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K12 Incident

This resource publishes a detailed list of the Incident and Student-level Discipline information including the behaviors and actions taken. The incident type, actions, and behaviors must be state-reportable.

Selection Criteria

  • Outer-level selection criteria:

    • The Incident Type must be Mississippi State Reportable^.

    • The Incident Date must be in the current school year.

    • The Incident must have at least one offender and one state reportable action.

    • Each incident will have its record, with the incident-level details and the offenders will be reported under the disciplines array.

  • The Exclude from Reporting rules that apply are:

    • The students that are published must NOT be excluded from state reporting.

    • Also, the school must not be excluded from reporting. No students shall publish from a school that is excluded from reporting.

  • Additional selection criterion of inner-level items:

    • All actions must also be state-reportable.

    • All behaviors' parent codes must also be state-reportable. Exception is the “Violation of School Rules”

      • For Violation of School Rules, the action must be also state-reportable.

    • If there is only one behavior and action, then they may not be linked to each other.

    • If there is one behavior and multiple actions, then they may be linked to the behavior.

    • If there are multiple behaviors and multiple actions, then they must be linked to the behavior.

    • If there are multiple participants in the incident, then all participants must be reported under the discipline array.

    • If there are multiple behaviors one of them will be flagged as primary and the other may be reported as secondary.

    • If there is only one behavior, then that will be the primary behavior.

Note: The school must be published for the incidents to be published.

The K12 Incident resource can be scheduled to publish changes once daily.

  1. The K12 Incident resource appears under the ON DEMAND Category.

  2. Customers can publish immediately using the Run Now option.

  3. Customers can run it daily to publish the changes by using the Schedule option.

Incident Information

Element Name



Code Set, if applicable

Technical Name

[Table]Field Mapping

Business Rules or Comments

Firearm Type


The type of firearm.

Handguns - Handguns
RiflesShotguns - Rifles / Shotguns
Multiple - More than one type of weapon or firearm
Other - Other



Object and must be one of the following  [Handguns
Rifles, Shotguns, or OtherFirearm]

Derived based on business rules.
If there is only one WeaponType involved then check if it is [Handguns
Rifles, Shotguns, or OtherFirearm]
Case Handguns then report Handguns
Case Rifles or Shotguns then report RiflesShotguns
Case OtherFirearm then report Other
If there are more than one WeaponType in  [Handguns
Rifles, Shotguns, or OtherFirearm] then report Multiple.

Incident Behavior


Categories of behavior coded for use in describing an incident.

04618 - Alcohol
04625 - Arson
75004 - Assault
04626 - Attendance Policy Violation
04632 - Battery
04633 - Burglary/Breaking and Entering
75005 - Bullying
04634 - Disorderly Conduct
04635 - Drugs Excluding Alcohol and Tobacco
75006 - Electronic Bullying
04645 - Fighting
13354 - Harassment or bullying on the basis of disability
13355 - Harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin
13356 - Harassment or bullying on the basis of sex
04646 - Harassment, Nonsexual
04650 - Harassment, Sexual
04651 - Homicide
04652 - Inappropriate Use of Medication
04659 - Insubordination
04660 - Kidnapping
04661 - Obscene Behavior
04669 - Physical Altercation, Minor
75007 - Rape or Attempted Rape
04670 - Robbery
04671 - School Threat
04677 - Sexual Battery (sexual assault)
04678 - Sexual Offenses, Other (lewd behavior, indecent exposure)
04682 - Theft
04686 - Threat/Intimidation
04692 - Tobacco Possession or Use
04699 - Trespassing
04700 - Vandalism
04704 - Violation of School Rules
04705 - Weapons Possession



Extract All state-reportable behaviors other than "Violation of School Code (or NCB)". Extract the State Aggregate (parent code) only.

If the behavior is "Violation of School Code (or NCB)", then check if there is a state-reportable action. If and only if the action is state-reportable, then extract "Violation of School Code (or NCB)". Ignore sub-codes.

Incident Date


The year, month, and day on which the incident occurred.




Must be in the current school year

Incident Description


The description for an incident.




Incident Identifier


A locally assigned unique identifier (within the school or school district) to identify each specific incident or occurrence.

Note: The same identifier must be used to document the entire incident even if it included multiple offenses and multiple offenders.




Concatenate School Identifier with Incident Identifier with the Lea + School Number + Incident ID. Format "District Number" - "School Number" - "Incident ID".
Example 1234-999-987654.
We also need to handle Sub-District rule and StatePrID field for schools.

Incident Injury Type


An indication of the occurrence of physical injury to participants involved in the incident and, if so, the level of injury sustained.

