Assessment Fact Extract
The Assessment Fact extract is used to track Assessment Fact data as defined by the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE). The extract is generated in a comma-delimited format.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Student Selection
The Assessment Fact extract includes student records from the [Students] or [ReEnrollments] table that meet the following criteria:
- Students who are not excluded from state reporting.
- Students enrolled in a school that is not excluded from state reporting.
- Students whose school enrollment Exit Date is after the report start date.
- Students whose school enrollment Entry Date is on or before the report end date
- Students whose school enrollment Exit Date is after the Entry Date.
Assessment Fact Selection
The Assessment Fact extract includes assessment fact records from the [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C] table with a Test Date that occurs on or after the report start date.
Report Input
For help with navigation and report generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Data to be Filled | Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All. |
Start Date | Enter the first in session day of the school year. |
End Date | Enter the current date. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Element # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
1 | District Code | NDE Number for the district. | [Prefs]Name=districtnumber [Prefs]Value |
2 | Test Description | The name of the test, such as STARS. | [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]TestDescription |
3 | Assessment School Year Date | This value is automatically extracted as June 30th. The report determines the year by referencing the last day in the current year term, as defined in the Years & Terms. To change terms, click Terms at the top of the page and choose a term from the list. State Business Rules: The value should be extracted in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]SchoolYear |
4 | Item Description | The test subject, such as reading or mathematics. | [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]ItemDescription |
5 | Test Date | The date the test was taken. State Business Rules: The value should be extracted in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]TestDate |
6 | Student ID | State issued identification number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
7 | Location Code | The report extracts the value from the Alternate School Number field if it is populated on the Edit School page. Otherwise, the report extracts the value from the School Number field. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number [Students]SchoolID=[Schools]School_Number [ReEnrollments]SchoolID=[Schools]School_Number |
8 | Score Display | Not collected. | N/A |
9 | Alpha Score | Not collected. | N/A |
10 | Numeric Score | Not collected. | N/A |
11 | Credits | Not collected. | N/A |
12 | National Percentile | Not collected. | N/A |
13 | Local Percentile | Not collected. | N/A |
14 | Mastery | Not collected. | N/A |
15 | Assessment Status | Valid Values:
| [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]AssessmentStatus |
16 | Assessment Language Code | Not collected. | N/A |
17 | Standard Achieved Code | Not collected. | N/A |
18 | Norm Curve Equiv | Not collected. | N/A |
19 | Raw Score | Not collected. | N/A |
20 | Scale Score | Not collected. | N/A |
21 | Percent Score | Not collected. | N/A |
22 | Local Stanine | Not collected. | N/A |
23 | National Stanine | Not collected. | N/A |
24 | National Percentile by Age | Not collected. | N/A |
25 | Number of Items Correct | Not collected. | N/A |
26 | Objective Mastery Score | Not collected. | N/A |
27 | Degrees of Reading Power | Not collected. | N/A |
28 | Intelligence Quotient | Not collected. | N/A |
29 | Standard Performance Index | Not collected. | N/A |
30 | Standard Performance Level | Not collected. | N/A |
31 | Grade Equivalent | Not collected. | N/A |
32 | Special Norm Group | Not collected. | N/A |
33 | Level of Aggregation | Not collected. | N/A |
34 | Testing Modification | Valid values:
| [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]TestingModification |
35 | Test Assignment Date | Not collected. | N/A |
36 | Evaluator ID | Not collected. | N/A |
37 | Evaluator Name | Not collected. | N/A |
38 | School Year Date | Not collected. | N/A |
39 | Subtest Scale Score | Not collected. | N/A |
40 | Number of Times Tested | Not collected. | N/A |
41 | Converted Score | Not collected. | N/A |
42 | Assessment Accountable District | Valid values:
| [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]AssessAccountDistrict |
43 | Testing Accommodation | Valid values:
| [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]TestingAccomodation |
44 | Standard Error of Measurement | Not collected. | N/A |
45 | Scoring Model Code | Not collected. | N/A |
46 | Survey Completion Indicator | Not collected. | N/A |
47 | Assessment Accountable School | Valid values:
| [S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact_C]AssessAccountSchool |
48 | Lexile Minimum Score | Not collected. | N/A |
49 | Lexile Maximum Score | Not collected. | N/A |
50 | Number of Items Attempted | Not collected. | N/A |
51 | Number of Items Omitted | Not collected. | N/A |
52 | Number of Items Incorrect | Not collected. | N/A |