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NJ EVVRS VV-SA Incident Report Form


This report is used to report EVVRS and/or HIB information from Incident Management. Only NJ EVVRS State Reportable incidents are included. 

Note: This report is no longer used for state reporting purposes. It is has been replaced by the NJ SSDS Incident Report Form.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the Pre-ID Test Labels for NJ HSPA Tests extract, student and course enrollment records are selected.

  • Incident Type must be STATE REPORTABLE (EVVRS)^.
  • Incident Date must occur between the Report Start Date and Report End Date.
  • Incident School, not Participant School, will be used to select the Incidents to report (unless run from the District Office and the "All Schools" option is selected).
  • Only Offenders and Victims will be reported.
  • Offender information will be included for as many Offenders as are defined for an Incident.
  • Victim information will be included for as many Victims as are defined for an Incident.
  • If the Incident has a HIB Protected Category attribute associated with the Incident, then Page 2 (HIB Information) will be included; otherwise, Page 2 will be skipped.
  • Data field size limitations:
    • Only the first 300 characters of the Incident Description (Page 1) will be reported.
    • Only the first 150 characters of a HIB Offender's "Other Measures Imposed" comment (Page 3) will be reported.
    • Only the first 60 characters of a HIB Victim's "Other Measures" comment (Page 4) will be reported.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report from the list.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

Select School Year

Select a school year for the report to extract from.

Incident Start Date (will report incidents on or after this date)

Enter a start date for the report.

Incident End Date (will report incidents on or before this date)

Enter an end date for the report.

Output Option

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Submission-ready The output will be identical with what should be submitted to the State EVVRS and available as hard copy for legal reasons.
  • For Verification purposes The output will include all available details on the Incident, some of which are not submitted in EVVRS. 

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The following report output table includes all available details on the incident, including those not submitted in EVVRS.

Item #

Data Element



Field Length


System-Assigned Incident Number

The incident identification.


Local Incident Number (Optional)

The incident ID assigned by the district.[Incident]Incident_ID


Incident Header


School Name

The name of the school reporting the incident.[Schools]Name




A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the location(s) of the incident:

  • Cafeteria
  • Classroom
  • Corridor
  • Other Inside School
  • School Entrance
  • Building Exterior
  • Other Outside
  • Bus
  • Locker Room
  • Off-site School-Sponsored Function
  • Other School Grounds (HIB only)
  • Off-site Program



Date of Incident

The date the incident occurred.[Incident]Incident_TS



Time of Incident

The time the incident occurred.






A check mark indicates that the incident was bias-related.





A check mark indicates that the incident was gang-related.




Police Notification

A check mark indicate which of the following policy notifications ensued:

  • None
  • Police Notified, Complaint Filed
  • Policed Notified, No Complaint Filed




Contact Name

The contact's name.





Contact Phone #

The contact's phone number.




Incident Type



A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates that the incident involved the particular form of violence:

  • Criminal Threat
  • Extortion
  • Fight
  • Threat
  • Kidnapping
  • Robbery
  • Sex Offense




Vandalism Related

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates that the incident was related to the particular form of vandalism:

  • Arson
  • Bomb Threat
  • Burglary
  • Damage to Property
  • Fake Bomb
  • Theft (>=$10)
  • Trespassing
  • Fire Alarm Offense
  • Fireworks Offense




Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying

A check mark indicates that the incident involved harassment, intimidation, or bullying.




Weapons - Possession/Used in Offense

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates that the incident involved possession or use of the weapon:

  • Handgun
  • Rifle
  • Air Gun, Pellet Gun, BB Gun
  • Imitation Firearm
  • Knife, Blade, Razor, Scissors, Box Cutter
  • Pin, Sharp Pen/Pencil
  • Chain, Club, Brass knuckles
  • Spray
  • Other


16Weapons - Sale/Distribution of WeaponA check mark indicates that the incident involved sale and/or distribution of weaponry.[PSRW_ParticipantBehavior]State_Detail_Report_Code50
17Weapons - Bomb Offense

A check mark next to one of the following indicates that the incident involved a bomb:

