Career and Technical Education - Student Data File
This report generates the Career and Technical Education – Student Data (CTE Student) collection with the consolidated student file format. The report scans for students who were enrolled for a minimum of twenty school days during the current school year. One row is exported for each student. The report may be run at the district or school level.
This report uses PS_Membership_Defaults, which is a database table. This table provides student membership information for each day that they have an active enrollment on valid in-session school days. It includes potential periods and minutes as well as actual periods and minutes absent.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:
- When a selection of students is provided to the report then that selection is used.
- When a start date and end date are provided to the report then students with enrollments within the date range are selected for report inclusion.
- When a list of entry codes or exit codes is provided to the report then students with enrollments using these entry or exit codes are selected for report inclusion.
- The Start Date must be on or before the last day of the current term.
- The End Date must be on or after the last day of the last in-session date of the current term.
- The Start Date must be before the End Date.
Report Input
To generate the Career and Technical Education – Student Data File, do the following:
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Students to Include | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
File Name | OR_CTESD_[SchoolID/DistrictNumber]_[Timestamp].csv |
Destination | The report defaults to the Reporting Queue. |
Scheduling | Choose a time to run the report from following options:
Restrict students and their school enrollments to the following Entry Codes (comma-delimited list). | Enter the Entry Code(s) to be used as student selection criteria. Example: E1,E2,R4 |
Restrict students and their school enrollments to the following Exit Codes (comma-delimited list). | Enter the Exit Code(s) to be used as student selection criteria. Example: G,W1 |
Conditional Operator | Choose a conditional operator from the pop-up menu:
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length |
This report is a student-level Consolidated Collections report using the “core fields query” to gather student details and assure consistent data submissions to ODE. SEE THE SSID REPORT OUTPUT FOR A LISTING OF THE CORE ELEMENTS OF THIS STUDENT-LEVEL CONSOLIDATED COLLECTION REPORT. | |||||
57 | Academically Disadvantaged Flag | Indicates a student who is academically disadvantaged and requires special services and assistance in order to succeed. This may include students who score at or below the 25th percentile on a standardized achievement or aptitude test, who have a high school grade point average (GPA) of less than 2.0 on a 4.0-grade scale, or who fail to attain minimum academic competencies. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]AcdmDsvntgFg [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]AcdmDsvntgFg | char | 1 |
58 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Year End Status Code | Code indicating the student's status as of the end of the school year. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]YrEndStatus [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]YrEndStatus | char | 1 |
59 | Career-Related Learning Experience Code 1 | Code indicating the first type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp1 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp1 | char | 1 |
60 | Career-Related Learning Experience Code 2 | Code indicating the second type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp2 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp2 | char | 1 |
61 | Career-Related Learning Experience Code 3 | Code indicating the third type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp3 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp3 | char | 1 |
62 | Career-Related Learning Experience Code 4 | Code indicating the fourth type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp4 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp4 | char | 1 |
63 | Student Leadership Organization Code 1 | Code indicating the first type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg1 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg1 | char | 1 |
64 | Student Leadership Organization Code 2 | Code indicating the second type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg2 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg2 | char | 1 |
65 | Student Leadership Organization Code 3 | Code indicating the third type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg3 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg3 | char | 1 |
66 | Student Leadership Organization Code 4 | Code indicating the fourth type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg4 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg4 | char | 1 |
67 | Assessment 1 Administration Date | The date of the first assessment. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt1AdminDt [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]Asmt1AdminDt | datetime | 10 |
68 | Assessment 1 CIP Code | Indicates the first assessment CIP code. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CTEAsmt1CIPCd [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]CTEAsmt1CIPCd | char | 3 |
69 | Assessment 1 Skill/Credential Identification Code | CTE Technical Skill/Credential Identification Code for the first assessment. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]AssessmentIDCode1 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]AssessmentIDCode1 | char | 10 |
70 | Assessment 1 Pass Indicator Flag | Indicates the first assessment pass status. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt1PassCd [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]Asmt1PassCd | char | 1 |
71 | Assessment 2 Administration Date | The date of the second assessment. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt2AdminDt [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]Asmt2AdminDt | datetime | 10 |
72 | Assessment 2 CIP Code | Indicates the second assessment CIP code. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CTEAsmt2CIPCd [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]CTEAsmt2CIPCd | char | 3 |
73 | Assessment 2 Skill/Credential Identification Code | CTE Technical Skill/Credential Identification Code for the second assessment. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]AssessmentIDCode2 [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]AssessmentIDCode2 | char | 10 |
74 | Assessment 2 Pass Indicator Flag | Indicates the first assessment pass status. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt2PassCd [S_OR_REN_CTE_X]Asmt2PassCd | char | 1 |