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CRDC Report - Part 2 (2015)

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is a mandatory data collection, authorized under the statutes and regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413). The regulations implementing these provisions can be found at 34 CFR 100.6(b); 34 CFR 106.71; and 34 CFR 104.61.

 The report output is a .zip file that contains a detailed “CRDC Part 2.pdf” report, two audit excel files, and six.csv flat files:

Audit files - use these files to audit the aggregate data

  • CRDC School Audit Part 2
  • CRDC Student Audit Part 2

Flat files - after auditing the data and making any necessary changes, re-run the report and use these files to upload the data to the CRDC system:

  • CRDC LEA Part 2.csv
  • CRDC SCH Part 2 - 01.csv
  • CRDC SCH Part 2 - 02.csv
  • CRDC SCH Part 2 - 03.csv
  • CRDC SCH Part 2 - 04.csv
  • CRDC SCH Part 2 - 05.csv

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

  • The school must not be designated as Exclude from CRDC reporting.
  • A student must not be selected as Exclude from CRDC reporting.

Report Input

For help with report generation and navigation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include

If sub-districts are not enabled:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select the schools for which you want to run the report. Includes all student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.
  • All Schools (default) – Run the report for all schools. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria

If sub-districts are enabled: 

  • Select Sub-district - Select the sub-district for which you want to run the report.
  • Select Multiple Schools – Select the schools for which you want to run the report. Includes all student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.
  • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Part 1 Fall Count Date*

Enter October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).

Part 1 Spring Count Date

(Used for block schedule classes only)

Enter March 1 (or the closest school day to March 1).

Part 1 IDEA Count Date

Date used to count students who were enrolled in IDEA. Fall Count Date used if left blank.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Unless otherwise noted:

  • Programs or services that are provided by a non-LEA facility that has been contracted by the LEA are considered LEA-provided services.
  • An LEA may provide services or programs in LEA facilities, non-LEA facilities, or both.
  • Counts by race/ethnicity by sex are unduplicated counts.
  • Students counted in the race/ethnicity category may also be counted in the Students with Disabilities (IDEA), Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only), and Students who are limited English proficient (LEP) categories.

Item #

Data Element



Part 2 LEA Form

Section I: Distance Education

LEA 19

Distance Education Enrollment Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA has any students enrolled in any distance educational courses.


LEA 20

Distance Education Enrollment

The number of male and female students enrolled in any distance education courses, including grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels, aggregated by,

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: Distance Education Enrollment value acts as an override to the section, which acts as an override to the course.






[Courses]PA_Course_Del_Mod_Cd (CF)

[Sections]PA_Course_Del_Mod_Cd (CF)

[CC]PA_Course_Del_Mod_Cd (CF)


Section II: High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Programs

LEA 21

High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Program Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA provides one or more high school equivalency exam preparation programs for students ages 16-19.


LEA 22

High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Program Student Participation

The number of male and female students, ages 16 – 19, who participated in one or more high school equivalency exam preparation programs provided by the LEA, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: Includes students who participated in one or more programs regardless of whether they took the programs’ high school equivalency exams.





[S_PA_STU_X]LEP_ELL_Status_Code  [S_STU_CRDC_X]GEDPrepProgram_YN


LEA 23

High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Program Credentials

The number of male and female students, ages 16 through 19, who participated in one or more high school equivalency exam preparation programs provided by the LEA, took and passed a program exam, and received a high school equivalency credential, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)








Part 2 School Form

Section I: Algebra I Passing


Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 7

Count of male and female students who passed Algebra I in grade 7 or ungraded middle grade students, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: Only students who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in Part 1 will be counted in Part 2. 







If Student has a [CC] record associated with [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd



Students who Passed Algebra I in Grade 8

Count of male and female students who passed Algebra I in grade 8 or ungraded middle grade students, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: Only students who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in Part 1 will be counted in Part 2. 







If Student has a [CC] record associated with [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd


High School Students who Passed Algebra I

Count of male and female students who passed Algebra I in grade 9 or 10, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


Count of male and female students who passed Algebra I in grade 11 - 12, including ungraded high school age students, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: Only students who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in Part 1 will be counted in Part 2. 







