, ORF, DORF, CIL, WRF, PRF, MCRC, READING, LAS, TEXTLVL, ROS, LITERACY, LANGUAGE, OLAS, TOTAL, READING, READ-SP, LANGUAGE, LANG-SP, EARLYLIT, POR, MATH, AMATH, MOS, OMS, AREADING, ERE, and EARLYMATH.



Local Assessment Subtest

Local Assessment for Reporting and Analytics


Select the checkbox to indicate if the subtest is in active use.



Local Assessment Subtest

Local Assessment for Reporting and Analytics

Updating SHARR Contact Data

SHARR Data - Contacts > [New/Edit]

School Name

Enter the school name.




Dental Program

Choose the Dental Program from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Mandated Program (MDP)

  • Dental Hygiene Services Program (DHSP)

  • Null




Institution Type

Choose the Institution Type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • School District (SD)

  • Charter School (CS)

  • Cyber Charter School (CCS)

  • Comprehensive Career and Technology Center (CCTC)

  • Null




PENN*LINK Email Address

Enter the PENN*LINK Email Address




Current Record

If this is the school's current SHARR record, select this checkbox.

Note: Only one record can be selected as the Current Record for each school.




SHARR Primary Contact

Name (First & Last)

Enter the primary contact's first and last name.







Choose the contact's title from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Business Manager (BM)

  • CSN School Hygienist (CSN)

  • Superintendent/CEO (SCEO)

  • Support Staff (SS)

  • Other (O)

  • Null




Phone Number

Enter the primary contact's phone number.





Enter the primary contact's extension.




Email Address

Enter the primary contact's email address.




SHARR Secondary Contact

Name (First & Last)

Enter the secondary contact's first and last name.







Choose the secondary contact's title from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Business Manager (BM)

  • CSN School Hygienist (CSN)

  • Superintendent/CEO (SCEO)

  • Support Staff (SS)

  • Other (O)

  • Null




Phone Number

Enter the secondary contact's phone number.





Enter the secondary contact's extension.




Email Address

Enter the secondary contact's email address.




Adding Staff Vacancies

District Info, Pennsylvania State Information, Staff Vacancies

Assignment Code

Choose the Staff Assignment Code that describes the category of the vacancy.



District Fact for Staff Vacancies

Budgeted Professional Staff Position

Select to report vacancies for positions that have been approved for the current school budget.



District Fact for Staff Vacancies

Number of Vacancies

Enter the total number of vacancies for the assignment code, employment type, and staff status.


District Fact for Staff Vacancies

Employment Type

The of employment:

  • F - Full Time

  • P - Part Time

Note: If a vacancy has multiple employment types, an entry should be created for each type.



District Fact for Staff Vacancies

Staff Status

Choose how the position is staffed:

  • LTS - Long Term Sub

  • STS - Short Term Sub

  • NS - Not Staffed (No individual regularly designated to fill this position)

Note: If a vacancy has multiple status types, an entry should be created for each type.



District Fact for Staff Vacancies

School Name

Choose the school or district for which the vacancy is being added.

Note: This is optional. Only District Level Vacancies are required to be reported.



District Fact for Staff Vacancies


Select to indicate that the vacancy is active.

Note: Only active vacancies are reported on the Staff Vacancies Template.



District Fact for Staff Vacancies

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