Staff Demographics Extract
The Staff Demographics extract is used to track staff members in order submit staff data to the Nebraska Student and Staff Record System (NSSRS). The extract is generated in a comma-delimited format.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Staff Selection
The Staff and Staff Snapshot extract include staff records from the [SchoolStaff] table that meet the following criteria:
- Staff members whose Master Staff Record Indicator is set to Yes. In DDE: [Teachers]NE_MasterRecordInd = 1.
- Staff members whose status is set to Current. In DDE: [SchoolStaff]Status = 1.
- Staff members associated with a school that is not excluded from state reporting.
Report Input
For help with navigation and report generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Current Selection Staff | Indicate which staff to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single staff member, or a group of staff, select the staff prior to running report. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Element # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
1 | Record Number | The sequential and unique number starting with 1 for the first record. | N/A |
2 | District Code | NDE Number for the district. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber |
3 | NDE Staff ID | The identifier assigned to the staff member by the NDE. | [S_NE_USR_X]Staff_ID |
4 | Local Staff ID | The locally assigned staff identifier. | [Users]TeacherNumber |
5 | Last Name | The staff member’s last name. | [Users]Last_Name |
6 | First Name | The staff member’s first name. | [Users]First_Name |
7 | Middle Name | The staff member’s middle initial. | [Users]Middle_Name |
8 | Suffix | Not reported. The suffix for the staff member’s surname, such as Jr. or III. | N/A |
9 | Gender Code | The staff member’s gender. | [UsersCoreFields]Gender |
10 | Hispanic Indicator Code | Indicates whether the student is identified as Hispanic/Latino.Valid values:
| [Users]FedEthnicity |
11 | Race Code 1 | The staff member’s first identified race. This field is required. The race codes in this report are extracted in order of the internal ID. Currently, there is no method to identify the priority of the race codes. Valid values:
| [TeacherRace]RaceCd |
12 | Race Code 2 | The staff member’s second identified race, required if applicable. This field is optional. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd |
13 | Race Code 3 | The staff member’s third identified race, required if applicable. This field is optional. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd |
14 | Race Code 4 | The staff member’s fourth identified race, required. This field is optional. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd |
15 | Race Code 5 | The staff member’s fifth identified race, required if applicable. This field is optional. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd |
16 | Education Attained Code | The highest degree earned by the teacher. See the Appendix for more information. | [S_NE_USR_X]Highest_Degree_Code |
17 | Paraprofessional Assessment Passed Flag | The paraprofessional assessment passed flag. This field applies to instructional paraprofessionals only. Valid values:
| [S_NE_USR_X]ParaAssess_Code |
18 | Contract Indicator Code | Indicates if the staff member’s contract is held by the organization designated in the County District Number. Valid values:
| [S_NE_USR_X]LocalContract |
19 | Contract Date | The date the staff member was most recently contracted by the district/system for the current school year. | [S_NE_USR_X]Service_Date |
20 | Contract Days | The number of whole days contracted for each staff member. | [S_NE_USR_X]Contract_Days |
21 | Basic Salary | The gross pay for the district-wide FTE assignment before deductions in whole dollars. | [S_NE_USR_X]Salary |
22 | Additional Compensation | The additional compensation in whole dollars provided to the staff member, as described in the NSSRS Staff Guide: | [S_NE_USR_X]AltSalary |
23 | Salary Benefits | The annualized amount for benefits, in whole dollars, as described in the NSSRS Staff Guide. This amount should include benefits and payroll costs paid by the district. | [S_NE_USR_X]Benefits_Value |
24 | Experience in this District | The total numbers of years of experience attained by this staff member in this district/system, including the current school year. The minimum value is 1. This value must be reported in whole years. This is not required for paraprofessionals. | [S_NE_USR_X]DistrictYrsExp |
25 | Total Experience | The total number of years experience attained by this staff member in education, including the current school year. The minimum value is 1. This value must be reported in whole years. | [S_NE_USR_X]TotalYrsExp |
26 | School Year | The current fiscal school year. This value is extracted as June 30th, in the format YYY-06-30. The report determines the year by referencing the last day in the current year term, as defined in the Years & Terms. | [Terms]Last_Day |
27 | Electronic Mail Address | Staff Members email address. Required for certain positions | [Users]Email_Addr |
28 | Primary Subject Area | Position assignment for teaching positions. | [S_NE_USR_StaffAssignment_C] StaffAssignSubjectCode [S_NE_SSF_X]PrimarySubjectCode |
Extraction of Federal Race Codes
Count the number of Race Codes in the [TeacherRace] table for a particular staff member based on TeacherID.
Race Code | 1 Race | 2 Races | 3 Races | 4 Races | 5 Races |
Race Code 1 (#21) | X | X | X | X | X |
Race Code 2 (#78) | - | X | X | X | X |
Race Code 3 (#79) | - | - | X | X | X |
Race Code 4 (#80) | - | - | - | X | X |
Race Code 5 (#81) | - | - | - | - | X |