Staff Position File
The Staff Position File reports all active staff members having a Position Code value populated on the Staff Information page.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Staff is not excluded from state reporting.
School is not excluded from state reporting.
This report can be run only at the school level.
Position Code should not be blank.
Report Input
To generate the Staff Assignment report, do the following:
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools* | Choose one of the following:
Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
File Name | OR_StaffPosition_[SchoolID/DistrictNumber]_[Timestamp].csv |
Destination | The report defaults to the Reporting Queue. |
Scheduling | Choose a time to run the report from following options:
Schedule |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Column # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length |
A | Unique Staff Identifier | ODE Unique Staff Identifier | [S_OR_USR_X]UniqueStaffID | int | 10 |
B | Teacher Standards and Practices Commission Account Identifier | TSPC (Teacher Standards and Practices Commission) assigned account identifier. | [S_OR_USR_X]TSPCAcctID | varchar | 10 |
C | Employer Institution Identifier | ODE Institution Identification number for the institution employing the staff member. Note: If a staff member is employed by more than one institution this field will indicate the last employer to update the record. Institution ID numbers can be found at: | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | int | 10 |
D | Employer Staff Identifier | Identifier assigned by the employer used to identify the staff member. This identifier should be unique within the employer system that assigned it. | [Users]TeacherNumber | varchar | 10 |
E | Partial Social Security Number | Last four (4) digits of the Social Security Number of the staff member | [Users]SSN | varchar | 4 |
F | Legal Last Name | Legal Last Name of the staff member | [Users]Last_Name | varchar | 50 |
G | Legal First Name | Legal First Name of the staff member | [Users]First_Name | varchar | 40 |
H | Legal Middle Initial | Legal Middle Initial of the staff member | [Users]Middle_Name | char | 1 |
I | Date of Birth | Date of Birth of the staff member | [UserCoreFields]DOB | varchar | 8 |
J | Gender Code | Code indicating the gender of the staff member | [UserCoreFields]Gender | char | 1 |
K | Hispanic/Latino Ethnic Flag | Indicates a staff member of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Note: The term, “Spanish origin,” can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.” | [Users]FedEthnicity | char | 1 |
L | American Indian/Alaskan Native Race Flag | Indicates a staff member having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd When [TeacherRace]RaceCd = I | char | 1 |
M | Asian Race Flag | Indicates a staff member having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd When [TeacherRace]RaceCd = A | char | 1 |
N | African American Race Flag | Indicates a staff member having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd When [TeacherRace]RaceCd = B | char | 1 |
O | White Race Flag | Indicates a staff member having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd When [TeacherRace]RaceCd = W | char | 1 |
P | Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Race Flag | Indicates a staff member having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd When [TeacherRace]RaceCd = P | char | 1 |
Q | Filler | Filler Space | N/A | varchar | 21 |
R | Assigned Institution Identifier | ODE Institution Identification number for the physical location the position being reported is assigned to. Institution ID numbers can be found at: | [SchoolStaff]Schoolid | int | 10 |
S | Position Code | Code describing the position filled by the staff member, or the function most similar to the staff member's duties. | [S_OR_SSF_X]positioncode | char | 2 |
T | Position Comment | Comment describing services rendered by the staff member. | Not Reported (Blank) | varchar | 200 |
U | Full Time Equivalency | Proportion of a full-time position (with two implied decimal places) anticipated for the position. Computed by dividing the unit of time scheduled to be worked by the unit of time normally considered full-time. | Always reported as 1 | numeric | 3 |
V | Base Salary | Amount of the position's base salary in whole dollars (no implied decimal). Does not include extra duty pay, stipend amounts, or other compensation above and beyond the amount provided for by the basic contract. | Not Reported (Blank) | int | 6 |
W | Hourly Rate | Hourly rate (with two implied decimal places) the staff person is being paid for the position. | Not Reported (Blank) | numeric | 5 |
X | Public Employees Retirement System Pickup Flag | Flag indicating the employer pays that employee’s share of the PERS (Public Employees' Retirement System) contribution for this position. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 1 |
Y | Contract Length / Days Scheduled | Total number of whole days the staff member is expected to work as specified in the position contract. Note: For recently separated employees (within the current year) this represents the total number of whole days the staff member actually worked during the school year. | Not Reported (Blank) | int | 3 |
Z | Last State of Residence Code | Code indicating the state in which the staff member resided just prior to beginning employment with the district. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 2 |
AA | Filler | Filler Space | Blank | varchar | 9 |
AB | Level of Staff Education Code | Code indicating the highest level of education attained by the staff member. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 1 |
AC | Employment Status Code | Code describing the employment status of the staff position. Currently employed and recently separated employees (within the current year) are designated with a "00" Employment Status Code. Employees who separated in the previous year, or those on extended leave for the entire year, are designated with codes other than "00". | When [SchoolStaff]Status = 1 then report ‘00’ else ‘11’ | char | 2 |
AD | Years In District Count | Number of years the staff member has been employed with the district under Oregon licensure, cumulatively in any position. This number DOES NOT include the current year. New hires are represented by a "0". Any service of a half-year or more is counted as one full year, excluding the current year. | Not Reported (Blank) | int | 2 |
AE | Years In Oregon Count | Number of years the staff member has been working in the educational field in Oregon. Includes all years of experience in elementary-secondary teaching or administration in Oregon with Oregon certification. Any service of a half-year or more is counted as one full year, excluding the current year. | Not Reported (Blank) | int | 2 |
AF | Years Outside of Oregon Count | Number of years the staff member has been working in the educational field outside the state of Oregon under other official licensure. Includes experience in any licensed position (teaching, administration, counseling, etc.) at either the elementary or secondary levels. Any service of a half-year or more is counted as one full year, excluding the current year. | Not Reported (Blank) | int | 2 |
AG | Low Grade Responsibility Code | Code indicating the lowest grade level the position is responsible for. In the case of teachers, this represents the lowest grade the teacher actually teaches. In the case of administrators, this represents the lowest grade served by the institution. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 2 |
AH | High Grade Responsibility Code | Code indicating the highest grade level the position is responsible for. In the case of teachers, this represents the highest grade the teacher actually teaches. In the case of administrators, this represents the highest grade served by the institution. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 2 |
AI | Special Education Age Group Code | Code indicating the age group the position provides specialized Special Education services to. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 2 |
AJ | License Flag | Flag indicating the staff member holds a current license for this position from the appropriate regulatory agency. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 1 |
AK | Highly Qualified Paraprofessional Flag | Flag indicating the staff member is a highly qualified paraprofessional in this position. Paraprofessionals are considered “highly qualified” by virtue of having taken a paraprofessional exam, or through presentation of college credits equivalent to an Associates Degree. | Not Reported (Blank) | char | 1 |
AN | Full Contract Length | Total number of whole days in a typical full school year contract for this position. | Not Reported (Blank) | int | 3 |
AO | Language of Origin Code | Code indicating the first language spoken in an individual's home in their early or earliest childhood. One's first language or native language. | Not Reported (Blank) | varchar | 4 |
AP | Filler | Filler Space | Not Reported (Blank) | varchar | 17 |