CRDC School Setup
All public and charter schools open during the collection year are required to report. Program schools such as CECAS and Homeless should also be included in the report if the LEA or charter provides services to stuents who do not attend a traditional school. Program schools that provide services should be indicated as non-LEA facilities.
SchoolsSchool Setup > Civil Right Data Collection (CRDC) | |
Is this school excluded from CRDC reporting? | Choose Yes or No to indicate if this school is included in the CRDC report. Examples of schools that should be excluded are Lottery/Assignment schools or schools that were not open during the collection year. Leaving this field NULL wil include the school data in the CRDC preview reports. |
LEA Questions | |
SSPR-2. Is this school a Non-LEA facility? | Choose Yes or No to indicate if this school is a non-LEA facility. Examples of this type of school are CECAS, Migrant, EL (formerly LEP), and Early Childhood and PK Program schools. Leaving this field blank will identify this PowerSchool school as a public school that should be fully reported on the CRDC. |
School Questions | |
SCHR-2. Does this school have ungraded students? | Choose Yes or No to indicate if this school has ungraded students. |
Indicate whether the ungraded school has mainly elementary, middle, and/or high school students. | If the school has ungraded students, choose one of the following:
SCHR-4. Does the entire school population participate in the magnet school program? | If the school is a magnet school or is operating a magnet school, choose Yes or No to indicate if the entire school population participates in the magnet school program. If the school is a Magnet school and the option to select Yes or No is unavailable, correct the EDDIE system and wait one day while PowerSchool and EDDIE sync. |
SCHR-5. This alternative school is designed to meet the needs of the following. (Check all that apply) | If the school is an alternative school, then select the applicable options.
If the school is an Alternative school and the option to select Yes or No is unavailable, correct the EDDIE system and wait one day while PowerSchool and EDDIE sync. |
PENR-3. Does this school have any students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program? | The answer to this question is calculated by the system based on course codes and a count of classes is provided on the screen. |
PENR-5. Does this school have any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit in order to graduate from high school? | The answer to this question is calculated by the system based on the attribute recorded at either the course or course section level. |
COUR-12. Does this school provide single-gender classes in a co-educational environment? | This is calculated by the system based on the course section being coded as M or F only. |
APIB-5. Is enrollment via self-selection by students permitted for all AP courses offered by the school? | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school permits students to enroll through self-selection for all AP courses offered by the school. |
ATHL-1. Does this school have any students who participate in single-sex interscholastic athletics? | If the LEA/School has chosen not to use the NC Athletic Eligibility feature, the PowerSchool CRDC Preview Report – Part 2 Collection will report all Interscholastic totals as 0. The user will have to manually add these values to the Federal Submission Portal. |
DISC-3. Does this school use corporal punishment to discipline students? | This question is calculated by the system based on the Incident code for corporal punishment and a count of the incidents. |
OFFN-2. Has there been at least one incident at your school that involved a shooting (regardless of whether anyone was hurt)? | Choose Yes or No to indicate if there has been at least one shooting incident at the school (regardless of whether anyone was hurt). |
OFFN-3. Have any of your school's students, faculty, or staff died as a result of a homicide committed at your school? | Choose Yes or No to indicate if any of the school’s students, faculty, or staff have died as a result of a homicide committed at the school. |
JUST-1. If this school is a justice facility, indicate the type that best describes the facility. | Choose the description that best describes the justice facility. Valid values: