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Import Special Programs File



Use the Special Programs Import page import special programs into PowerSchool.

The data in the import file must match the order displayed in the following table, which matches the list displayed on the Import Special Programs File page (District->District Setup->Data Import System). The Program Name must exactly match the Program Name of the Special Program (as defined at District->District Setup->Special Programs). Some of the fields listed are Special Ed fields (for the GE report) and some are not Spec Ed fields. You can import one set or both sets of fields.

Importing the Data File

Follow these instructions to import the Special Programs file.

  1. Click District > Data Import System > Special Programs Import.
  2. In the File to Import field, click the Browse button to select the name of the fill to be imported. This file must have a csv or txt extension.
  3. In the Delimiter field, click to select the data delimiter. The default is comma.
  4. In the Exclude first row field, click Yes if your import file has a header row. Otherwise, click No.
  5. Click the Import button to begin the import process.

There is validation performed on the fields during the import. If the Program is flagged as a Special Ed program (as defined at District->District Setup->Special Programs) there are certain fields which are valid or invalid. The following table identifies the fields that are Non Special Ed Fields and the fields that are Special Ed Fields.

Import File Layout






Program Name

Name (Program with this name must exist in PowerSchool)

You must enter a value that exactly matches a valid program name in PowerSchool.

During the import process, this name is linked to program and ID number is used to populate the programId field in the SpEnrollments table.


Enter Date (Event Date)


You must enter a value.


Exit Date


Leave blank if there is no end date, else enter a date.


Exit Reason


You must enter a value.


School Number

Number (School with this number must exist in PowerSchool)

You must enter a value that is a valid school number in PowerSchool.

During the import process, this number is linked to the school; the school's school number is used to populate the SchoolID field in the SpEnrollments table.


Grade Level

Number (digits only)

You can leave this value blank. When data is entered, the value must fall between -5 and 12.


Student Number

Number (Student with this number must exist in PowerSchool)

You must enter a value.

During the import process, this number is linked to the student; the student's ID number is used to populate the StudentID field in the SpEnrollments table.




You can leave this value blank.


Program Record Status


The valid values are U and A. However you must leave this field blank when importing a special education program.


Employee ID


You must leave this field blank when importing a special education program.


Program Provider IRN


You must leave this field blank when importing a special education program.


Date Type


You can leave this value blank. You must leave this value blank when importing a non special education program.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.


Outcome ID


You can leave this value blank. You must leave this value blank when importing a non special education program.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.


Non Compliance ID


You can leave this field blank. You must leave this value blank when importing a special education program.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.


Outcome Begin Date


You can leave this value blank. You must leave this value blank when importing a non special education program.


Outcome End Date


You can leave this value blank. You must leave this value blank when importing a non special education program.


IEP Test Type


You must enter a valid value if importing a special education program.

You must leave this value blank if importing a non special education program.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.


Secondary Planning


You can leave this value blank. Four asterisks (****) are imported if this field is left blank because that is the stored value of Not Applicable.

You must leave this value blank when importing a non special education program.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.

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