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YDD Reengagement File

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This report helps you submit Youth Development Division (YDD) Reengagement data to the state. 

Selection Criteria

  • When a selection of students is provided to the report then that selection is used.
  • When a start date and end date are provided to the report then students with enrollments within the date range are selection for report inclusion.
  • When a list of entry code or exit codes is provided to the report then students with enrollments using these entry or exit codes are selected for report inclusion.
  • The Start Date must be on or before the last day of the current term.
  • The End Date must be on or after the last day of the current term.
  • The Start Date must be before the End Date.

Report Input

To generate the YDD Reengagement File Collection report, do the following:

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools*

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include*

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students (Default) – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Report Start Date

Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy

Report End Date

Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy

Report Output

To generate the Cumulative ADM Student File Collection report, do the following:

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

ItemColumnData Element Description[Table]Field NameData TypeRequired
1Secure Student Identifier (SSID)ODE assigned Secure Student Identifier (SSID) with a trailing check digit.ChkDigitStdntIDintY
2District/Local Student IdentifierIdentifier, assigned by the district, used to uniquely identify the student.DistStdntIDvarcharN
3Resident District Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Resident District.  The District responsible for the education of the student and also is the basis on which the State School Fund, the Common School Fund, and the County School Fund are distributed to local districts.  Special provisions apply as defined in ORS 339.133, 338.155(1), and 338.165.ResdDistInstIDintY
4Resident School Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Resident School.  The School responsible for the education of the student and also is the basis on which the State School Fund, the Common School Fund, and the County School Fund are distributed to local districts.  Special provisions apply as defined in ORS 339.133, 338.155(1), and 338.165.ResdSchlInstIDintY
5Attending District Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Attending District.  The District where the student is receiving instruction and where state assessments are administered.AttndDistInstIDintY
6Attending School Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Attending School.  The School where the student is receiving instruction and where state assessments are administered.AttndSchlInstIDintY
7Institution FillerReserved for future use.InstFillvarcharN
8Legal Last NameLegal last name of the student.LglLNmvarcharY
9Legal First NameLegal first name of the student.LglFNmvarcharY
10Legal Middle NameLegal middle name of the student.LglMNmvarcharN
11Generation CodeName suffix of the student (i.e. Jr., II, III).GnrtnCdvarcharN
12Preferred Last NamePreferred last name of the student.PrfrdLNmvarcharN
13Preferred First NamePreferred first name of the student.PrfrdFNmvarcharN
14Preferred Middle NamePreferred middle name of the student.PrfrdMNmvarcharN
15Date of BirthDate the student was born.BirthDtTxtdatetimeY
16Gender CodeCode indicating the gender of the student.GndrCdcharY
17Hispanic/Latino Ethnic FlagIndicates a student of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, “Spanish origin,” can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.”HispEthnicFgcharY
18American Indian/Alaskan Native Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.AmerIndianAlsknNtvRaceFgcharY
19Asian Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.AsianRaceFgcharY
20African American Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.BlackRaceFgcharY
21White Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.WhiteRaceFgcharY
22Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.PacIslndrRaceFgcharY
23Race FillerReserved for future use.RaceFillcharN
24Language of Origin CodeCode indicating the first language spoken in an individual's home in their early or earliest childhood.  One's first language or native language.LangOrgnCdvarcharY
25Partial Social Security NumberLast four (4) digits of the Social Security Number of the student.SSNvarcharN
26Enrolled Grade CodeCode indicating the enrolled grade level of the student; or a grade level assigned to an ungraded student based on student age.EnrlGrdCdcharY
27AAStreet AddressStreet Address of the student's primary residence.AddrvarcharY
28ABCityCity where the student's primary residence is located.CityvarcharY
29ACZip CodeFirst five digits of the postal Zip Code of the student's primary residence.ZipCdvarcharY
30ADZip Plus Four CodePlus four portion of the postal zip code of the student's primary residence.Zip4CdvarcharN
31AEResident County CodeCode indicating the county of legal residence of the student's parent or legal guardian or the county of residence of an emancipated minor student.ResdCntyCdvarcharY
32AFPhone NumberPhone Number (Area Code, Prefix, and Exchange) of the student.PhnvarcharN
33AGTeacher FillerReserved for future use.TchrFillvarcharN
34AHHigh School Entry Cohort School YearSchool year the student entered high school in the format XXYY. (i.e. 0809 for the 2008-2009 school year).  Indicates the ninth grade cohort group associated with the student.HSEntrySchlYrvarcharN
35AIStudent FillerReserved for future use.FillvarcharN
36AJEconomically Disadvantaged FlagIndicates student eligibility for a Free or Reduced Lunch program.EconDsvntgFgcharY
37AKTitle I FlagIndicates the student is being served in a Title I Targeted Assisted School (TAS). Does NOT include students served in a Title I School Wide Program (SWP).Ttl1FgcharN