  • Bomb - exploded
  • Bomb - unexploded
18Substance Offense

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates that the incident involved substance abuse:

  • Use confirmed
  • Possession
  • Sale/Distribution
19Substance Type

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates that the incident involved the particular substance type:

  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Amphetamines
  • Designer/Synthetic Drugs (e.g., Party Drugs, Club Drugs, Bath Salts, Synthetic Marijuana, China White, Synthetic Heroin (MPTP), Ecstasy (MDMA), GHB, Rohypnol K2, Spice, Cloud Nine (MDPV
  • Cocaine/Crack
  • Hallucinogens (e.g., THS, LSD, Jimson Weed, Angel Dust (PCP), Psilocybin (Mushrooms), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline (Peyote)
20Incident DescriptionThe report extracts the incident description.N/AN/A
Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB) Information
21Lead Investigator First NameThe incident lead investigator's first name.[Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category50
22Lead Investigator Last NameThe incident lead investigator's first name.[Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category50
23Protected Category

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates that the victim belongs to the particular protected category:

  •  Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Ancestry
  • Origin
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Gender Identity & Expression
  • Mental, Physical, or Sensory Disability
  • Other Distinguishing Characteristics
24Effect of HIB Incident

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the effect of the incident on the victim and/or offender:

  • Offender knew action would physically or emotionally cause harm to the victim or damage to the victim's property
  • Victim was in fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to personal property
  • Insulted or demeaned a student or a group of students
  • Interfered with victim's education
  • Created a hostile educational environment by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student
25Mode of HIB Incident

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the offender's mode of harassment, intimidation, or bullying:

  • Gesture
  • Written
  • Verbal
  • Physical (major or minor injury)
  • Electronic Communication
Offender Information
26Offender Type

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the type of offender in the incident:

  • General Education Student
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Student from Another School
  • Non-student
  • Unknown

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the kind of action taken:

  • Yes - Select action(s) taken from section A and/or B
  • No - Select action(s) taken from section C
28Disciplinary action(s) taken and days Suspended or removedSee sections A, B, and C.N/AN/A
29Section A

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the type of student and the action taken:

  • All Students
    • In-school Suspension [number] days
    • Out-of-school Suspension [number] days
  • General Education Students Only
    • [number] Expulsion
30Section B

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the type of student and the action taken:

  • Students with disabilities only
    • Unilateral removal [number] Days (< 45)
    • Removal by ALJ for Dangerousness [number] Days
31Section C

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the type of student and the action taken

  • All Students
    • None
    • Detention
    • Other
    • Suspension of Privileges
32Remedial Action(s) taken for HIB only

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the remedial action(s) taken:

  • Restitution and Restoration
  • Individual Counseling
  • Referral for therapy/treatment
  • Student Conference
  • Group Counseling
  • Transfer
  • Parent Conference
  • Referral to the Intervention and Referral Services Team
  • Other measures imposed [specified]
33Program/Services Provided upon Disciplinary Action

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the programs and services provided upon disciplinary action:

  • None
  • Assignment(s)
  • Academic Instruction (only)
  • Support Services (only) Educational Program (Academic Instruction and Support Services)
34Location of Program/Services

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the location(s) of the programs/services:

  • In-school Setting
  • In-district Alternative Education Program
  • Other In-district Setting
  • Home (includes home instruction)
  • Out-of-district Alternative Education Program
  • Other Out-of-district Setting
35Offender Caused

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the level of injury the offender caused the victim:

  • Minor injury
  • Major injury
  • No injury
36Offender incurred

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the level of injury the offender incurred:

  • Minor Injury
  • Major injury
  • No injury

Only for students with disabilities causing a major injury

Did the offender cause Serious Bodily Injury, defined as an injury which involves (A) a substantial risk of death; (B) extreme physical pain; (C) protracted and obvious disfigurement; or (D) protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty?

  • Yes
  • No
38Student First NameThe student offender's first name.[PSRW_IncidentParticipant]First_Name30
39Student Last NameThe student offender's last name.[PSRW_IncidentParticipant]Last_Name30
40State NJSMART Student IDThe unique number assigned and maintained by the New Jersey Department of Education for this student.




