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Ed-Fi Reporting Implementation

Contact NDE

  1. Apply to participate in the Early Adopter Program II by completing the interest form:

  2. Complete Data Agreement form

  3. Email

    • Email Subject: Requesting Access to Ed-Fi

    • Include the following in the body of the email:

      • District Name

      • SIS Vendor: PowerSchool

      • District Number

      • District Contact Name

      • District Contact Phone Number

      • Start Date for Ed-Fi Publishing

Note: If the Key/Secret should be sent to ESU Staff, include this authorization in the email request.

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Data Prep

The setup required for Ed-Fi aligns with NSSRS requirements. See State Reporting Setup for detailed instructions.

  1. Verify the District Number is the District Number issued by NDE

  2. Verify either the School ID or Alternate School Number field is the School Number issued NDE, do not include the District Number in the Alternate School Number, Ed-Fi Publishing automatically appends the District Number as a prefix to the School Number to meet Ed-Fi ODS requirements

  3. Verify the following for each reportable staff member:

    • NDE Staff ID - Information > Faculty Information > NDE Staff ID

    • Gender

    • DoB

    • School Staff should be assigned at least one school on the Schools and Affiliations tab of the Security Settings page

    • School Staff should have at least one Staff Classification and Position Title entered on the Staff Assignment page for the assigned school

Note: District office staff only need a district association and corresponding staff classification and position title

  1. Verify all non-reportable staff have 'No' selected for Master Staff Record Indicator [Staff Name] > Information > Faculty Information > Master Staff Record Indicator

  2. Verify the following information for each reportable student:

    • State Student Number

    • Gender

    • DoB

    • Valid Entry Code

    • Entry Date falls between the first and last day of school as defined in Years and Terms for the school

    • Exit date is on or after the Entry Date

Note: New data entry elements are being added for Ed-Fi reporting, please watch release notes for availability of these new fields.

  1. Verify that all non-reportable students are set to exclude from state reporting.

  2. Verify the information entered in the mother/father fields on the Student Demographic page is entered in the proper format (last,first) and does not have any special characters, e.g., * or ( )

  3. Verify all reportable courses have a valid NE Course Code in the Alternate Course Number field

  4. Verify all non-reportable courses are excluded from Ed-Fi Reporting

Note: The section setting overrides the course setting.

  1. Verify Section Enrollments correspond with School Enrollments

  2. Verify Section Exit Date is on or after the Section Entry Date

  3. Verify Sections that should be counted as Activities are marked appropriately

  4. Confirm Ed-Fi Plugins are installed

    • Ed-Fi Nebraska

    • Ed-Fi Transaction Listener for Nebraska

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Ed-Fi Setup

  1. Enable Ed-Fi Nebraska Plugin

  2. Select Reporting Year [District Office]System > Ed-Fi Administration > Ed-Fi Settings

    • Check the box(es) that correspond to the years for which Ed-Fi Reporting should be enabled
      Note: Typically, Ed-Fi reporting should be enabled only for the current reporting year. Enable the previous year ODS prior to publishing Student Post Graduate Activities.

  3. Enter URLs, Key and Secret [District Office]System > Ed-Fi Administration > Ed-Fi Setup

  4. Complete Downloads

    • Downloads must be completed in the District Office context

    • [District Office]System Reports > Ed-Fi Reporting

      • Click Run Now for each of the four download categories

      • Wait for the Downloading column to cycle from No to Yes and back to No for Descriptors (State Codes)
        Note: When the Downloading column displays No, the record count in the Downloaded column should represent the total number of records downloaded from the Ed-Fi ODS

    • Complete Mappings

      • Complete Mapping of PowerSchool codes to State Descriptors [District Office]System > Ed-Fi Administration > Ed-Fi Codeset Mappings

    • Enable Ed-Fi Transaction Listener for Nebraska [District Office] System > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration

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Publish Data

Categories of data are arranged in order on the Ed-Fi Reporting tab to allow data to publish in the proper order; however, there are some categories that need to complete prior to subsequent publishing. 

Publishing can be executed from either the District or School context.

  1. Publish Organization Periods and Locations by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  2. Publish Organization Calendars by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  3. Wait for Organization Periods and Locations and Organization Calendars categories to finish before continuing.

  4. Publish Organization Schedules by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  5. Wait for the Organization Schedules to finish before continuing.

  6. Publish Staff Associations by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  7. Publish Student Demographics by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  8. Wait for the Student Demographics to finish before continuing.

  9. Publish Student Enrollments by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  10. Wait for the Student Enrollments category to finish before continuing.

  11. Publish Student Contacts by selecting Run Now > Find Contacts

  12. Publish Student Cohort Groups by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  13. Publish Student Programs by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  14. Publish Student Discipline Data by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  15. Publish Student Attendance by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  16. Publish Student Course Grades by selecting Run Now > Publish All
    Note: Only final grades are published

  17. Publish Student Transcripts by selecting Run Now > Publish All

  18. At the end of the year, switch the context year to the previous year and Publish Student Post Graduate Activities by selecting Run Now > Publish All

Subsequent publishing will occur automatically as long as the Ed-Fi Transaction Listener for Nebraska is enabled. Remember to verify the plugin is enabled after each PowerSchool or State Reporting update. If there is need to manually publish data, choose either the Publish Missing or Retry Errors after selecting Run Now for the category of data for which manual publishing is needed.

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Resolving Dependencies

Each Dependency data view includes a Dependency Column. Sometimes the dependency is caused by data from another category. Any corrections to the data will automatically generate a transaction if the Ed-Fi Transaction Listener for Nebraska is enabled.

  • Student School Enrollment – State/Province – NE > Ed-Fi Publishing – confirm the school association has published, click the republish arrow on the school association to re-publish this data

  • Staff Unique ID – NDE Staff ID is not populated – Information > Faculty Information and verify the NDE Staff ID

Note: If the NDE Staff ID is correct, contact NDE to request the Staff ID be added to the Ed-Fi ODS

  • Staff Assignment Association – Verify that the staff member has a school association listed on the Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations tab and a Staff Assignment for the identified school on the Information > Staff Assignments page.

  • Course Offering Record – Check the view for Course Offering in the Organization Schedule Data category to determine if the Course Offering Record has published

  • Missing State Course Number – Make sure the course has a valid Alternate Course Number – District Setup > Courses > [Course Number] > Alternate Course Number

  • Session (Term) Record – Check the view for the Organization Calendar category to determine if the term record has published

  • Section – Check the view for the Organization Schedule Data category to determine if the section record has published. For a student, also check the views in the Student Enrollment category.

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Resolving Errors

  • Code 400 – Validation failed – Check staff/student/contact data identified in the message details of the error

  • Code 403 – Data cannot be updated until linked to a school

    • Staff – Confirm a section or staff assignment of XS has been assigned

    • Student State/Province – NE > Ed-Fi Publishing – confirm the school association has published, click the republish arrow on the school association to re-publish this data

Note: Code 403 errors in Student Demographics are automatically reclassified as dependencies

  • Code 409 – The value supplied for the related resource does not exist

    • Check the views associated with the identified resource to determine if errors or dependencies are preventing data from publishing

  • Code 409 – Natural Key Conflict – select Run Now > Retry Errors

  • Code 500 – An unexpected error occurred on the server – select Run Now > Retry Errors

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