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Seal of Biliteracy

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The State Seal of Biliteracy is established to recognize high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in one or more World Language in addition to English. The State Seal of Biliteracy shall be awarded by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. School district participation in this program is voluntary. Use this report to generate a file containing all students whose Biliteracy Seal graduation year matches the Graduation Year entered below.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select School

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to the running report.

Graduation YearEnter the graduation year. 

Report Output

RowColumnData Element Name Description[Table]FieldNameWidthData TypeRequired
1Secure Student Identifier (SSID)ODE assigned Secure Student Identifier (SSID) with a trailing check digit.[S_OR_STU_X]ChkDigitStdntID10intY
2District/Local Student IdentifierIdentifier, assigned by the district, used to uniquely identify the student.[S_OR_STU_X]DistStdntID10varcharN
3Resident District Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Resident District.  The District responsible for the education of the student and also is the basis on which the State School Fund, the Common School Fund, and the County School Fund are distributed to local districts.  Special provisions apply as defined in ORS 339.133, 338.155(1), and 338.165.[S_OR_STU_X]ResdDistInstID10intY
4Resident School Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Resident School.  The School responsible for the education of the student and also is the basis on which the State School Fund, the Common School Fund, and the County School Fund are distributed to local districts.  Special provisions apply as defined in ORS 339.133, 338.155(1), and 338.165.[S_OR_STU_X]ResdSchlInstID10intY
5Attending District Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Attending District.  The District where the student is receiving instruction and where state assessments are administered.[S_OR_STU_X]]AttndDistInstID10intY
6Attending School Institution IdentifierODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Attending School.  The School where the student is receiving instruction and where state assessments are administered.[S_OR_STU_X]]AttndSchlInstID10intY
8Legal Last NameLegal last name of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]LglLNm50varcharY
9Legal First NameLegal first name of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]LglFNm40varcharY
10Legal Middle NameLegal middle name of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]LglMNm40varcharN
11Generation CodeName suffix of the student (i.e. Jr., II, III).[S_OR_STU_X]GnrtnCd4varcharN
12Preferred Last NamePreferred last name of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]PrfrdLNm50varcharN
13Preferred First NamePreferred first name of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]PrfrdFNm40varcharN
14Preferred Middle NamePreferred middle name of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]PrfrdMNm40varcharN
15Date of BirthDate the student was born.[S_OR_STU_X]BirthDtTxt8datetimeY
16Gender CodeCode indicating the gender of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]GndrCd1charY
17Hispanic/Latino Ethnic FlagIndicates a student of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, “Spanish origin,” can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.”[S_OR_STU_X]HispEthnicFg1charY
18American Indian/Alaskan Native Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.[S_OR_STU_X]AmerIndianAlsknNtvRaceFg1charY
19Asian Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.[S_OR_STU_X]AsianRaceFg1charY
20African American Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.[S_OR_STU_X]]BlackRaceFg1charY
21White Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.[S_OR_STU_X]]WhiteRaceFg1charY
22Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Race FlagIndicates a student having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.[S_OR_STU_X]PacIslndrRaceFg1charY
23Race FillerReserved for future use.[S_OR_STU_X]RaceFill1charN
24Language of Origin CodeCode indicating the first language spoken in an individual's home in their early or earliest childhood.  One's first language or native language.[S_OR_STU_X]LangOrgnCd4varcharY
25Partial Social Security NumberLast four (4) digits of the Social Security Number of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]SSN4varcharN
26Enrolled Grade CodeCode indicating the enrolled grade level of the student; or a grade level assigned to an ungraded student based on student age.[S_OR_STU_X]EnrlGrdCd2charY
27AAStreet AddressStreet Address of the student's primary residence.[S_OR_STU_X]Addr45varcharY
28ABCityCity where the student's primary residence is located.[S_OR_STU_X]City20varcharY
29ACZip CodeFirst five digits of the postal Zip Code of the student's primary residence.[S_OR_STU_X]ZipCd5varcharY
30ADZip Plus Four CodePlus four portion of the postal zip code of the student's primary residence.[S_OR_STU_X]Zip4Cd4varcharN
31AEResident County CodeCode indicating the county of legal residence of the student's parent or legal guardian or the county of residence of an emancipated minor student.[S_OR_STU_X]ResdCntyCd2varcharY
32AFPhone NumberPhone Number (Area Code, Prefix, and Exchange) of the student.[S_OR_STU_X]Phn10varcharN
33AGTeacher FillerReserved for future use.[S_OR_STU_X]TchrFill50varcharN
