SERVS Student Graduation Requirements Report (GRR) File
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
The report selects records based on the following criteria:
- The Student’s Entry Date must be on or before the user selected Student Enrollment Start Date.
- The Student’s Exit Date must be on or after the user selected Student Enrollment End Date.
- The Student must have a SERVS Student Graduation Requirement Record entry from the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN > SERVS Student Graduation Requirement Records.
Creating the SERVS Student Graduation Requirements Report (GRR) File
For help with report navigation and generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Student Enrollment Start Date | The start date of the report. |
Student Enrollment End Date | The end date of the report. |
Use Alternate School Number | If you require the use of the Alternate School number select Yes. |
Submit | Click Submit to run the report. |
Note: The SCR file will default to SCR<district number><district type>.TXT. For example: Hibbing’s SCR file might look like SCR070101.TXT
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
The SERVS Student Graduation Report (GRR) is an XML file.
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length |
1 | recordID | File Identification Code | Set to “GRR” by the report | Alpha | 3 |
2 | recordVersion | File Format Version Number | Set to “01” by the report | Numeric | 2 |
3 | stateUnitNumber | The Org Unit ID number of a district. This will be District Number from PowerSchool. From the District Office > District > District Info | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | Numeric | 4 |
4 | stateUnitType | District Type from MDE-Org From the District Office > District > District Info. | [Prefs]DistrictType | Numeric | 2 |
5 | stateSiteNumber | School number from MDE-Org | [Schools]School_Number Or [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | Numeric | 3 |
6 | lastName | This field contains the Student’s Last Name. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN or From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_Last_Name or [Students]Last_name | Alpha | 40 |
7 | firstName | This field contains the Student’s First Name. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN or From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_First_Name or [Students]First_Name | Alpha | 40 |
8 | middleName | This field contains the Student’s Middle Name. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN or From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_Middle_Name or [Students]Middle_name | Alpha | 40 |
9 | suffix | This field contains the Student’s Name Suffix. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_Suffix | Alpha | 5 |
10 | stateStudentId | This field contains the Student’s MARSS Number. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Numeric | 13 |
11 | birthDate | This field contains the Student’s Date of Birth. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics. Format: YYYY-MM-DD | [Students]DOB | Date | 10 |
12 | gender | This field contains the Student’s Gender. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics. | [StudentCoreFields]pscore_legal_gender or [Students]Gender | Alpha | 1 |
13 | localuseID | This field contains the Student’s Student Number. This field value is extracted from the Students table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics. | [Students]student_number
| Numeric | 10 |
14 | subjectCode
| This field contains the Student’s Subject Code. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_STU_SGRR_C table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN > Other Functions/Information > SERVS Student Graduation Requirement Records | [S_MN_STU_SGRR_C]Grad_Requirement | Numeric | 4 |
15 | methodCode
| This field contains the Student’s Method Code. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_STU_SGRR_C table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN > Other Functions/Information > SERVS Student Graduation Requirement Records | [S_MN_STU_SGRR_C]Method | Numeric | 4 |
16 | met | This field indicates if the student meets the graduation assessment requirement with the specified method. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_STU_SGRR_C table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN > Other Functions/Information > SERVS Student Graduation Requirement Records Reported Values:
| [S_MN_STU_SGRR_C]Met | Alpha | 1 |
17 | statusDate | This field contains the Student’s Method Code. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_STU_SGRR_C table. From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN > Other Functions/Information > SERVS Student Graduation Requirement Records Format: YYYY-MM-DD | [S_MN_STU_SGRR_C]Status_Date | Date | 10 |
18 | comment |
| [S_MN_STU_SGRR_C]Notes | Alpha | 1000 |
19 | requestReimbursement |
| This item is not submitted | Alpha | 1 |