E-Transcript Report
The E-Transcript report is used for reporting student high school transcripts to US colleges and universities participating in the E-Transcript initiative. The elements needed for E-Transcript will be collected using the existing EMIS infrastructure, but the data will not be processed by ODE in the same way as regular EMIS data. The data will be sent to a non-ODE data repository. After a transcript for a student is requested and released, the data will be delivered to colleges and universities.
The E-Transcript report compiles data into one .SEQ file to include six different record types –
- (FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record (State Equivalent Grade Level)
- Student Course Academic Performance History Record (FH) (course credit and grade data, etc.)
- (FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record (grade level, Admission to Current High School, Core Grad Requirements Exemption Date, Expected Graduation Date, etc.)
- Student Standing Record (FS) (SSID, Admission Date, etc.)
- Student Graduation – Core Summary Record (GC) (Core Area Code, Core Area Count)
- Student Demographic Record (GI) (date of birth, gender, native language, etc.)
It should be noted that this report only includes those records that have minimally required data elements and included records may not have all available data elements included. All required data elements are included. See the Report Output section for included data elements.
This report requires specific set-up be completed in order for the (FH) Student Course Academic Performance History Record portion of the report to extract data properly. See the District Set-Up section, District E-Transcript Store Codes Mapping, and Understanding the Student Course Academic Performance History Record (FH) Section Setup of the E-Transcript Report section.
E-Transcript reporting is optional for EMIS reporting entities. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) which are E-Transcript participants will be responsible for the relevancy and accuracy of the data. Participating LEAs will determine the frequency of their data collections. The student data that appears on the E-Transcript collection request will only be as current as the most recent data collection.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the E-Transcript, student and course records are selected.
Student Selection
The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:
- The student or group of students are in the current selection of students.
- The student is not excluded from state reporting (State/Province-OH>Home Tab> State_ExcludeEnrollment).
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
The report input is done in Incident Management with the codes and subcodes used in IM.
Field | Description |
Report Parameters | |
Current Selection Students* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting the following option:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Explain Mode* | Select the option to run with or without FH Student Course Academic Performance History record explanations. |
Scheduling | |
Run Now | Select this option to execute the report in the order it is received in the report queue. |
Schedule (available Version 7.1.1.) | Enter the start date and start time for the report.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Note: For documentation of XML report output from the state department of education, refer to http://www.ode.state.oh.us.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Begin/End Position |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Numeric | 8 | 1–8 |
FD010 | Sort Type | The sort type equals FD for the Student Attributes — Effective Date Record section of the extract. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 9–10 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 11 |
FD020 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year defaults to the current school year. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 12–15 |
FD030 | Reporting Period | The reporting period defaults ‘E’. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 16 |
FD040 | District IRN | This field contains the district number. This field value is extracted from the Edit District page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 17–22 |
FD050 | EMIS Student ID | This field contains the EMIS student ID number assigned by the district to this student. This field value is extracted from the Student Number field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics and prepended with the EMIS Prefix ID, if entered, else zeroes are added to create a 9-digit number. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 23–31 |
FD060 | Effective Start Date | This field contains the first day, inclusive, that the set of all other values on this record are valid. For a student with an admission date prior to the current year, the Effective Start Date defaults to July 1 of the current school year. If no history records are present for a student, the Effective Start Date is the student’s Entry Date for the current enrollment. If a current year history record(s) is present for a student, the Effective Start Date is the Effective End Date plus 1 day of the most recent history record. | [Students]EntryDate | Numeric | 8 | 32–39 |
FD070 | Effective End Date | This field contains the last day, inclusive, that the set of all other values on this record are valid. If the student is no longer enrolled, the Effective End Date is calculated by subtracting 1 from the student’s exit date. If the student is still enrolled Effective End Date will be ‘00000000’. | [Students]EndDate | Numeric | 8 | 40–47 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 48–49 |
FD090 | State Equivalent Grade Level | This field contains the student’s state grade level equivalent. This field value is extracted from the FD tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information – Effective Date Record (FD). | [S_OH_STU_FD_X]State_Grade_Level or [Students]Grade_Level | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 50-51 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 13 | 52-64 |
FH | ||||||
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Numeric | 8 | 1–8 |
FH010 | Sort Type | The sort type equals FH for the Student Course Academic Performance History Record section of the extract. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 9–10 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 11 |
FH020 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year defaults to the current school year. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 12–15 |
FH030 | Reporting Period | The reporting period defaults ‘E’. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 16 |