34AHHigh School Entry Cohort School YearSchool year the student entered high school in the format XXYY. (i.e. 0809 for the 2008-2009 school year).  Indicates the ninth grade cohort group associated with the student.[S_OR_STU_X]HSEntrySchlYr4varcharN
35AIStudent FillerReserved for future use.Fill16varcharN
36AJEconomically Disadvantaged FlagIndicates student eligibility for a Free or Reduced Lunch program.[S_OR_STU_X]EconDsvntgFg1charN
37AKTitle I FlagIndicates the student is being served in a Title I Targeted Assisted School (TAS). Does NOT include students served in a Title I School Wide Program (SWP).[S_OR_STU_X]Ttl1Fg1charN
38ALSpecial Education FlagIndicates student participation in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP/IFSP).   [S_OR_STU_X]SpEdFg1charN
39AMSection 504 FlagIndicates student eligibility for Section 504 services[S_OR_STU_X]Sect504Fg1charN
40ANMigrant Education FlagIndicates student participation in a program designed to assure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunity to meet the state academic content and student academic achievement standards.[S_OR_STU_X]MigrntEdFg1charN
41AOIndian Education FlagIndicates student participation in a program designed to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indians.[S_OR_STU_X]IndianEdFg1charN
42APEnglish Learner FlagIndicates a student who is an English Learner.[S_OR_STU_X]ELFg1charN
43AQDistance Learning FlagIndicates student participation in a distance learning program or a program that includes online coursework.[S_OR_STU_X]DstncLrnFg1charN
44ARHomeschooling FlagIndicates that the student is registered to receive homeschool instruction.[S_OR_STU_X]HomeSchlFg1charN
45ASTransition Program FlagIndicates a Special Education student of high school or post high school age (up through the age of 21) who has not graduated with a regular diploma and are not working towards a regular or modified diploma.[S_OR_STU_X]TrnstnProgFg1charN
46ATAlternative Education Program FlagIndicates that the student has been placed by the district in an Alternative Education Program(s) based on criteria described in OAR 581-022-1350 (5).[S_OR_STU_X]AltEdProgFg1charN
47AUAmerican Indian Tribal Membership CodeIndicates a student having membership in any Federally recognized tribe.[S_OR_STU_X]AmerIndianTrbMbrshpCd3charN
48AVTalented and Gifted FlagIndicates that the student is identified as Academically Talented or Intellectually Gifted as determined by school district policy.[S_OR_STU_X]TAGFg1charN
49AWAdditional Language CodeCode indicating any additional language a student uses to communicate that is not the language of origin.[S_OR_STU_X]AddnLangCd4varcharN
50AXDemographic FillerReserved for future use.[S_OR_STU_X]DemogFill11varcharN
51AYCollection PeriodCdIndicates when the test scores were received (Fall or Spring)[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]CllctnPrdCd1charY
52AZGraduation YearHigh school graduation year for the student[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]GradYr4intY
53BAEL Status CodeStudents English Learner status code (Current, Former, or Never)[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]ELStsCd1charY
54BBEssential Skills Mastery - Reading FlagWas the Reading Essential Skill requirement completed in English without modifications? (Y/N)[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]RdEsntlSkillFg1charY
55BCEssential Skills Mastery - Writing FlagWas the Writing Essential Skill requirement completed in English without modifications? (Y/N)[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]WritingEsntlSkillFg1charY
56BDPartner Language CodeLanguage other than English that is being assessed[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]PrtnrLangCd4charY
57BEAssessment Type CodeType of Assessment used to demonstrate partner language proficiency[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]AsmtTypCd5charY
58BFAdditional Assessment Type CodeAdditional Type of Domain Assessment, if necessary[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]AddnAsmtTypCd5charN
59BGAssessment Composite ScoreAssessment Composite Score, if available[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]AsmtCmpScore3varcharN
60BHLocal Assessment RubricLocal Assessment Rubric indicated if used (Y/N)[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]LcAsmtRubric1charN
61BIReading ScoreReading Score from the partner language assessment[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]RdScore2varcharN
62BJWriting ScoreWriting Score from the partner language assessment[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]WritingScore2varcharN
63BKListening ScoreListening Score from the partner language assessment[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]LstnngScore2varcharN
64BLSpeaking ScoreSpeaking Score from the partner language assessment[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]SpeakingScore2varcharN
65BMDual Language Program FlagDual language programs are when a student learns academic content in both English and another language. "Yes" means the student is or has ever been in a Dual Language program in this or another district.[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]DualLangProgFg1charY
66BNTransitional Bilingual Program FlagTransitional Bilingual Programs ease the EL student into English language learning by first instructing in the student's native language. "Yes" means the student is or has ever been in a Transitional Bilingual program in this or another district.[S_OR_STU_BILITERACY_SEAL_X]TrnstnBilingProgFg1charY
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