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NJ SMART Special Education Data Extract


Use the NJ SMART Special Education Data Extract option to generate the NJ SMART Special Education Data extract. Use this extract to update state student data for students identified as special education.

Counseling Services, Occupational Therapy Services, Physical Therapy Services, Speech Language Therapy Services or Other Related Services are reported only for students that meet the following criteria:

  • The student has a Special Education Classification.
  • The student has a value in Special Education Placement.
  • The student has a valid date in the IEP Begin Date.
  • The student has a valid date in the IEP End Date.
  • The student cannot have No (N) or Refused (R) in the Parental Consent Obtained to Implement Initial IEP field.
  • The student has a valid date in the Eligibility Determination Date or Reevaluation Date.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the NJ SMART Special Education Data extract, special education student records are selected.

Student Selection

The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The student record is not excluded from NJ SMART state reporting ([S_NJ_STU_X]IncludeInNJSMART_TF equals Yes).
  • The student enrollment was active on the snapshot date.
  • A student with the same entry and exit dates are excluded from the report.
  • The student is assigned a special education classification OR has at least one of the Services with a Yes value, and/or has a referral date that falls between the previous school year’s start date and the snapshot date.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

The default option is All students. Select this option to begin the report query with all students.

Choose The selected # students only option to begin the report query with the currently selected students only.

Note: If you run the extract for a specific group of students, all students in the group are included on the extract, even if a student is not enrolled on the entered snapshot date.

Snapshot Date

Enter the snapshot date. Students enrolled as of the snapshot date will be eligible for inclusion in the report. Typical Snapshot Date is October 15 of the current year.

Non PublicStudents

Select whether to Include or Exclude Non Publicstudents, which are those students flagged as Receiving or Not Receiving services in field[S_NJ_STU_X]NonPublic.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Local Identification Number

This field contains the number used by the district to identify the student. This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.





State Identification Number

This field contains the number used by the state of New Jersey to identify the student. This field is extracted from the This field is extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.





First Name

This field contains the student’s first name. This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.






Last Name

This field contains the student’s last name. This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

The student first and last name is extracted based on the Reporting Name Override setting. For example, if the Reporting Name Override setting is set to a student's preferred name, then the preferred name is extracted.






Date of Birth

This field contains the student’s date of birth. This field is extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Referral Date

This field contains the date the student received the special education referral. This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Parental Consent To Evaluate Date

This field contains the date on which the parent provided written consent for an initial evaluation to determine eligibility for special education and related services. This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Eligibility Determination Date

This field contains the date on which initial eligibility or ineligibility for special services or speech-language services is determined. This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Early Intervention

A value of Y in this field indicates that the student is eligible for early intervention services as specified by the student’s IEP. This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.





Initial IEP Meeting Date

This field contains the date of the student’s initial IEP meeting. This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Parental Consent Obtained

A value of Y in this field indicates that parental consent was obtained to implement the initial IEP.

A value of N in this field indicates that parental consent was not obtained prior to the snapshot date to implement the initial IEP.

A value of R in this field indicates that the parent refused implementation of the initial IEP.

This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Parental Consent To Implement Initial IEP

This field contains the date the parent’s consented to implementing the IEP. This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Annual IEP Review Meeting Date

This field contains the date of the student’s annual IEP review. This field is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Special Education Classification

This field contains the student’s special education classification, if applicable. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.





Reevaluation Date

This field contains the date on which a student was last reevaluated to determine the student’s continued eligibility for special education services. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





Initial Process Delay Reason

This field contains the primary reason for Special Education Process Delay, if applicable. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.





Special Education Placement

This field contains the placement group in which the student with the disability is currently receiving special education and related services. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.





Time in Regular Program

This field value indicates the percentage of time the student spends in a regular program, if the Special Education Placement value is 18 or 19. Otherwise, this field is blank. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.




19MD Disabling Condition 1For more information about the codes, refer to MD Disabling Condition Codes.[S_NJ_STU_X]MDDisablingCondition1Alpha-numeric3
20MD Disabling Condition 2For more information about the codes, refer to MD Disabling Condition Codes.[S_NJ_STU_X]MDDisablingCondition2Alpha-numeric3
21MD Disabling Condition 3For more information about the codes, refer to MD Disabling Condition Codes.[S_NJ_STU_X]MDDisablingCondition3Alpha-numeric3
22MD Disabling Condition 4For more information about the codes, refer to MD Disabling Condition Codes.[S_NJ_STU_X]MDDisablingCondition4Alpha-numeric3
23MD Disabling Condition 5For more information about the codes, refer to MD Disabling Condition Codes.[S_NJ_STU_X]MDDisablingCondition5Alpha-numeric3
24Special Education Declassification DateDisplays the declassification date.[S_NJ_STU_X]DeclassificationSPEDDateAlpha-numeric8


Counseling Services

The value entered in the Counseling Services field (Y or N) displays in this field if the following fields are populated and valid: Eligibility Determination Date OR Reevaluation Date, Special Education Classification, Special Education Placement, Most Recent IEP Meeting Date, IEP Begin Date, and IEP End Date; and Parental Consent Obtained to Implement Initial IEP is not N for No or R for Refused. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

If no value is populated, this field extracts as N for No.





Occupational Therapy Services

The value entered in the Occupational Therapy Services field (Y or N) displays in this field if the following fields are populated and valid: Eligibility Determination Date OR Reevaluation Date, Special Education Classification, Special Education Placement, Most Recent IEP Meeting Date, IEP Begin Date, and IEP End Date; and Parental Consent Obtained to Implement Initial IEP is not N for No or R for Refused. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

If no value is populated, this field extracts as N for No.





Physical Therapy Services

The value entered in the Physical Therapy Services field (Y or N) displays in this field if the following fields are populated and valid: Eligibility Determination Date OR Reevaluation Date, Special Education Classification, Special Education Placement, Most Recent IEP Meeting Date, IEP Begin Date, and IEP End Date; and Parental Consent Obtained to Implement Initial IEP is not N for No or R for Refused. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

If no value is populated, this field extracts as N for No.





Speech Language Therapy Services

The value entered in the Speech Language Therapy Services field (Y or N) displays in this field if the following fields are populated and valid: Eligibility Determination Date OR Reevaluation Date, Special Education Classification, Special Education Placement, Most Recent IEP Meeting Date, IEP Begin Date, and IEP End Date; and Parental Consent Obtained to Implement Initial IEP is not N for No or R for Refused. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

If no value is populated, this field extracts as N for No.





Other Related Services

The value entered in the Other Related Services field (Y or N) displays in this field if the following fields are populated and valid: Eligibility Determination Date OR Reevaluation Date, Special Education Classification, Special Education Placement, Most Recent IEP Meeting Date, IEP Begin Date, and IEP End Date; and Parental Consent Obtained to Implement Initial IEP is not N for No or R for Refused. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

If no value is populated, this field extracts as N for No.




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