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NJ SMART Career and Technical Data Extract


Use the NJ SMART Career and Technical Data Extract option to take an end-of-year snapshot of the students enrolled in a CTE program. You must submit this information to the state.

Report Setup

Prior to creating the NJ SMART CTE extract, complete the following tasks:

  1. Identify the CTE courses on the Edit Course District page by completing the following fields: CIP Code and, if appropriate, CTE Test Developer, CTE Test Name, and CTE Program of Study College Credits.
  2. Complete the NJ SMART Career and Technical Education Information fields found on the NJS CTE tab of the State/Province-NJ page.  Enter values for each student enrolled in a CTE program.

The following attendance related fields are no longer reported as of Spring 2021:

  • Cumulative Days in Membership
  • Cumulative Days Present
  • Cumulative Days Towards Truancy

Cumulative Days Reporting is Discontinued as of Spring 2021:You can override any of these calculated values by entering a value in any or all of these fields on the NJS Student tab. You can also elect to add an additional value to the calculated value by selecting the corresponding Add Value checkbox. For example, if you enter 45 in the Cumulative Days of Membership field and do not select the Add Value check box, 45 is extracted for the Cumulative Days of Membership in the NJ SMART Student Extract. If you enter 45 in Cumulative Days of Membership and DO select the Add Value checkbox, 45 is added to the membership days value that is calculated when the report is run.

To report the Cumulative Days Toward Truancy value:

  1. Create a new attendance category at School > School Setup > Attendance Code Categories. You can assign any name to this attendance category.
  2. Navigate to School > School Setup > Attendance Code and select the Code Category checkbox for your newly created truancy Code Category.
    Note: You must complete this step for any Attendance Codes that count towards truancy. This will cause absences from those designated Attendance Codes to be included in the Cumulative Days Toward Truancy calculation.
  3. Enter the attendance category name on the report interface when you generate the report.

You must run the Refresh Premier Attendance option to refresh the daily attendance for the students prior to generating the NJ SMART CTE report. The Refresh Premier Attendance option is scheduled to run automatically as part of the nightly run. To include attendance entered after the nightly run is complete, manually run the Refresh Premier Attendance option prior to running the NJ SMART SID Maintenance report.

To run the Refresh Premier Attendance option:

  1. Go to Start > Special Functions > Attendance Functions > Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data.
  2. Select the All Students option to calculate attendance for all students.
  3. Enter the Begin Date and Ending Date to define the attendance reporting period.
  4. Click the Submit button to run the process.

Report logic includes accounting for non-membership attendance codes for Meeting Attendance.  For a Meeting Attendance student, the report will search the student’s daily attendance value for each day and check to see if the attendance code issued for that day is a non-membership code.  If that day’s attendance code is non-membership code, the student is issued 0 for attendance membership for the day.  The day is included in Enrollment membership, which means that day will be counted as a Day Enrolled, but not as a Day Possible, Day Present or Day absent.

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Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the NJ SMART Career and Technical Data extract, CTE student records are selected

Student Selection

The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The student enrollment was active on the snapshot date.
  • The student is enrolled in a school that is not excluded from state reporting.
  • The student is not excluded from state reporting.
  • The student is flagged as Include in CTE Report on the NJS CTE tab. The Include in NJ SMART indicator is not part of the selection criteria.
  • The student is assigned to a CIP program.
  • The student’s Stored Grades records exist for any course to be reported. Lacking a Stored Grade record will cause Test Developer and Test Name not to extract. The term of the stored grade is used to determine if the course was taken in the current school year.

Optionally, you can exclude a student that does not have a State Identification Number (SID).

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

The default option is All students. Select this option to begin the report query with all students.

Choose The selected # students only option to begin the report query with the currently selected students only.

Note: If you run the extract for a specific group of students, all students in the group are included on the extract, even if a student is not enrolled on the entered snapshot date.

Start Date

The start date for attendance calculation purposes, typically the firstday of school.

End Date

The last date for attendance calculation purposes, typically the last day of school.

Snapshot Date

Enter the snapshot date used to select the student enrollment records to include in the report selection criteria. The default is June 30 of the current year.

