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NJ ASSA Enrollment


Use the NJ Application for State School Aid (ASSA) Enrollment option to provide student counts for the following components of the NJ ASSA report.

  • Students on Roll
  • Students Sent

You can run this report only for the current school. This report is generated in CSV format.

Note: Use the NJ Application for State School Aid (ASSA) Regional/Consolidated Enrollment Breakdown extract option to calculate student counts for Students Received.

Important: The NJ ASSA Enrollment extract does not currently include the following components: LEP On Roll and Resident Enrollment Details related to LEP and Speech Only.

Report Details

You can generate a Summary report or a Detail report. Use the Summary report to enter the student counts into the state's ASSA application. You can print the Detail report to review the individual student counts used to calculate the summary student count totals.

You must enter two dates when generating the ASSA report, the Snapshot date and the Base Age for Determining Age date. The Snapshot date is usually your count date, which is October 15. You must enter the Base Age for Determining Age date to calculate the Age 5–17 student groups for the report.

To include Sent students in the report, enter the total number of students sent to another district for each grade level and reporting group listed on the Report Input page.

The NJ ASSA Report is divided into sections. The following table lists each section along with the student record selection criteria for that section.


Student selection criteria

Regular Enrollment

This section includes only students with the following criteria:

  • The student's Special Education field is blank or 17 (ESLS) or 99 (Declassified).

Special Education Enrollment

This section includes only students with the following criteria:

  • The student's Special Education field is not blank and not equal to 17 (ESLS) and not equal to 99 (Declassified).

Additional Enrollments Section

This section includes student counts for students enrolled in a regional day school, alternative high school, or a county vocational school. It also includes the count of students that fall within the Ages 5-17 report group as of the date entered on the report interface page.

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Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis of report results when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects the student records to count based on the following criteria:

  • The student is included in the state reporting process (Exclude from State Reporting is No for the student).
  • Students are selected who are actively enrolled, either as a current enrollment or re-enrollment, on the Snapshot Date.

Note: If the report is run after the snapshot date, students who have transferred out of one school in the district but have not yet enrolled in another school within the district will not be included in the report.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students (default) – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Report Snapshot Date

Enter the report snapshot date.

This is approximately October 15 of the current school year. Students are selected who are actively enrolled, either as a current enrollment or re-enrollment, on the Snapshot Date.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Note: If the report is run after the snapshot date, students who have transferred out of one school in the district but have not yet enrolled in another school within the district will not be included in the report.

Base Date for Determining Age

Enter the base date for determining the students’ ages. This is used to determine eligibility for the Ages 5-17 Only report group.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Detail Report

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • No (default) – The report is output in Summary format. Use the Summary format to enter the student counts for your school in the state’s ASSA application.
  • Yes – The report ASSA report is output in Detail format. The detail report includes the student counts used to calculate the summary totals.

Entering count of students SENT by Grade

To include Sent students in the report, enter the Sent student counts manually when the report is run.

Full Day Preschool 3 Yrs Old – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day preschoolthree-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Full Day Preschool 3 Yrs Old – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-day preschoolthree-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Half Day Preschool 3 Yrs Old – FULL

Enter the count of full-time half-day preschoolthree-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Half Day Preschool 3 Yrs Old – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time half-day preschoolthree-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Full Day Preschool 4 Yrs Old – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day preschoolfour-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Full Day Preschool 4 Yrs Old – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-day preschoolfour-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Half Day Preschool 4 Yrs Old – FULL

Enter the count of full-time half-day preschoolfour-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Half Day Preschool 4 Yrs Old – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time half-day preschoolfour-year oldstudents sent to another school district.

Full Day Kindergarten – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day kindergarten students sent to another school district.

Full Day Kindergarten – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-day kindergarten students sent to another school district.

Half Day Kindergarten – FULL

Enter the count of full-time half-day kindergarten students sent to another school district.

Half Day Kindergarten – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time half-day kindergarten students sent to another school district.

Grade 1 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day first grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 1 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-dayfirst gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 2 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day second grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 2 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-daysecond gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 3 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day third grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 3 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-daythird gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 4 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day fourth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 4 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-dayfourth gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 5 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day fifth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 5 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-dayfifth gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 6 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day sixth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 6 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-daysixth gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 7 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day seventh grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 7 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-dayseventh gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 8 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day eighth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 8 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-dayeighth gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 9 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day ninth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 9 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-day ninth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 10 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day tenth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 10 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-daytenth gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 11 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day eleventh grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 11 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-dayeleventh gradestudents sent to another school district.

Grade 12 – FULL

Enter the count of full-time full-day twelfth grade students sent to another school district.

Grade 12 – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time full-daytwelfth gradestudents sent to another school district.

Entering count of students SENT

Elementary – FULL

Enter the count of full-time Elementary students sent to another school district.

Elementary – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time Elementary students sent to another school district.

Middle School – FULL

Enter the count of full-time Middle School students sent to another school district.

Middle School – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time Middle School students sent to another school district.

High School – FULL

Enter the count of full-time High School students sent to another school district.