38ALSpecial Education FlagIndicates student participation in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP/IFSP).   SpEdFgcharY
39AMSection 504 FlagIndicates student eligibility for Section 504 servicesSect504FgcharY
40ANMigrant Education FlagIndicates student participation in a program designed to assure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunity to meet the state academic content and student academic achievement standards.MigrntEdFgcharN
41AOIndian Education FlagIndicates student participation in a program designed to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indians.IndianEdFgcharN
42APEnglish Learner FlagIndicates a student who is an English Learner.ELFgcharN
43AQDistance Learning FlagIndicates student participation in a distance learning program or a program that includes online coursework.DstncLrnFgcharN
44ARHomeschooling FlagIndicates that the student is registered to receive homeschool instruction.HomeSchlFgcharN
45ASPotentially Talented and Gifted FlagIndicates that the student demonstrated the potential to perform at the 97th percentile.  The definition for this field is established by the district.TAGPtntTAGFgcharN
46ATIntellectually Gifted FlagIndicates that the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized test of mental ability.TAGIntlctGiftFgcharN
47AUAcademically Talented Reading FlagIndicates that the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a standardized test of total reading.TAGAcdmTlntRdFgcharN
48AVAcademically Talented Math FlagIndicates that the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a standardized test of total mathematics.TAGAcdmTlntMaFgcharN
49AWCreative Ability FlagIndicates that the student demonstrated original or nontraditional methods in thinking and producing.  The definition for this field is established by the district.TAGCrtvAbltyFgcharN
50AXLeadership Ability FlagIndicates that the student demonstrated ability in motivating the performance of others either in educational or non-educational settings.  The definition for this field is established by the district.TAGLdrshpAbltyFgcharN
51AYVisual and Performing Arts Ability FlagIndicates that the student demonstrated ability in dance, music or art.  The definition for this field is established by the district.TAGPrfmArtsAbltyFgcharN
52AZTransition Program FlagIndicates a Special Education student of high school or post high school age (up through the age of 21) who has not graduated with a regular diploma and are not working towards a regular or modified diploma.TrnstnProgFgcharN
53BAAlternative Education Program FlagIndicates that the student has been placed by the district in an Alternative Education Program(s) based on criteria described in OAR 581-022-1350 (5).AltEdProgFgcharN
54BBAmerican Indian Tribal Membership CodeIndicates a student having membership in any Federally recognized tribe.AmerIndianTrbMbrshpCdcharN
55BCAmerican Indian Tribal Enrollment NumberIdentifier indicating the student's Native American tribal membership. AmerIndianTrbEnrlmntNbrvarcharN
56BDDemographic FillerReserved for future use.DemogFillvarcharN
57BE Grantee Type CodeCode indicating the type of grant received by the institution serving this student[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]GranteeTypCdvarcharY
58BF Reengagement Begin DateThe date the student began this period of reengagement.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]RengmtBgnDtdatetimeY
59BG Reengagement End DateThe date the student withdrew from or completed this period of reengagement, or the last day in the reporting period, whichever is earlier.  [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]RengmtEndDtdatetimeY
60BH Homeless Student FlagFlag indicating student was homeless at any point during this period of enrollment.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]HmlssStdntFgcharY
61BI Vocational Rehabilitation Program FlagFlag indicating that the student is or has been served by a Vocational Rehabilitation program.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]VctnlRehabProgFgcharY
62BJ Entry CodeCode indicating where the student is entering the program from.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]EntryCdvarcharY
63BK Referral Source CodeCode indicating how the student was referred to the program[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ReflSrcCdvarcharY
64BL Credit Deficiency Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Credit Deficiency.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]CrdDfcyDisengmtFgcharY
65BM Disciplinary Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Disciplinary reasons.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]DsplnDisengmtFgcharY
66BN Employment Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Employment reasons.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]EmplyDisengmtFgcharY
67BO Family Caregiving Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Family Caregiving.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]FamlyCaregvngDisengmtFgcharY
68BP Home Life Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Home Life.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]HomeLifeDisengmtFgcharY
69BQ Student Health Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Student Health.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]StdntHthDisengmtFgcharY
70BR Pregnant/Parenting Youth Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because they were Pregnant/Parenting Youth.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PrgntYthDisengmtFgcharY
71BS Residential Care/Treatment Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Residential Care/Treatment.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ResdtlTrtmtDisengmtFgcharY
72BT Social (Bullying) Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school for Social (Bullying) reasons.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SclBlyngDisengmtFgcharY
73BU Social (Other) Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school for Social (Other) reasons.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SclOthrDisengmtFgcharY
