Student Demographic
This resource publishes the student's demographic information.
The students that are published must NOT be excluded from state reporting.
The school must not be excluded from reporting. No students will be published from a school that is excluded from reporting.
Element Name | Submission | Definition | Code Set, if applicable | Technical Name | [Table]Field Mapping | Business Rules or Comments |
Category - Demographic | ||||||
Birthdate | Yes | The year, month, and day on which a person was born. | None | Birthdate | [Students]DOB | |
Sex | Yes | Describes the biological traits that distinguish the males and females of a species. | MDE Option Set Male - Male | Sex | [Students]Gender | M=Male F=Female |
Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity | Yes | An indication that the person traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. | MDE Option Set Yes - Yes | HispanicOrLatinoEthnicity | [S_MS_STU_X]Hispanic | If Y, then extract Yes If N, then extract No If blank, then extract NotSelected |
State of Birth Abbreviation | Yes | The abbreviation for the name of the state (within the United States) or extra-state jurisdiction in which a person was born. | Refer to State Abbreviation. | StateOfBirthAbbreviation | [S_MS_STU_X]BirthState | Translate ZZ to Null, otherwise publish the state code. |
Military Connected Student Indicator | Yes | An indication that the student’s parent or guardian is on Active Duty, in the National Guard, or in the Reserve components of the United States military services. | MDE Option Set NotMilitaryConnected - Not Military Connected | MilitaryConnectedStudentIndicator | [S_MS_STU_X]PGMilitaryType | When using Legacy Contacts:
This is currently on the Parent under student contacts and on the parent or guardian. |
Race | Yes | The origins of a person. | AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative - American Indian or Alaska Native | Race | [StudentRace]RaceCd | If the Race Count is > 1 then 'DemographicRaceTwoOrMoreRaces' If the Race Count is = 1 then extract [StudentRace]RaceCd
Awaiting Foster Care Status | Yes | An indication of whether this child is awaiting foster care. | Yes No | AwaitingFosterCareStatus | [S_MS_STU_X]TitleIFosterCareInd | |
Career-Technical-Adult Education Displaced Homemaker Indicator | Yes | An displaced homemaker in the context of Career Technical Adult Education. For details refer to the state documentation. | Yes No | CTEAEDisplacedHomemakerIndicator | [S_MS_STU_X]DispHomemakerInd | |
English Learner Status | Yes | An English language learner. For details refer to the state documentation. | Yes No | EnglishLearnerStatus | [S_MS_STU_X]LEPInd | |
Gifted and Talented Indicator | Yes | State/local code used to determine a student's eligibility for Gifted/Talented program. | Yes No Unknown | GiftedAndTalentedIndicator | [S_MS_STU_X]GiftedInd | |
Homelessness Status | Yes | Yes No | HomelessnessStatus | [S_MS_STU_X]TitleIHomelessInd | ||
IDEA Indicator | Yes | An indication of a person that receives special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) according to an Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), or service plan. | Yes No | IDEAIndicator | [S_MS_STU_X]SpecialEdInd | |
Migrant Status | Yes | An indication of a migrant person. | Yes No | MigrantStatus | [S_MS_STU_X]MigrantInd | |
Neglected or Delinquent Program Type | Yes | The type of program under ESEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (state programs) or Subpart 2 (LEA). | MDE Option Set NeglectedPrograms - Neglected programs DelinquentPrograms - Delinquent Programs | NeglectedOrDelinquentProgramType | [S_MS_STU_X]TitleINeglectedInd | If Yes, then extract as NeglectedPrograms. |
Program Gifted Eligibility Criteria | Yes | State/local code used to determine a student's eligibility for Gifted/Talented program. | MDE Option Set 13452 - General Intellectual Aptitude only 13453 - Specific Academic Aptitude only 13454 - Visual/Performing Arts only | ProgramGiftedEligibilityCriteria | [S_MS_STU_X]GiftedType | If Intellectually Gifted, then extract 13452 (General Intellectual Aptitude only). If Academically Gifted, then extract 13453 (Specific Academic Aptitude only). If Creatively Gifted or Artistically Gifted, then extract 13454 (Visual/Performing Arts only). If None or Empty, then do not extract this element. |
Section 504 Status | Yes | Individuals with disabilities who are being provided with related aids and services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. | Yes No | Section504Status | [S_MS_STU_X]Section504 | |
Single Parent or Single Pregnant Woman Status | Yes | A student who, at some time during the school year, is either a pregnant female student who is unmarried; or a male or female student who is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse and has a minor child or children. | Yes No | SingleParentOrSinglePregnantWomanStatus | [S_MS_STU_X]SingleParentInd | |
Title III Immigrant Status | Yes | An indication that the child is an immigrant according to the Title III of ESEA definition. | Yes No | TitleIIIImmigrantStatus | [S_MS_STU_X]ImmigrantInd | |
Title I Indicator | An indication that the student is participating in and served by programs under Title I, Part A of ESEA as amended. | MDE Option Set 01 - Public Targeted Assistance Program | TitleIIndicator | [S_MS_SCH_X]TitleISchool [S_MS_STU_X]TitleIEligInd | If S_MS_SCH_X.TitleISchool = Yes, then extract 02. If S_MS_STU_X.TitleIEligInd = Yes, then extract 01. If both are null/not set, then extract as 05. |