FH040 | District IRN | This field contains the district number. This field value is extracted from the Edit District page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 17–22 |
FH050 | EMIS Student ID | This field contains the EMIS student ID number assigned by the district to this student. This field value is extracted from the Student Number field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics and prepended with the EMIS Prefix ID, if entered, else zeroes are added to create a 9-digit number. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 23–31 |
FH060 | School Year Course Taken | This field contains the school year the student was enrolled in the course being reported. For completed courses the field value is being extracted from the School year (Term) field on the Edit Stored Grade field on the Edit Stored Grade, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. For courses in progress this field is being extracted from the Term field. | [StoredGrades]TermID or [CC]TermID | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 32-35 |
FH070 | Semester Code | This field contains the semester code for this course section. This field value is extracted from the Semester Code field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School Setup > (Section Number Name) > Edit Section. This field can be overridden by entering the Semester Code, in the Ohio State Information section, Semester Code, on the Edit Stored Grade page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | [S_OH_SEC_X]Semester_Code [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Sem_Code | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 36 |
FH080 | Local Course Code | This field contains the local course code for the course being reported. For completed courses the field value is being extracted from the Course number field on the Edit Stored Grade, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. If the Course number is blank the Course name will be populated in the Course number field on the Edit Stored Grade, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. For courses in progress this field is being extracted from the Course number field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [StoredGrades]Course_Number or [CC]Course_Number If Course number is blank - [StoredGrades]Course_Name | Alpha-numeric | 30 | 37-66 |
FH090 | Local Course Name | This field contains the local course code for the course being reported. For completed courses the field value is being extracted from the Course name field on the Edit Stored Grade, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. For courses in progress this field is being extracted from the Course name field on the Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [StoredGrades]Course_Name or [Courses]Course_Name | Alpha-numeric | 30 | 67-96 |
FH100 | State Subject Code | This field contains the subject of the course. This field value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]Subject_Code (current year) or [S_OH_CRS_SNAP_X]Subject_Code (prior year) | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 97-102 |
FH110 | Grade Level at Time of Course | This field contains the Grade Level at Time of Course for the course being reported. For completed courses the field value is being extracted from the Hist. grade level field on the Edit Stored Grade, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. For courses in progress this field is being extracted from theGrade Level field on the Start Page > Student Selection > Edit Current Enrollment. | [StoredGrades]Grade_Level or [Students]Grade_Level | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 103-104 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 5 | 105-109 |
FH170 | Postsecondary Flag | This field contains the Postsecondary Flag for the course being reported. This field is populated with a ‘Y’ if the Curriculum field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School > Setup > Course Number Course Name > Edit Section has the option ‘PS’ entered. If this field is populated with an option other than ‘PS’ an ‘N’ will be populated. If blank at the section level the field value is based on the Curriculum field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. Either of the above sources can be overridden if the Curriculum field is populated with the option ‘PS’ on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | For completed courses - [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Curriculum For courses in progress - [S_OH_SEC_X]Curriculum or [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]Curriculum | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 110 |
FH180 | Educational Option Flag | This field contains the code identifying the educational option for this course section. This field is being extracted from the Educational Option field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School > Setup > Course Number Course Name > Edit Section If blank at the section level, the field value is based on the Educational Option field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. Either of the above sources can be overridden if the Educational Option field is populated on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | For completed courses - [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Educational_Option For courses in progress - [S_OH_SEC_X]Educational_Option or [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X] Educational_Option | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 111 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 112-117 |
FH200 | Grade Earned | This field contains the Grade Earned for this course section. For completed courses the field value is being extracted from the Grade field on the Edit Stored Grade page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. For courses still in progress this field is being populated with ‘In Progress’. For completed courses, if a grade cannot be determined, based on the Stored Codes Mapping this field will be populated with ‘No Grade’ | [StoredGrades]Grade | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 118-137 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 138-140 |
FH220 | Credits Earned Amount | This field contains the Credits Earned Amount for this course section. For completed courses the field value is being extracted from the Earned credit hours field on the Edit Stored Grade page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | Numeric | 4 | 141-144 |