A check mark next to one of the following indicates the offender's gender:

  • Male
  • Female



A check mark next to one of the following indicates the offender's ethnicity:

  • Hispanic
  • Non Hispanic

A check mark next to one or more of following indicates the offender's race:

  • American Indian, Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black, African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the offender's grade level:

  • K
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12



45Student Disability Category for Federal Reporting

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the offender's disability:

  • 01 Hearing Impairments
  • 02 Autistic
  • 03 Intellectual Disability - Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • 04 Intellectual Disability - Moderate Cognitive Impairment
  • 05 Intellectual Disability - Severe Cognitive Impairment
  • 06 Communication Impaired
  • 07 Emotional Disturbance
  • 08 Multiple Disabilities
  • 09 Deaf-blindness
  • 10 Orthopedic Impairments
  • 11 Other Health Impairments
  • 14 Specific Learning Disabilities
  • 15 Traumatic Brain Injury
  • 16 Visual Impairments
  • 17 Speech or Language Impairments
46LEPA check mark indicates that the student has limited English proficiency status.[S_NJ_STU_X]State_LEP_Status3
47Section 504A check mark indicates that the student is eligible for Section 504 programs.[S_STU_CRDC_X]Section504_YN1
Victim Information
48Victim Type

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the type of victim in the incident:

  • General Education Student
  • Student with Disabilities
  • Student from Another School
  • Non-student
  • School Personnel
  • Identifiable Group
  • None
49Victim Incurred

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the level of injury the victim incurred:

  • Minor Injury
  • Major Injury
  • Serious Bodily Injury
  • No Injury Incurred
50Remedial Action(s) taken for HIB only

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the remedial action(s) taken:

  • Counseling
  • Support Services
  • Intervention and Referral Services
  • Parent Conference
  • Before/After School Supervision
  • Schedule change
  • School transportation supervision
  • School transfer
  • Teacher Aide/Monitor during school day
  • Peer Support Group
  • Adult-Student Mentoring
  • Restitution/Restoration
  • Seating change
  • Alternate Placement
  • Assessment/Evaluation
  • Out-of-School Mental Health Service
  • Other Measures [specified]
51Student First NameThe student victim's first name.[PSRW_IncidentParticipant]First_Name30
52Student Last NameThe student victim's last name.[PSRW_IncidentParticipant]Last_Name30
53State NJSMART Student IDThe unique number assigned and maintained by the New Jersey Department of Education for this student.




A check mark next to one of the following indicates the victim's gender:

  • Male
  • Female



A check mark next to one of the following indicates the victim's ethnicity:

  • Hispanic
  • Non Hispanic

A check mark next to one or more of following indicates the victim's race:

  • American Indian, Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black, African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White

A check mark next to one of the following indicates the victim's grade level:

  • K
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12



58Student Disability Category for Federal Reporting

A check mark next to one or more of the following indicates the victim's disability:

  • 01 Hearing Impairments
  • 02 Autistic
  • 03 Intellectual Disability - Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • 04 Intellectual Disability - Moderate Cognitive Impairment
  • 05 Intellectual Disability - Severe Cognitive Impairment
  • 06 Communication Impaired
  • 07 Emotional Disturbance
  • 08 Multiple Disabilities
  • 09 Deaf-blindness
  • 10 Orthopedic Impairments
  • 11 Other Health Impairments
  • 14 Specific Learning Disabilities
  • 15 Traumatic Brain Injury
  • 16 Visual Impairments
  • 17 Speech or Language Impairments
59LEPA check mark indicates that the student has limited English proficiency status.[S_NJ_STU_X]State_LEP_Status3
60Section 504A check mark indicates that the student is eligible for Section 504 programs.[S_STU_CRDC_X]Section504_YN1
61Victim of a Violent Criminal Offense?

A check mark indicates whether or not the student was a victim of a violent criminal offense:

  • Yes
  • No
62Transfer Option Available?

A check mark indicates whether or not the student has the option to transfer schools:

  • Yes
  • No

A check mark indicates the status of the student's option to transfer:

  • Transfer Option Accepted, Transfer Completed
  • Transfer Option Accepted, Transfer Not Completed
  • Transfer Option Declined

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