MajorInjury - Major injury
MinorInjury - Minor injury
NoInjury - No injury
SeriousBodilyInjury - Serious bodily injury
FatalInjury - Fatal injury



Extract only if MajorInjury AttributeCode is set to Yes.

Incident Location


Identifies where the incident occurred and whether or not it occurred on campus.

MDE Option Set
03011 - On campus
03026 - Off campus
03028 - School bus



Extract All state-reportable locations only.
Extract State Aggregate Report Code only.

Incident Victim Type


Information on the type of individual who was injured or otherwise harmed as a direct result of the incident. A “victim” is the individual who suffers injury or harm that directly results from the incident.

MDE Option Set
03422 - Staff member
00126 - Student



When there is a Participant under Victim, pull the Participant type of Staff or Student.
If there are multiple victims pull the first one in the list.
If Staff, extract 03422.
If Student, extract 00126.

Ask the state if there are more than one victims then how do we report this element?

Secondary Incident Behavior


Supplemental information about an incident when the primary offense is more serious in nature than alcohol or drug, etc. offenses.

MDE Option Set
03068 - Gang-related


This is required only if the incident is also flagged as gang-related.
The value must be set to "03068"

"Gang-Related" behavior or "Gang-related"  Incident Attribute is set.

Weapon Type


Identifies the type of weapon used during an incident.

MDE Option Set

Handgun - Handgun
Shotgun - Shotgun
Rifle - Rifle
OtherFirearm - Other Firearm
Knife - Knife
OtherWeapon - Other weapon


[Incident Management]Object

If Object is part of incident then report it.
If there are multiple objects report all as array.

Student-Level Discipline Information

Element Name



Code Set, if applicable

Technical Name

[Table]Field Mapping

PS Business Rule / Comments

Disciplinary Action End Date


The year, month, and day on which a discipline action ends.




Disciplinary Action Start Date


The year, month, and day on which a discipline action begins.




Disciplinary Action Taken


Identifies the consequences of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).

MDE Option Set

03072 - Change of placement (long-term)
03073 - Change of placement (reassignment), pending an expulsion hearing
03074 - Change of placement (reassignment), resulting from an expulsion hearing
03075 - Change of placement (reassignment), temporary
03081 - Corporal punishment
03086 - Expulsion with services
03087 - Expulsion without services
03088 - Juvenile justice referral
03089 - Law enforcement referral
13357 - Mechanical Restraint
09999 - Other
13358 - Physical Restraint
03158 - Removal by a hearing officer
13359 - Seclusion
03100 - Suspension, in-school
03101 - Suspension, out-of-school, with services
03102 - Suspension, out-of-school, without services
75000 - Placed in juvenile detention center
75001 - School-related arrest


Action of the Offender
State Aggregate Code

Discipline Action Length Difference Reason


The reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment.

01 - No Difference
02 - Term Modified By District
03 - Term Modified By Court Order
04 - Term Modified By Mutual Agreement
05 - Student Completed Term Requirements Sooner Than Expected
06 - Student Incarcerated
07 - Term Decreased Due To Extenuating Health-Related Circumstances
08 - Student Withdrew From School
09 - School Year Ended
10 - Continuation Of Previous Year's Disciplinary Action Assignment
11 - Term Modified By Placement Program Due To Student Behavior While In The Placement
12 - Other


Action Change Code
State Aggregate Code

Duration of Disciplinary Action


The length, in school days, of the disciplinary action.



Field = Duration_Assigned

If Actual Duration is filled out then pull it otherwise pull the Assigned Duration

Full Year Expulsion


An expulsion with or without services for a period of one full year (365 days).



If the Full Year Expulsion action attribute is set then extract accordingly.
Yes or No.
If blank then default to No.

Incident Identifier


A locally assigned unique identifier (within the school or school district) to identify each specific incident or occurrence.

Note: The same identifier must be used to document the entire incident even if it included multiple offenses and multiple offenders.



Concatenate School Identifier with Incident Identifier with the Lea + School Number + Incident ID. Format "District Number" - "School Number" - "Incident ID".
Example 1234-999-987654.
We also need to handle Sub-District rule and StatePrID field for schools.

Organization Identifer


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an organization by a school, school system, a state, other agency, or entity.



Incident Management

Action Attribute = JDC

Required only when JDC attribute is set.
This will be extracted based on JDC attribute.
For example JDC01, JDC023

Organization Identification System


A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to an organization.

MDE Option Set

SEA - State Education Agency assigned number


Incident Management

Action Attribute = JDC

Required only when JDC attribute is set.
Default to SEA

Student Identification System


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, other agency, or entity.



Implement based on previous student-related resource. This is for offenders only.

Student Identifier


A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student.

MDE Option Set

State - State-assigned number


Implement based on previous student-related resource. This is for offenders only.

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