FH230 | Credits Attempted Amount | This field contains the code identifying the educational option for this course section. For completed courses the field value is being extracted from the Potential credit hours field on the Edit Stored Grade page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. For courses in progress this field value is extracted from the Credit Hours field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | For completed courses - [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs For courses in progress - [Courses]Credit_Hours | Numeric | 4 | 145-148 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 149-154 |
FH260 | Subject Area for Credit | This field contains the subject area for this course. For current courses this field value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | For completed courses - [StoredGrades]GPA_Custom1 For courses in progress - [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]Credit_Subject_Area | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 155-157 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 158 |
FH280 | Curriculum | This field contains the code identifying the Curriculum option for this course section. This field value is extracted from the Curriculum field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School > Setup > Course Number Course Name > Edit Section. If blank at the section level, the field value is extracted from the Curriculum field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. Either of the above sources can be overridden when the Curriculum field is entered on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | For completed courses - [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Curriculum or For courses in progress - [S_OH_SEC_X]Curriculum or [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]Curriculum | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 159-160 |
FH290 | Delivery Method | This field contains the code identifying the Delivery Method option for this course section. This field value is extracted from the Student Population field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School > Setup > Course Number Course Name > Edit Section. If blank at the section level, the field value is extracted from the Delivery Method field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. Either of the above sources can be overridden when the Delivery Method field is entered on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | For completed courses - [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Delivery_Method For courses in progress - [S_OH_SEC_X]Delivery_Method or [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]Delivery_Method | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 161-162 |
FH300 | Student Population | This field contains the code identifying the student population for this course section. This field value is extracted from the Student Population field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School > Setup > Course Number Course Name > Edit Section. If blank at the section level, the field value is extracted from the Student Population field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. Either of the above sources can be overridden when the Student Population field is entered on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | For completed courses – [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Student_Population For courses in progress - [S_OH_SEC_X]Student_Population or [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]Student_Population | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 163-164 |
FH310 | Credit Flexibility | This field contains the code which determines if a course is being used for credit flex purposes. This field value is extracted from the Credit Flexibility Code field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School > Setup > Course Number Course Name > Edit Section. If blank at the section level, the field value is extracted from the Credit Flexibility field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. Either of the above sources can be overridden when the Credit Flexibility field is entered on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | For completed courses – [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Credit_Flex For courses in progress - [S_OH_SEC_X]Credit_Flex or [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]Credit_Flex | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 165 |
FH320 | Course Enrollment Start Date | This field contains the first scheduled day of a course where course dates are required. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field value is extracted from the Years & Terms page, Start Page > School > Setup > Years & Terms. The above source can be overridden when the Course Start Date field is entered on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Course_Start_Date or [CC]DateEnrolled or [Terms]FirstDay | Numeric | 8 | 166-173 |
FH330 | Course Enrollment End Date | This field contains the last scheduled day of a course where course dates are required. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field value is extracted from the Years & Terms page, Start Page > School > Setup > Years & Terms. The above source can be overridden when the Course End Date field is entered on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Course_End_Date or [CC]DateLeft or [Terms]LastDay | Numeric | 8 | 174-181 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 30 | 182-211 |
FH350 | CTE College Credit Flag | For career-technical courses, this field contains a Y if the course can earn college credit. Otherwise, this field contains an N. This field value is extracted from the CTE College Credit field on the Edit Section page, Start Page > School > Setup > Course Number Course Name > Edit Section. If blank at the section level, the field value is extracted from the CTE College Credit Flag field on the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. Either of the above sources can be overridden when the CTE College Credit Flag field is entered on the Edit Stored Grade page, Ohio State Information section, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. | For completed courses – [S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]CTE_College_Credit For courses in progress - [S_OH_SEC_X]CTE_College_Credit or [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]CTE_College_Credit | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 212 |
FN | ||||||
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Numeric | 8 | 1–8 |
FN010 | Sort Type | The sort type equals FN for the Student Attributes — No Date Record section of the extract. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 9–10 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 11 |
FN020 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year defaults to the current school year. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 12–15 |
