Attendance Reconciliation Report
Produces a list of student attendance dates where the student's calculated attendance percentage does not match with the student's Daily Attendance Code status. The report may be used in reconciling a student's Daily attendance code with his calculated attendance percentage.
The report produces a list of student attendance discrepancies. Student attendance dates are listed if the student's attendance percentage does not align with his Daily Attendance Code absence/presence status. For instance, if a student is not present 63% of his day and has a Daily Present Code, or if he is present 63% of his day but has a Daily Absent Code.
Important: It is recommended that ALL discrepancies be corrected to ensure that a student’s Daily Attendance Code aligns with his attendance percentage.
This report can be run only at the school level and not at the district level.
The Attendance Reconciliation Report is designed for correcting individual student attendance dates, whereas the Attendance Reconciliation Export is intended for use in correcting large numbers of discrepancies en masse.
The report results are grouped into three sections:
State Absence Discrepancies
Student attendance dates listed in this section are considered ‘Absent’ due to their attendance percentage, but have a Daily Present attendance code. Please correct the discrepancy by either updating the student's Daily attendance code or adjusting the student's minutes attended.
For instance, if a student is in attendance for 15% of his day on 8/15/2013, but has a Daily Attendance Code of blank (present). The Student will need to be given a Daily Attendance Code that represents an Absence (an ‘A – Absent’ code as an example).
Clicking a student’s name will open a new window to the student’s Daily Attendance screen so the discrepancy can be corrected.
State Presence Discrepancies
Student attendance dates listed below are considered ‘Present’ due to their attendance percentage, but have a Daily Absence attendance code. Please correct the discrepancy by either updating the student's Daily attendance code or adjusting the student's minutes attended.
For instance, if a student is in attendance 65% of his day, but has a Daily Attendance Code of ‘A – Absent’. The student will need to be given a Daily Attendance Code that represents a Presence (a ‘PP – Partial Day Present’ code as an example).
Clicking a student’s name will open a new window to the student’s Daily Attendance screen so the discrepancy can be corrected.
Daily Absence Discrepancies
Student attendance dates where the student has a Daily Absence Code with no Time-in or Time-out entries (full day absence) and the student has Meeting periods Present of greater than 63 percent. Please correct the discrepancy by either updating the student's Daily Time-In or Time-out or adjusting the student's Meeting periods attended.
For instance, if a High School student has a Daily Attendance Code of ‘A – Absent’, has no time-in/time-out records, but is Present for 3 of his 4 meeting periods for the day. The student will need to either be given a Daily Time-in/Time-out entry, or marked Absent in the appropriate meeting periods.
Clicking a student’s name will open a new window to the student’s Daily Attendance screen so the discrepancy can be corrected.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Student Selection | Check the box to ‘Use Student Selection’ to run for your current selection of students; otherwise do not check the box to run the report for all students. |
Date to use | Enter a Start Date and an End Date. All attendance discrepancies between the report start and end dates will be displayed. Note: Dates must be entered in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
Student Number | The locally assigned student identifier. | [Students]Student_Number |
Last, First | The name of the student included in the report. Note: clicking on the student’s name will open a new page to the student’s Daily Attendance screen. The student’s Daily Attendance screen may be used to correct the attendance discrepancy. | [Students]LastFirst |
Attendance Date | The attendance date of the discrepancy. | [Attendance]Date |
Daily Attendance Code | The student’s Daily Attendance Code for the Attendance Date listed. | [Attendance]Attendance_CodeID [Attendance_Code]Att_Code |
Meeting Codes | A comma separated list of all Meeting Period attendance codes for the Attendance Date listed. All codes for the day are listed, so if the student is marked ‘A – Absent’ in 4 periods, the results will display as: A,A,A,A | [Attendance]Attendance_CodeID [Attendance_Code]Att_Code |
Minutes Attended or… Meeting Minutes Present | The total minutes of attendance for the Attendance Date listed. Minutes Attended is calculated based on the student schedule, section time exclusions, Daily Time in/out records, and Meeting period absences. - A Daily Absent code with NO Time-in/Time-out entries denotes a full day absence and will always display as 0 minutes attended. Meeting Minutes Present in the Daily Absence Discrepancies section represent the total number of Meeting Minutes the student is present for the day. | Calculated |
Potential Minutes | The total minutes possible for the student on the Attendance Date listed. Potential Minutes is calculated based on the student’s schedule and on section time exclusions. Note: See the Mississippi Attendance Reports and the 63% Rule section above for more information on how Minutes Attended and Potential Minutes are calculated. | Calculated |
Percent Attended | The percentage of time the student is in attendance on the Attendance Date listed. Percent Attended is calculated by dividing Minutes Attended by Potential Minutes. | Calculated |