If Student has a [CC] record associated with [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd

Section II: Credit Recovery


Credit Recovery Program

A yes or no indicator of whether the school has any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program.



Credit Recovery Program Student Participation

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit in order to graduate from high school.


  • For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.
  • Student credit recovery value acts as an override to the section, which acts as an override to the course.





Section III: SAT Reasoning Test, ACT, and Advanced Placement Exams


Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT

Count of male and female students who participated in the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT), the ACT Test (ACT), or both, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.










Student Participation in Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

Count of male and female students who took one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Count of male and female students who were enrolled in one or more AP courses but did not take any AP exams, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.










Students who Received a Qualifying Score on Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

Count of male and female students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Count of male and female students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams for one or more AP courses enrolled in, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.









Section IV: Chronic Student Absenteeism


Chronic Student Absenteeism

Count of male and female students absent 15 or more school days during school year, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.







If Student has a [CC] record associated with [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd

Section V: Student Retention

SCH 10

Student Retention Indicator

A (Y) Yes or (N) No indicator for any students who were retained in any of the grades specified (only for the applicable grades within the school):

  • Kindergarten
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12



SCH 11

Retention of Students

Count of male and female students who were retained in Grade K-12, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Each grade is reported separately.








If Student has a [CC] record associated with [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd

Section VI: Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics

SCH 12

Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students who participate in single-sex interscholastic athletics.

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.


SCH 13

Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams and Participants

Enter the count of male only and female only students for each of the following questions:

  • Number of single-sex interscholastic athletics sports
  • Number of single-sex interscholastic athletics teams
  • Number of student participants on single-sex interscholastic athletics sports teams







Section VII: Student Discipline

SCH 14

Corporal Punishment

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students who receive corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes.


SCH 15

Preschool Corporal Punishment

The number of preschool children who receive corporal punishment, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)







SCH 16

Preschool Instances of Corporal Punishment

The number of instances of corporal punishment for preschool children.


SCH 17

Preschool Suspensions and Expulsions

The number of male and female preschool students who received:

  • only one out-of-school suspension
  • More than one out-of-school suspension
  • An expulsion

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)







If Student has a [CC] record associated with [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd


SCH 18

Preschool Instances of Suspension

The number of instances of out-of-school suspensions for preschool children.


[Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type =actioncode

SCH 19

Discipline of Students without Disabilities

Count of male and female students without disabilities who received:

  • Corporal punishment
  • One or more in-school suspensions
  • Only one out-of-school suspension
  • More than one out-of-school suspension
  • An expulsion with educational services
  • Expulsion without educational services
  • An expulsion under zero tolerance policies
  • Who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official
  • A school-related arrest

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP Students without Disabilities

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.






In School Suspension Data: [Log]PA_Disc_Action_Cd = S3


Incident Management > Action Code > State Detail Report Code = S3 (In School Suspension)

  • Out of School Suspension Data:

[Log]PA_Disc_Action_Cd = S4   OR Incident Management > Action Code > State Detail Report Code = S4 (Out of School Suspension)

  • Explusion Data: [Log]PA_Disc_Action_Cd = S5, S6, S7  OR  Incident Management > Action Code > State Detail Report Code = S5, S6 and S7.
  • Referred to Law enforcement Data:

[Log]PA_Local_Law_Not= 1 OR Incident Management > Action Attributes > LLE NOTIFIED INDICATOR > State Aggregate Report Code = LLE

  • School Related Arrest Data

[Log]PA_Arrest = 1 OR Incident Management > Action Attributes > ARRESTED CODE > State Detail Report Code = YN or YW.

SCH 20

Transfer to Alternative School for Students without Disabilities

The number of male and female students without disabilities who were transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons.

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP Students without Disabilities

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.






[Log]PA_Disc_Action_Cd (CF)

[Log]PA_Ed_Service_Expul (CF)


[Log]PA_Report_Type (CF)

[Log]PA_Offend_Stat (CF)

(IM) Action Taken Code

(IM) Action Attribute - "Assigned to Alternative Ed Indicator"

SCH 21

Discipline of Students with Disabilities

Count of male and female students with

disabilities who received:

  • Corporal punishment
  • One or more in-school suspension
  • Only one out-of-school suspension
  • More than one out-of-school suspension
  • An expulsion with educational services
  • Expulsion without educational services
  • An expulsion under zero tolerance policies
  • Who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official
  • A school-related arrest

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP Students with Disabilities
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.