FN030 | Reporting Period | The reporting period defaults ‘E’. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 16 |
FN040 | District IRN | This field contains the district number. This field value is extracted from the Edit District page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 17–22 |
FN050 | EMIS Student ID | This field contains the EMIS student ID number assigned by the district to this student. This field value is extracted from the Student Number field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics and prepended with the EMIS Prefix ID, if entered, else zeroes are added to create a 9-digit number. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 23–31 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 32-35 |
FN090 | Diploma Date | This field contains the date the student received a diploma. This field value is extracted from the FN tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FN. The format is YYYYMMDD. | [S_OH_STU_FN_X]Diploma_Date | Numeric | 8 | 36–43 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 44 |
FN110 | Fiscal Year Student Began 9th Grade | This field contains the fiscal year that the student started 9th grade. This field value is extracted from the FN tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FN. | [S_OH_STU_FN_X]Fiscal_9 | Numeric | 4 | 45–48 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 41 | 49-89 |
FN260 | Exempted from Physical Education Graduation Requirement | This field contains a Yes if the student is exempt from the Physical Education graduation requirement. Otherwise is contains a No. This field value is extracted from the FN tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FN. | [S_OH_STU_FN_X]Exempted_Physical | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 90 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 5 | 91–95 |
FN290 | CTE Program of Concentration Element | This field contains the code that identifies the primary CTE Workforce Development Program for which a student has met the requirements to be considered a concentrator. This field value is extracted from the FN tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FN. | [S_OH_STU_FN_X]CTE_Program | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 96–97 |
FN300 | CORE Graduation Requirement Exemption Code | This field contains a Yes if the student is exempt from the CORE Graduation requirement. Otherwise is contains a No. This field value is extracted from the FN tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FN. | [S_OH_STU_FN_X]Core_Grad_Req_Exemp | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 98 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 99-108 |
FN340 | Expected Graduation Date | This field contains the date the student is expected to graduate. If the actual day is not known enter the first day of the month. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field value is extracted from the FN tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information > FN. | [S_OH_STU_FN_X]Expected_Grad_Date | Numeric | 8 | 109-116 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 117-136 |
FS | ||||||
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Numeric | 8 | 1–8 |
FS010 | Sort Type | The sort type equals FS for the Student Standing section of the extract. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 9–10 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 11 |
FS020 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year defaults to the current school year. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 12–15 |
FS030 | Reporting Period | The reporting period defaults ‘E’. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 16 |
FS040 | District IRN | This field contains the district number. This field value is extracted from the Edit District page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 17–22 |
FS050 | EMIS Student ID | This field contains the EMIS student ID number assigned by the district to this student. This field value is extracted from the Student Number field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics and prepended with the EMIS Prefix ID, if entered, else zeroes are added to create a 9-digit number. | [Students]Student_Number [Prefs]OH_EMIS_Prefix | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 23–31 |
FS060 | Effective Start Date | This field contains the first day, inclusive, that the set of all other values on this record are valid. For a student with a District Entry Date prior to the current year, the Effective Start Date defaults to July 1 of the current school year. If no history records are present for a student, the Effective Start Date is the student’s District Entry Date for the current enrollment. Start Page > Modify Info > DistrictEntryDate. | [Students]OH_EffectiveStartDate | Numeric | 8 | 32–39 |
FS070 | Admission Date | This field contains the date of the student’s first day of attendance for the most recent entry or re-entry into the school district. This field value is extracted from the FS tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information - Student Standing Record (FS). | [Students]DistrictEntryDate | Numeric | 8 | 40–47 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 48 |
FS090 | Effective End Date | This field contains the last day, inclusive, that the set of all other values on this record are valid. If the student is no longer enrolled, the Effective End Date is calculated by subtracting 1 from the student’s exit date. If the student is still enrolled Effective End Date will be ‘00000000’. | [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C]Effective_End_Date | Numeric | 8 | 49–56 |
FS100 | Withdrawal Reason | This field contains the reason for the most recent withdrawal from the school district. This field value is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment. | [Reenrollments]ExitCode | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 57–58 |
FS110 | State Student ID (SSID) | This field contains the state student ID for this student. This field value is extracted from the FS tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information - Student Standing Record (FS). | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 59–67 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 10 | 68–78 |
FS160 | Attending Building IRN | This field contains the IRN of the building within the district that the student attends between the effective dates, inclusive, of the record being reported. This field value is extracted from the FS tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information - Student Standing Record (FS). If the Attending Building IRN field is blank on the FS tab, the Building IRN entered on the Home tab, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information - Home, is extracted. If the Attending Building on the Home tab is also blank, the school number is extracted. | [S_OH_STU_HISTORY_C]Attending_Building_IRN [S_OH_STU_COMMON_X]Building_IRN [Schools]School_Number | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 79–84 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 82 | 85-166 |
