Expulsion and Suspension Letter Report
You can use this report to generate expulsion/suspension letters for students against whom any of the following incidents have been reported:
- In School Suspension
- Out of School Suspension
- Removal to Another School
- Removal to Alt Ed Program
- Removal - Expulsion
- Removal - Unilateral
- Removal by Hearing Officer
- Removal to Other
You can then send the letters to the parents or guardians of each student.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
School Selection
The report can be run for a single school at a time.
Student Selection
The report selects students against whom an incident is reported and student is not excluded from state reporting.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Current Selection Students | Run the report for the current selection of students or all students. |
Incident Start Date | Enter the start date of the incident. Note: Enter the date in a format of MM/DD/YYYY. |
Incident End Date | Enter the end date of the incident. Note: Enter the date in a format of MM/DD/YYYY. |
Letter to use | Select the letter to be used from the drop-down list. |
Include Behavior | Select Yes to include. |
Include Duration | Select Yes to include. |
Include Action Taken Detail Comments | Select Yes to include. |
What to print at top of each page | Select the relevant option. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # or Position | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
N/A | Reporting Period | This reporting period selected on the report interface is displayed. | N/A |
N/A | ### School Days | The number of school days included in the reporting period is displayed. | Calculated |
N/A | GRADES | The grade levels selected on the report interface are displayed. | N/A |
N/A | SPECIAL PROGRAMS | Included indicates that student attendance for special programs is included in the report. Excluded indicates that student attendance for special program is excluded from the report. | N/A |
N/A | # | This is the sequential row number. | N/A |
N/A | STUDENT NUMBER | This column displays the number assigned to this student for identification purposes. This field value is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics. | [Students]student_number |
N/A | STUDENT NAME | This column displays the student’s name in last name, first name format. This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics. | [Students]LastFirst |
N/A | GRD | This column displays the student’s grade during the reporting period selected for the report. This field is extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics. | [Students]Grade_Level |
N/A | HOMEROOM | This column displays the number of the student’s homeroom. This field value is extracted from the Modify Info page, Student Selection > Modify Info. | [Students]home_room |
N/A | DISTRICT OF RESIDENCE | This column contains the number identifying the student’s district of residence. This field value is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment. Note: If a student was enrolled in multiple districts of residence, the district of residence in force at the time of the enrollment is reported. | [Students]District_of_residence Or [Reenrollments]district_of_residence |
N/A | TRACK | This column displays the student’s track, if applicable. This field is extracted from the Edit Current/Previous Enrollment page, Student Selection > Transfer Info, based on the month and year selected for the report. | [Students]Track |
N/A | SHRD | An am or pm value in this column indicates that the student shares time between two schools. This field value is extracted from the NJS Student tab, Start Page > Student Selection > State / Province – NJ > NJS Student. | [S_NJ_STU_X]shared_time |
N/A | PTC | This column displays the PTC Code (Old or New) based on the student’s regular or special program enrollments for the reporting period. This field value is extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd. If no PTC is found on NJS SpEd tab for Kindergarten and PreK students, the Part Time Student field found on the Modify Info page is used to derive a PTC value of 3H, 3F, 4H, 4F. If no PTC is found on NJS SpEd tab for non KG and PreK students, the PTC for the currently enrolled special program enrollment is used. | [S_NJ_STU_X]ProgramTypeCode [students]parttimestudent |
N/A | ENTRY DATE | This column lists the student’s entry date for the current enrollment. This field value is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment. | [Students]entry_date Or [Reenrollments]entry_date |
N/A | EXIT DATE | This column lists the student’s exit date for the current enrollment. This field value is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment. If the exit date is blank, this field defaults to the student’s last day of school at the end of the year. | [Students]exit_date Or [Reenrollments]exit_date |
N/A | POSSIBLE DAYS | This column displays the total possible days of membership for the reporting period. | CALCULATED |
N/A | DAYS PRESENT | This column displays the total number of days the student was present during the reporting period. | CALCULATED |
N/A | DAYS ABSENT | This column displays the total number of days the student was absent during the reporting period. | CALCULATED |
N/A | DAYS NOT ENROLLED | This column displays the total number of days the student was not enrolled during the reporting period. | CALCULATED |
N/A | DAYS OFF TRACK | This column displays the total number of days the student was off track during the reporting period. | CALCULATED |
TOTALS | |||
N/A | Number of Student, this page | This is the total number of students listed on each page. | CALCULATED |
N/A | Total For Page | The attendance totals display for the students listed on this page. One total displays for the following columns: POSSIBLE DAYS, DAYS PRESENT, DAYS ABSENT, DAYS NOT ENROLLED, and DAYS OFF TRACK. | CALCULATED |
N/A | Total Number of Students | This is the total number of students included on the report. | CALCULATED |
N/A | Grand Total | The attendance totals display for all students included on the report. One total displays for the following columns: POSSIBLE DAYS, DAYS PRESENT, DAYS ABSENT, DAYS NOT ENROLLED, and DAYS OFF TRACK. | CALCULATED |
N/A | Averages | The average daily membership (ADM) and the average daily attendance (ADA) for this reporting period display. | CALCULATED |