Unassigned State ID’s

Click Exclude Students with unassigned State ID Numbers to exclude students that do not have a SID number from the extract. By default, students without SID numbers are included in the extract.

Tally CTE Program College Credit Values

Select the course credits you want to include in the calculated college credit value. Your choices are:

  • Courses that have been completed
  • Courses that have not been completed
  • Both – completed and not completed

Enter Code Category Linked to Truancy

Enter the Attendance Category code used to count absences defined as Truant.    Any days of absence with Absence Codes related to this Attendance Category will be included in the calculation of Cumulative Days Towards Truancy.

Student Name to Print

Selects the student name to be printed in the report.

Valid values:

  • Preferred Name
  • Legal Name

Note: Preferred Name is the name visible in all PowerSchool student pages.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Local Identification Number

This field contains the number used by the district to identify the student. If that field is blank, the student number is extracted.

This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]Student_Number




State Identification Number

This field contains the number used by the state of New Jersey to identify the student. This field is extracted from the This field value is extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.





First Name

This field contains the student’s first name. This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

Note: If populated, the report will extract the student's legal first name.






Last Name

This field contains the student’s last name. This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

Note: If populated, the report will extract the student's legal last name.






Date of Birth

This field contains the student’s date of birth. This field is extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





CIP Code

This field contains the state-approved Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code in which this CTE student is enrolled. This field value is extracted from the NJS CTE tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS CTE.





CTE Program Status

This field contains the code that identifies the progress made by the CTE student that is enrolled in an approved CTE program. This field value is extracted from the NJS CTE tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS CTE.





CTE Test Skill

If the CTE Program Status field value is 3 (COMP), this field contains the code that identifies the results of the technical skills assessment. Otherwise, this field is left blank.

If applicable, this field value is extracted from the NJS CTE tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS CTE.





CTE Test Developer

If the CTE Program Status field value is 3 (COMP), this field contains the code that identifies the type of skills assessment this student took at the end of the program. Otherwise, this field is left blank.

This field value is extracted from the Edit Course District page, Start Page >School Setup >Courses.

Note: A value will not extract in this field for Completers if there is no Stored Grade for the course.





CTE Test Name

If the CTE Program Status field value is 3 (COMP), this field contains the test assessment this student took at the end of the CTE program. Otherwise, this field is left blank.

This field value is extracted from the Edit Course District page, Start Page >School Setup >Courses.

Note: A value will not extract in this field for Completers if there is no Stored Grade for the course.





Single Parent Status

A Y value in this field identifies the student as a single parent or a single pregnant woman. An N value in this field indicates the student is not a single parent or single pregnant woman.

This field value is extracted from the NJS CTE tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS CTE.





College Credits Earned 

An indication of whether a CTE student has attained postsecondary dual/concurrent credit or postsecondary articulated credit within a sequence of courses in a CTE Program or CTE Program of Study, or no postsecondary credit attained.

Valid Values:  0, 1, 2




CTE College Credits Earned (Obsolete)

A Y value in this field indicates the student has completed college credit-bearing courses that are part of a recognized CTE articulation agreement. An N value in this field indicates the student has not completed college credit-bearing courses that are part of a recognized CTE articulation agreement.

This field value is extracted from the NJS CTE tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS CTE.





Type of Earned College Credits (Obsolete)

An indication of whether a student earned college credits as dual/ concurrent credit or articulated credit within a sequence of courses in a CTE Program or CTE Program of Study.[S_NJ_STU_X]TypeOfEarnedCollegeCreditsAlpha-numeric1


Number of CTE College Credits 

If the Program of Study field value is Y for this student, the CTE College Credit value entered on the NJS CTE tab is extracted for this field. However, if the CTE College Credit field is blank, the Tally for CTE Program College Credit Values field on the report interface is used to calculate this credit value as follows:

If the Tally CTE Program Credit Values field value is Courses that have been completed, the sum of credits earned by the student for each course where the course CIP code equals the student’s Primary CIP Code is included in the extract.

If the Tally CTE Program Credit Values field value is Courses that have not been completed, the sum of possible credits for each course where the course CIP code equals the student’s Primary CIP Code is included in the extract.

