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Monthly Enrollment and Attendance Report


The Monthly Enrollment and Attendance report is a summary of the daily enrollment and attendance data of a school. The report aggregates the daily enrollment and attendance data on various student features such as Race, Lunch Status, and so on.

When the sub-district configuration is enabled, then the report extracts data only from the schools that are associated with the sub-district.

Report Output file name format if run at the district level: S_####_MMYYYY_Attendance Report.xls, where

  • #### - Sub District Number
  • MMYYYY - Month and Year

Report Output file name format if run at the school level: S_####_###_MMYYYY_Attendance Report.xls, where

  • #### - Sub District Number
  • ### - School Number
  • MMYYYY - Month and Year

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be Excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must have a school enrolment at a school included in the report.
  • The student can be enrolled in classes at another school.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report's end date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after the report start date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.


The attendance codes must have the following settings:

  • The attendance code is considered in ADA calculations
  • The attendance code counts towards membership
  • The remote attendance code category must be set up. The case doesn't matter but no spaces or special characters are allowed.
  • The remote attendance codes must be set up and the remote present attendance code category must be set to "Remote".

For remote attendance settings, refer to the Remote Attendance Configuration for 2021-2022 on PowerSchool Community.

Mississippi Attendance Setup and the 63% Rule

This report uses the same attendance setup and the 63% attendance rule as the other state reports. For details refer to the Mississippi Attendance Reports and the 63% Rule section.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

Students to Include

Indicate the students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

    If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Schools to Include

Indicate the schools to include in the report

  • At school, the report will extract data only of the school from where the report is being run.
  • At the District office, the option to select multiple schools to include in the report
Include Header Row

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to include the header row in the report output.

Reporting Segment or Start Date and End Date

Do one of the following:

  • Choose the reporting segment with the appropriate date range from the dialog box.
  • Enter a start date and an end date for the report date range.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The report output is a tab-delimited file.

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
DistrictThe district number.[Prefs]Value where name=districtnumber
School The school number of the selected schools.


If [Schools]Alternate_School_Number is blank or 0, then extract [Schools]School_Number

Date The selected date range for which the report is run.[Calendar_day]Date. This is between the start date and the end date of the report. The start and end dates are inclusive.
EnrollmentThe count of students enrolled on a day.

Calculated based on the students enrolled on the Calendar Date.

On an in-session day, the student must have a class.

On a holiday, the student must have a school enrollment.


Calendar Membership type setup for the day.

The report extracts the description of the Calendar Membership type.

Calendar Membership Type based on the [Calendar_day]Date
In-Person [1]The count of students that are present in the school.Calculated based on Present attendance codes where the Attendance Code has an Attendance Code Category NOT EQUAL to Remote.
Virtual [2]The count of students that are Remote present on a school day.Calculated based on Present attendance codes where the Attendance Code has an Attendance Code Category is EQUAL to Remote. This is case insensitive.
AbsentThe count of students that are absent on a day.

Calculated based on Absent attendance codes.

Note: The state does NOT require absences to be split into In-Person or Virtual.

In-Person [1]


The count of students that have Lunch status as Free (F) or Reduced (R) and are present in school.[Students]LunchStatus is F=Free or R=Reduced

Virtual [2]


The count of students that have Lunch status as Free (F) or Reduced (R) and have attendance code category as Remote present.[Students]LunchStatus is F=Free or R=Reduced

In-Person [1]

AS Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Asian (AS) and are present in school.[StudentRace]Racecd = AS

Virtual [2]

AS Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Asian (AS) and attendance code category as Remote present.[StudentRace]Racecd = AS

In-Person [1]

B Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as African-American (B) and are present in school.[StudentRace]Racecd = B

Virtual [2]

B Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as African-American (B) and attendance code category as Remote present.[StudentRace]Racecd = B

In-Person [1]

PI Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Pacific Islander (PI) and are present in school.[StudentRace]Racecd = PI

Virtual [2]

PI Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Pacific Islander (PI) and attendance code category as Remote present.[StudentRace]Racecd = PI

In-Person [1]

W Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as White (W) and are present in school. [StudentRace]Racecd = W

Virtual [2]

W Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as White (W) and attendance code category as Remote present. [StudentRace]Racecd = W

In-Person [1]

H Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Hispanic (H) and are present in school.[Students]FedEthnicity = 1

Virtual [2]

H Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Hispanic (H) and attendance code category as Remote present.[Students]FedEthnicity = 1

In-Person [1]

NA Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as NA (Native American) and are present in school.[StudentRace]Racecd = NA

Virtual [2]

NA Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as NA (Native American) and attendance code category as Remote present.[StudentRace]Racecd = NA

In-Person [1]

TM Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Two or More (TM) and are present in school.[StudentRace]Racecd >= 2

Virtual [2]

TM Race

The count of students that have Race/Ethnicity as Two or More (TM) and attendance code category as Remote present.[StudentRace]Racecd >= 2

In-Person [1]


The count of students that have Gender as Female and are present in school.[Students]Gender is F=Female

Virtual [2]


The count of students that have Gender as Female and attendance code category as Remote present.[Students]Gender is F=Female

In-Person [1]


The count of students that have Gender as Male and are present in school.[Students]Gender is M=Male

Virtual [2]


The count of students that have Gender as Male and attendance code category as Remote present.[Students]Gender is M=Male

In-Person [1]


The count of students enrolled in the ELL program and are present in school.



Virtual [2]


The count of students enrolled in the ELL program and attendance code category as Remote present.



In-Person [1]


The count of students enrolled in SPED or 504 programs and are present in school.

[S_MS_STU_X]SpecialEdInd = Y


[S_MS_STU_X]Section504 = Y

[S_MS_REN_X]Section504 = Y

Virtual [2]


The count of students enrolled in SPED or 504 programs and attendance code category as Remote present.

[S_MS_STU_X]SpecialEdInd = Y


[S_MS_STU_X]Section504 = Y

[S_MS_REN_X]Section504 = Y

In-Person [1]


The count of homeless students that are present in school.[S_MS_STU_X]TitleIhomelessInd = Y

Virtual [2]


The count of homeless students and attendance code category as Remote present.[S_MS_STU_X]TitleIhomelessInd = Y

In-Person [1]


The count of migrant students that are present in school.[S_MS_STU_X]MigrantInd = Y

Virtual [2]


The count of migrant students that have attendance code category as Remote present.[S_MS_STU_X]MigrantInd = Y

In-Person [1]


The count of foster care students present in school. [S_MS_STU_X]TitleIFosterCareInd = Y

Virtual [2]


The count of students in foster care and attendance code category as Remote present.[S_MS_STU_X]TitleIFosterCareInd = Y

[1] - In-Person is calculated based on Present attendance codes where the Attendance Code has an Attendance Code Category NOT EQUAL to Remote.

[2] - Virtual is calculated based on Present attendance codes where the Attendance Code has an Attendance Code Category EQUAL to Remote. This Attendance Code Category is case insensitive.

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