If Student has a [CC] record associated with [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd

SCH 22

Transfer to Alternative School for Students with Disabilities

The number of male and female students without disabilities who were transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary purposes, aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP Students with Disabilities
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.







[Log]PA_Disc_Action_Cd (CF)

[Log]PA_Ed_Service_Expul (CF)


[Log]PA_Report_Type (CF)

[Log]PA_Offend_Stat (CF)

(IM) Action Taken Code

(IM) Action Attribute - "Assigned to Alternative Ed Indicator"

SCH 23

Instances of Corporal Punishment

The number of corporal punishment instances for students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.


SCH 24

Instances of Suspension

The number of out-of-school suspensions for students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels, aggregated by:

  • Students without Disabilities
  • Students with Disabilities



[Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type =actioncode

SCH 25

School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension

The number school days that were missed by students due to one or more out-of-school suspensions, aggregated by:

  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.







[Log]PA_Disc_Action_Cd (CF)

[Log]PA_Num_Days_Expel (CF)

[Log]PA_Report_Type (CF)

[Log]PA_Offend_Stat (CF)

(IM) Action Taken Code

(IM) Duration Actual

Section VIII: Offenses

SCH 26

Offenses – Number of Incidents

The number of documented incidents, as specified, that occurred at the school.

  • Incidents of rape or attempted rape
  • Incidents of sexual assault (other than rape)
  • Incidents of robbery with a weapon
  • Incidents of robbery with a firearm or explosive device
  • Incidents of robbery without a weapon
  • Incidents of physical attack or fight with a weapon
  • Incidents of physical attack or fight with a firearm or explosive device
  • Incidents of physical attack or fight without a weapon
  • Incidents of threats of physical attack with a weapon
  • Incidents of threats of physical attack with a firearm or explosive device
  • Incidents of threats of physical attack without a weapon
  • Incidents of possession of a firearm or explosive device

[Log]PA_Disc_Action_Cd (CF)


[Log]A_Report_Type (CF)

[Log]PA_Offend_Stat (CF)

(IM) Action Taken Code

(IM) Duration Actual


SCH 27

Firearm Use

A yes or no indicator of whether there has been at least one incident at this school that involved a shooting (regardless of whether anyone was hurt).



SCH 28


A yes or no indicator of whether any of the school’s students, faculty, or staff have died as a result of homicide committed at the school.



Section IX: Harassment or Bullying

SCH 29

Allegations of Harassment or Bullying

The number of allegations of harassment or bullying reported to responsible school employees (such as teachers and school administrators), as specified.

  • Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex
  • Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin
  • Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability
  • Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation
  • Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion

Include allegations of bullying or harassment for alleged victims in grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels.

[Log]PA_Against_Person = Sexual Harassement, Racial/Ethnic Intimidation, All Other Forms-Harassment/Intimidation.

Incident Management > Behavior Codes > MISCONDUCT AGAINST A PERSON > SEXUAL HARASSEMENT > State Detail Report code = 14 (Sexual Harassement, 15(Racial/Ethnic Intimidation), 16(All Other Forms-Harassment/Intimidation)


SCH 30

Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex, race, color or national origin, and disability.

The number of male and female students who were reported as harassed or bullied to a responsible school employee, as specified

  • Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex
  • Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color, or national origin
  • Students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.







Student must a Victim with an Offender who has one of the below Behaviors

Incident Management > Behavior Codes > MISCONDUCT AGAINST A PERSON > SEXUAL HARASSEMENT > State Detail Report code = 14 (Sexual Harassement, 15(Racial/Ethnic Intimidation), 16(All Other Forms-Harassment/Intimidation)


SCH 31

Students disciplined for bullying or harassment on the basis of sex, race, color or national origin, or disability.