If the Tally CTE Program Credit Values field value is Both – completed and not completed, the sum of possible credits and student earned credits for each course where the course CIP code equals the student’s Primary CIP Code is included in the extract.







Post Secondary Institution

This field contains the code identifying the post secondary institution at which the student has earned the most academic credits as part of the CTE recognized articulation agreement.

This field value is extracted from the NJS CTE tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS CTE.





Cumulative Days In Membership


Discontinued Spring 2021

The cumulative number of membership days that apply to this Shared Time ([Students]Shared_Time) student.

If the Cumulative Days in Membership value is blank on the NJ SMART Student page, this field value is calculated.

If the Cumulative Days in Membership value is not blank on the NJ SMART Student page, and the Add Value check box is not selected, this field displays the value entered in the Cumulative Days in Membership field.

If the Cumulative Days in Membership value is not blank on the NJ SMART Student page, and the Add Value check box is selected, this field displays the sum of the calculated membership value plus the value entered in the Cumulative Days in Membership field.

This field value is extracted from the Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information> NJS Student Tab.





Null value extracts for non-Shared Time students




Cumulative Days Present


Discontinued Spring 2021

The cumulative number of days that for this Shared Time student was present is displayed.

If the Cumulative Days Present value is blank on the NJ SMART Student page, this field value is calculated.

If the Cumulative Days Present value is not blank on the NJ SMART Student page, and the Add Value check box is not selected, this field displays the value entered in the Cumulative Days Present field.

If the Cumulative Days Present value is not blank on the NJ SMART Student page, and the Add Value check box is selected, this field displays the sum of the calculated membership value plus the value entered in the Cumulative Days Present field.

This field value is extracted from the Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information> NJS Student Tab.





Null value extracts for non-Shared Time students




Cumulative Days Towards Truancy


Discontinued Spring 2021

The number of days that this Shared Time student has accumulated towards qualifying as truant.

If the Cumulative Days Towards Truancy value is blank on the NJ SMART Student page, this field value is calculated.

If the Cumulative Days Towards Truancy value is not blank on the NJ SMART Student page, and the Add Value check box is not selected, this field displays the value entered in the Cumulative Days Towards Truancy field.

If the Cumulative Days Towards Truancy value is not blank on the NJ SMART Student page, and the Add Value check box is selected, this field displays the sum of the calculated membership value plus the value entered in the Cumulative Days Present field.

This field value is extracted from the Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information> NJS Student Tab.





Null value extracts for non-Shared Time students



16CTE County Code AssignedThe New Jersey County in which the student is currently assigned to the course.



17CTE District Code AssignedThe district in which the student is currently assigned to the course.



18CTE School Code AssignedThe school in which the student is currently assigned to the course. This school code is unique for each school within each district.



19Subject AreaThe general content code per the NCES SCED code listing.



20Course IdentifierCourse codes within a subject area as identified by the NCES SCED codes.



21Industry Valued Credential 1The Industry-Valued Credential code that corresponds to the Industry-Valued Credential earned by the student.[S_NJ_STU_Credentials_Awarded_C]IndustryValuedCredential1Alpha-numeric6
22Industry Valued Credential 2The Industry-Valued Credential code that corresponds to the Industry-Valued Credential earned by the student.[S_NJ_STU_Credentials_Awarded_C]IndustryValuedCredential2Alpha-numeric6
23Industry Valued Credential 3The Industry-Valued Credential code that corresponds to the Industry-Valued Credential earned by the student.[S_NJ_STU_Credentials_Awarded_C]IndustryValuedCredential3Alpha-numeric6

CTE Work-based Learning

An indication of whether each secondary CTE student has participated in a work-based learning experience within the academic year.

If this field is left blank, a value of 0 is reported.

25Student Learning Environment

The chosen method for delivering instruction to the student - fulltime on premises, hybrid (partial in person on premises/partial remote), or fulltime remote. Further, denote whether the student is fulltime remote due to parental or guardian choice or fulltime remote because the district has not yet offered the student another option.

*Note: Same as reported for SID


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