GC | ||||||
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Numeric | 8 | 1–8 |
GC010 | Sort Type | The sort type equals GC for the Student Graduation Core Summary section of the extract. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 9–10 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 11 |
GC020 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year defaults to the current school year. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 12–15 |
GC030 | Reporting Period | The reporting period defaults ‘E’. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 16 |
GC040 | District IRN | This field contains the district number. This field value is extracted from the Edit District page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information. | [Prefs]value, [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 17–22 |
GC050 | EMIS Student ID | This field contains the EMIS student ID number assigned by the district to this student. This field value is extracted from the Student Number field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics and prepended with the EMIS Prefix ID, if entered, else zeroes are added to create a 9-digit number. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 23–31 |
GC060 | Core Area Code | This field contains the CORE area code assigned to the CORE courses for which this student earned credit during the reporting period. This field value is extracted from the CORE Area Code field on the Edit Course District Information page, District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [S_OH_CRS_COURSES_X]CORE_Area or [StoredGrades]GPA_Custom1 | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 32–34 |
GC070 | CORE Area Count | This field contains the total credit hours earned for CORE courses with the same CORE Area Code that the student has completed. The credit hours for CORE courses included in this calculated summary are extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs (Summed for all passing grades of the same subject code or from a course with the matching core area code) | Numeric | 4 with 2 decimal places | 35–38 |
GC080 | Credits for Courses in Progress | This field contains the total potential credit hours for CORE courses with the same CORE Area Code that are still in progress. The credit hours for CORE courses included in this calculated summary are extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [Courses]Credit_Hours | Numeric | 4 - 2 decimal places | 39-42 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 43-46 |
GI | ||||||
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Numeric | 8 | 1–8 |
GI010 | Sort Type | The sort type equals GI for the Student Demographic section of the extract. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 9–10 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 11 |
GI020 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year defaults to the current school year. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 12–15 |
GI030 | Reporting Period | The reporting period defaults ‘E’. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 16 |
GI040 | Building IRN | This field contains the school building number. This value is extracted from the Building IRN field on the GI tab of the Ohio State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information – Student Demographic Record (GI), if this field is not blank. If the Building IRN field is blank, the Alternate School ID value entered on the Edit School page, Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School, is extracted. If the Alternate School ID field is blank, the School Number value entered on the Edit School page, Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School, is extracted. | [S_OH_COMMON_X]Building_IRN or [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Students]SchoolID | Alpha-numeric | 6 | 17–22 |
GI050 | EMIS Student ID Number | This field contains the EMIS student ID number assigned by the district to this student. This field value is extracted from the Student Number field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics and prepended with the EMIS Prefix ID, if entered, else zeroes are added to create a 9-digit number. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 23–31 |
GI070 | Date of Birth | This field contains the student’s date of birth. This field value is extracted from the DOB field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics. | [Students]DOB | Numeric | 8 | 32–39 |
GI080 | Gender | This field contains the student’s gender. This field value is extracted from the Gender field on the General Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection > General Demographics. | [Students]Gender | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 40 |
NA | Filler | Filler | NA | Alpha-numeric | 24 | 41-64 |
GI270 | Native Language | This field contains the student’s native language. This value is extracted from the GI tab of the Ohio State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information – Student_Demographics Record (GI). | [Students]primarylanguage | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 65–67 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 18 | 68–85 |
GI330 | First Name | This field contains the student’s first name. This value is extracted from the GI tab of the Ohio State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information - Student Demographics Record (GI). | [Students]LastFirst | Alpha-numeric | 30 | 86–115 |
GI340 | Middle Name | This field contains the student’s middle name. This value is extracted from the GI tab of the Ohio State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State - Student Demographics Record (GI). | [Students]Middle_Name | Alpha-numeric | 30 | 116–145 |
GI350 | Last Name | This field contains the student’s last name. This value is extracted from the GI tab of the Ohio State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information - Student Demographics Record (GI). | [Students]Last_Name | Alpha-numeric | 30 | 146–175 |
GI360 | Student Birth Place City | This field contains the name of the city where the student was born. This value is extracted from the GI tab of the Ohio State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Ohio State Information - Student Demographics Record (GI). | [S_OH_STU_SSID_X]Birth_Place_City | Alpha-numeric | 30 | 176–205 |
N/A | Filler | Filler | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 50 | 206–255 |