High School – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time High School students sent to another school district

Entering count of students FOR ‘Sent to CSSD’ Line

Students On Roll – FULL

Enter the count of full-time student’s on-roll sent to County Special Services Districts.

Studenton Roll – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time student’s on-roll sent to County Special Services Districts.

SENT – Full

Enter the count of full-time students sent to County Special Services Districts.


Enter the count of shared-time students sent to County Special Services Districts.

Private School for the Disabled

Enter the count of educationally disabled students sent full-time to a private school for the disabled.

Entering count of students SENT (Vocational)

County Vocational-Regular – FULL

Enter the count of full-time county vocational-regular students sent to another school district.

County Vocational-Regular – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time county vocational-regular students sent to another school district.

County Vocational-F.T. Post Secondary – FULL

Enter the count of full-time county vocational-full-timepost secondarystudents sent to another school district.

County Vocational-F.T. Post Secondary – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time county vocational-full-timepost secondarystudents sent to another school district.

County Vocational-Special – FULL

Enter the count of full-time county vocational special education students sent to another school district.

County Vocational-Special – SHARED

Enter the count of shared-time county vocational special education students sent to another school district.

Entering Miscellaneous Values

Regional Day School Students

Enter the count of regional day school students.

Alternative High School Students

Enter the count of alternative high school students.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The report output is in CSV format.

Item # or Position

Data Element



Enrollments Section

Column Criteria


On Roll Full

This column contains the full-time enrollment count of students who attend a regular school. A student is counted as full-time if the Shared Time field is blank.

[Students]priv_sch_dis  = No

[Students]shared_time is blank


On Roll Shared

This column contains the shared-time enrollment count of students who attend a regular school. A student is counted as shared-time if the Shared Time field is not blank.

[Students]priv_sch_dis  = No

 [Students]shared_time is not blank


Free Lunch Full

This column contains the full-time enrollment count of students with a lunch status equal to Free (F) or Free-DC (FDC). A student is counted as full-time if the Shared Time field is blank.

[Students]lunchstatus = F or FDC

[Students]shared_time is blank


Free Lunch Shared

This column contains the shared-time enrollment count of students with a lunch status equal to Free (F) or Free-DC (FDC). A student is counted as full-time if the Shared Time field is not blank.

[Students]lunchstatus = F or FDC

[Students]shared_time is not blank


Reduced Lunch Full

This column contains the full-time enrollment count of students with a lunch status equal to Reduced R. A student is counted as full-time if the Shared Time field is blank.

[Students]lunchstatus = R

[Students]shared_time is blank


Reduced Lunch Shared

This column contains the shared-time enrollment count of students with a lunch status equal to ReducedI(R). A student is counted as full-time if the Shared Time field is blank.

[Students]lunchstatus = R

[Students]shared_time is not blank


Sent Full

This column contains the count of full-time students in all grade levels sent to another school district. This count is calculated by summing the counts entered on the report interface when the report is run.

N/A - Calculated


Sent Shared

This column contains the count of shared-time students in all grade levels sent to another school district. This count is calculated by summing the counts entered on the report interface when the report is run.

N/A – Calculated


Private Sch Disabled

This column contains the count of educationally disabled students sent full-time to a private school for the disabled, as entered on the report interface.

N/A – Entered on the report interface

Category Counts

This section defines each student category and how the category count was calculated.

Regular Enrollment Section

This section contains students that meet the following criteria:

  • The student is not a special education student (special_education = blank or 17 for that student)



A student is counted in this category if the student’s NJ grade level code is equal to -2 and the student is a part-time student (Half Day Preschool 3 Yrs Old).

If the student’s NJ grade level code is blank, the student’s grade level is used.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 3H; if blank [Students]grade_level = -2

[Students]shared_time ≠blank



A student is counted in this category if the student’s grade level is equal to -2 and the student is a full-time student (Full Day Preschool 3 Yrs Old).

If the student’s NJ grade level code is blank, the student’s grade level is used.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 3F; if blank [Students]grade_level = -2

[Students]shared_time = 0 or is blank



A student is counted in this category if the student’s grade level is equal to -1 and the student is a part-time student (Half Day Preschool 4 Yrs Old).

If the student’s NJ grade level code is blank, the student’s grade level is used.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 4H; if blank [Students]grade_level = -1

[Students]shared_time ≠ blank



A student is counted in this category if the student’s grade level is equal to -1 and the student is a full-time student (Full Day Preschool 4 Yrs Old).

If the student’s NJ grade level code is blank, the student’s grade level is used.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 4F; if blank [Students]grade_level = -1

[Students]shared_time = 0 or is blank



A student is counted in this category if the student’s grade level is equal to 0 and the student is a part-time student (Half Day Kindergarten).

If the student’s NJ grade level code is blank, the student’s grade level is used.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = KH, 5H or DH; if blank [Students]grade_level = 0

[Students]shared_time ≠ blank



A student is counted in this category if the student’s grade level is equal to 0 and the student is a full-time student (Full Day Kindergarten).

