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School Calendar Instructional Time Verification Report


The School Calendar Instructional Time Verification Report allows schools and districts to verify the Instructional Time in the School Calendar to help ensure that the schools are in compliance with state requirements for instructional hours. The report can be run from an individual school, or from the district for all or selected schools. The report output is a .zip file containing a formatted PDF report that includes sub-totals of instructional minutes and hours by term and a grand total for the year, along with a CSV file where each calendar date is reported as a separate row. Sub-totals and grand total are not included in the CSV file.

Report Input

 For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the currently selected school is the only option.

School Year

Choose the school year. This value will also appear in the output file name.

Summarize By

Choose how to group each school's data.

If run from the District:

  • Year
  • Smallest Terms Defined Each School (Semester, Trimester, Quarter, etc.)

If run from a School:

  • Year
  • Selected Term

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Element #

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName


School NumberThe school number and school name reported in this section.[Calendar_Day]SchoolID


SchoolThe School Name.[Schools]Name


TermThe name of the term containing the range of calendar dates.[Terms]Name



The date in the calendar in YYYY-MM-DD format.



DayThe day of the week the calendar day falls on.[Calendar_Day]Date_Value


Cycle DayThe cycle day associated to the calendar day.[Calendar_Day]Cycle_Day_ID


Bell ScheduleThe bell cycle associated to the calendar day.[Calendar_Day]Bell_Schedule_ID



The type of day; such as "In-Session" or "Holiday".

If the value for [Calendar_Day]Type is not blank, the description of the day type is displayed.

If the value for [Calendar_Day]Type is blank, and [Calendar_Day]InSession = 1, "In Session" is displayed.

Non-In Session days with a blank day type are suppressed.


School MinThe total number of minutes for the school on this date.


[S_ND_SCH_SCHOOLS_X]Schl_ Instr_Minutes_Default


Track A Min

The number of minutes for Track A on this date.

[S_ND_CLD_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Ovr where Track = A

[S_ND_SCH_SCHOOLS_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Default where Track = A

11Track B MinThe number of minutes for Track B on this date.

[S_ND_CLD_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Ovr where Track = B

[S_ND_SCH_SCHOOLS_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Default where Track = B

12Track C MinThe number of minutes for Track C on this date.

[S_ND_CLD_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Ovr where Track = C

[S_ND_SCH_SCHOOLS_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Default where Track = C

13Track D MinThe number of minutes for Track D on this date.

[S_ND_CLD_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Ovr where Track = D

[S_ND_SCH_SCHOOLS_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Default where Track = D

14Track E MinThe number of minutes for Track E on this date.

[S_ND_CLD_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Ovr where Track = E

[S_ND_SCH_SCHOOLS_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Default where Track = E

15Track F MinThe number of minutes for Track F on this date.

[S_ND_CLD_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Ovr where Track = F

[S_ND_SCH_SCHOOLS_C]Track_Instr_Minutes_Default where Track = F

16Total Instructional Minutes

The total number of Instructional Minutes for the school and term, along with totals for each track.

17Total Instructional HoursThe total number of Instructional Hours for the school and term, along with totals for each track.Calculated.
18Grand Total Instructional MinutesThe grand total number of Instructional Minutes for the school and year along with totals for each track. Calculated.
19Grand Total Instructional HoursThe grand total number of Instructional Hours for the school and year along with totals for each track. Calculated.

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