74BV Traumatic Life Event Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school because of a Traumatic Life Event.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]TrmtcLifeEventDisengmtFgcharY
75BW Other Disengagement FlagFlag indicating the student disengaged from school for Other reasons.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]OthrDisengmtFgcharY
76BX Credit Recovery Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Credit Recovery.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]CrdRcvrEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
77BY Schedule Flexibility Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Schedule Flexibility.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SchdFlxbltyEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
78BZ Individualized Services Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Individualized Services/Supports.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]IndvdlzdSrvcEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
79CA Family Services Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Family Services/Supports.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]FamlySrvcEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
80CB Pregnant/Parenting Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Pregnant/Parenting Program or Supports.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PrgntPrntEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
81CC Training/Employment Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Training and Employment Opportunities.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]TrngEmplyEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
82CD Behavioral/Mental Health Supports Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Behavioral/Mental Health Supports.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]BhvrlMntlHthSprtEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
83CE Accommodations Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Accommodation of Health Issues or Disabilities.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]AcmdtnEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
84CF Class Size Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Class Size.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ClsSzEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
85CG Alternative Education Setting Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Alternative Education Setting.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]AltEdEdSettingEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
86CH Diploma Completion Options Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of High School Diploma Completion Options.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]DiplomaCmpltnOptEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
87CI GED Completion Options Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of GED Completion Options.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]GEDCmpltnOptEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
88CJ Social Environment Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Social Environment.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SclEnvEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
89CK Culturally Relevant Programming Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Culturally Relevant Programming.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]CRPEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
90CL Outreach Services Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Outreach Services.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]OutrchSrvcEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
91CM Academic and Career Coaching Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Academic and Career Coaching.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]AcdmCareerCoachingEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
92CN Job Skills Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Profession and Job Skills Development.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]JobSkillEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
93CO Post-Secondary Support Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Post-Secondary Support/Access.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PstScndrySprtEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
94CP Other Enrollment Reason FlagFlag indicating the student enrolled in this program for a reason not listed.  [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]OthrEnrlmntRsnFgcharY
95CQ Number of GED tests passedThe total number of GED tests that the student passed this school year.  [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]NbrOfGEDTstPassintN
96CR Number of Credits EarnedThe total number of transcripted credits that the student earned this school year with two decimal places.  [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]NbrOfCrdEarnddecimal(4,2)N
97CS End Date CodeCode describing the student's enrollment status on the Enrollment End Date.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]YDDEndDtCdvarcharY
98CT Diploma Type CodeCode indicating the type of diploma earned.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ADMDiplomaTypCdvarcharY
99CU Employed During School Year FlagFlag indicating the student had employment at some point during the school year.[S_OR_STU_YDD_X]EmpDrngSchlYrFgcharN
100CV Post-Secondary Enrollment FlagFlag indicating that the student enrolled in postsecondary education or training within 3 months of exiting the reengagement program.  [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PstScndryEnrlmntFgcharN
101CW Post-Enrollment Employment FlagFlag indicating that the student was employed within 3 months of exiting the reengagement program.  [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PstEnrlmntEmplyFgcharN
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