If the student’s NJ grade level code is blank, the student’s grade level is used.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = KF, 5F or DF; if blank [Students]grade_level = 0

[Students]shared_time = 0 or is blank


Grade 1 through Grade 12

(occurs 12 times, one for each grade level)

A student is counted in the appropriate category if the student’s grade level is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = PF or 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, or 12; if blank, [Students]GradeLevel = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12


PG (Post Graduate)

A student is counted in this category if the student’s special status is set to Post Graduate.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = PG; if blank, [Students]GradeLevel = PG


AD (Adult Student)

A student is counted in this category of the student is an adult student.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = AD; if blank, [Students]GradeLevel = AD


A1 (Adult HS with 15+ Credits)

A student is counted in this category of the student is an adult student who has earned 15 or more credits.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = A1; if blank, [Students]GradeLevel = A1


A2 (Adult HS with 1–14 Credits)

A student is counted in this category of the student is an adult student who has earned at least 1 credit but not more than 14 credits.

[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = A2; if blank, [Students]GradeLevel = A2


Regular Enrollment Subtotal

These counts are the sum of regular student enrollments. There is a subtotal for each column heading.

N/A – Calculated

Special Education Enrollment Section

This section contains students that meet the following criteria:

  • The student is a special education student (special_education is not blank, not 17, and not 99 for that student)


Elementary GR

A special education student in grade 5 or below is counted in this category if the student has:

  • PTC Code other than 18-33 or 38.  PTC found either on state student page or associated with an active special program enrollment. Or,
  • No PTC Code and no active special program enrollment.

[S_NJ_STU_X]ProgramTypeCode ≠ 18-33, 38, or blank,




[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 3H, 3F, 4H, 4F, 5H, 5F, KH, KF, DH, DF, PF, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05


Elementary SC

A special education student is counted in this category if the student is enrolled in a special education program and whose age is less than or equal to 11 years old as of 6/30/xx where xx represents the ending year in the current year expression (i.e. 6/30/14 for the 2013-14 school year).

[S_NJ_STU_X]ProgramTypeCode = 18-33 or 38




[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 3H, 3F, 4H, 4F, 5H, 5F, KH, KF, DH, DF, PF, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05


Elementary #

These counts are the total count of special education elementary students.



Middle School GR

A special education student in grades 6-8 is counted in this category if the student has:

  • PTC Code other than 18-33 or 38.  PTC found either on state student page or associated with an active special program enrollment. Or,
  • No PTC Code and no active special program enrollment.

[S_NJ_STU_X]ProgramTypeCode ≠ blank, 18-33, or 38




[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 06, 07, 08


Middle School SC

A student is counted in this category if the student is enrolled in a special education program and whose age is between 12 and 14 years old (inclusive) as of 6/30/xx where xx represents the ending year in the current year expression (i.e. 6/30/14 for the 2013-14 school year.

[S_NJ_STU_X]ProgramTypeCode = 18-33, or 38




[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 06, 07, 08


Middle School *

These counts are the total count of special education middle school students.



High School GR

A special education student in grades 9-12 is counted in this category if the student has:

  • PTC Code other than 18-33 or 38.  PTC found either on state student page or associated with an active special program enrollment. Or,
  • No PTC Code and no active special program enrollment.

[S_NJ_STU_X]ProgramTypeCode ≠ blank, 18-33, or 38




[S_NJ_STU_X]GradeLevelCode = 09, 10, 11, 12


High School SC

A student is counted in this category if the student is enrolled in a special education program and whose age is between 15 and 21 years old (inclusive) as of 6/30/xx where xx represents the first year in the current year expression (i.e. 6/30/14 when running the report in the fall of 2013 for school year 2013-14. 

[S_NJ_STU_X]ProgramTypeCode = 18-33 or 38





High School #

These counts are the total count of special education high school students.



Sent to CSSD

This category shows the sum of the counts entered in the “Numbers FOR ‘Sent to CSSD’ Line” section on the report interface when the report is run.

N/A – Entered on report interface


Special Education Enrollment Subtotal

These counts are the sum of special education student enrollments. There is a subtotal for each column heading.

N/A – Calculated


Regular and Special Education Totals

These counts are the sum of the regular and special education student enrollments. There is a subtotal for each column heading.

N/A – Calculated

Miscellaneous Categories

In this section a student is counted in the appropriate On-Roll Full column if they have 15 or more credits; otherwise, they are counted in the appropriate On-Roll Shared column.


Regional Day School

These student counts are entered on the report interface when the report is run. The count displays in the Private School Disabled column.

N/A – Entered on report interface


Alternative High School

These student counts are entered on the report interface when the report is run.

N/A – Entered on report interface


Ages 5–17 Only

These student counts are based on the students’ ages as of the count date entered on the report interface when the report is run.



County Vocational – Regular

These student counts are entered on the report interface when the report is run.

N/A – Entered on report interface


County Vocational – Fulltime Post Secondary

These student counts are entered on the report interface when the report is run.

N/A – Entered on report interface


County Vocational – Special

These student counts are entered on the report interface when the report is run.

N/A – Entered on report interface

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