The number of male and female students who were disciplined for harassment or bullying, as specified

  • Students disciplined for harassment or bullying on the basis of sex
  • Students disciplined for harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin
  • disciplined for harassment or bullying on the basis of disability

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



[Students]Fedethnicity [S_PA_STU_X]IS_SPED_Student_YN



Student must be an Offender with one of the below Behaviors:


[Log]PA_Against_Person = Sexual Harassement, Racial/Ethnic Intimidation, All Other Forms-Harassment/Intimidation.

Incident Management > Behavior Codes > MISCONDUCT AGAINST A PERSON > SEXUAL HARASSEMENT > State Detail Report code = 14 (Sexual Harassement, 15(Racial/Ethnic Intimidation), 16(All Other Forms-Harassment/Intimidation)

Section X: Restraint and Seclusion

SCH 32

Non-IDEA Students subjected to Restraint or Seclusion

The number of male and female non-IDEA students, as specified:

  • Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint
  • Non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint
  • Non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP Non-IDEA Students
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 33

IDEA Students subjected to Restraint or Seclusion

The number of male and female IDEA students, as specified:

  • IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint
  • IDEA students subjected to physical restraint
  • IDEA students subjected to seclusion

Aggregated by:

  • Ethnicity/Race
  • LEP IDEA Students
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 34

Instances of Restraint or Seclusion

The number of instances as specified:

  • Number of instances of mechanical restraint
  • Number of instances of physical restraint
  • Number of instances of seclusion

Aggregated by:

  • Students without Disabilities
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

Section XI: Teacher Absenteeism

SCH 35

Teacher Absenteeism

The number of FTE teachers who were absent more than 10 school days during the school year.

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

Section XII: School Expenditures

SCH 36

Full-time Equivalency Count and Salary Amount for Teachers Funded with State and Local Funds

The number of FTE personnel at the school-level funded with state and local funds, as specified. Includes teachers for grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels.

  • Instructional Aides
  • Support Services Staff
  • School Administration Staff

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 37

Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with State and Local Funds

The number of FTE teachers at the school-level funded with state and local funds. Includes teachers for grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels.

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 38

Salary Amount for Total Personnel Funded with State and Local Funds

The amount of salary expenditures for total personnel at the school level funded with state and local funds. Include salary expenditures for personnel associated with grades K-12 (including comparable ungraded levels).

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 39

Amount of Non-Personnel Expenditures Associated with Activities Funded with State and Local Funds

The amount of non-personnel expenditures at the school level associated with regular K-12 instruction, pupil support, instructional support, and school administration, funded with state and local funds. 

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 40

Salary Amount for Teachers Funded with Federal, State and Local Funds

The amount of salary expenditures for teachers at the school level funded with federal, state, and local funds. Includes salary expenditures for teachers associated with preschool-grade 12 instruction.

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 41

Full-time Equivalency Counts and Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds

The number of FTE personnel at the school level funded with federal, state, and local funds, as specified. Includes personnel for preschool, grades K-12, and comparable ungraded levels.

  • Instructional Aides
  • Support Services Staff
  • School Administration Staff

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 42

Salary Amount for Personnel Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds

The amount of salary expenditures for total personnel at the school level funded with federal, state, and local funds. Includes salary expenditures for personnel associated with preschool-grade 12 (including comparable ungraded levels).

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 43

Amount of Non-Personnel Expenditures Associated with Activities Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds

The amount of non-personnel expenditures at the school level associated with preschool-grade 12 instruction, pupil support, instructional support, and school administration, funded with federal, state, and local funds. 

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

Section XIII: Items for Justice Facilities Only

SCH 44

Justice Facility Type

A yes or no indicator for the specified type that best describes the justice facility:

  • Pre-adjudication/Pre-conviction facility
  • Post-adjudication/Post-conviction facility
  • Pre- and post-adjudication/conviction


SCH 45

Days in Regular School Year at Justice Facility

The number of days that make up the justice facility’s regular school year.


SCH 46

Justice Facility Educational Program Hours per Week

The number of hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year.


SCH 47

Justice Facility Educational Program Participants

The number of students who participated in the credit-granting educational program during the regular school year at the justice facility for the length of time specified. Includes elementary, middle, and high school age students who participated in the educational program.

  • Less than 15 days
  • 15 days to 30 days
  • 31 days to 90 days
  • 91 days to 180 days
  • More than 180 days





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