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MN MCCC Course Extract


MCCC Course Extract

To create the Course XML extract file, select System Reports/State and click on the MN MCCC Course Extract link. Be sure to have the proper current term set and select All Schools. Click Submit to start the process. The resulting file will be included in the Report Works report queue. Click the Completed link to download the XML file. Follow the Minnesota Department of Education instructions for MCCC data submission of the Course file.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
The report selects records based on the following criteria:

  • The Course must not be indicated to be excluded from MCCC.
  • The Course must students enrolled in at least one section in the selected reporting year.
  • Early Education Courses must have the set-up completed from the Courses MN Common Course Catalog (MCCC) - Early Education page.
  • Early Education Sections must have the set-up completed from the Sections MN Common Course Catalog (MCCC) - Early Education page.

Report Input

For help with report navigation and generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

This report uses the State reporting Platform to generate results. There may be some additional setup required to run this report. The additional setup required to will be to configure ReportWorks Preferences if you have not already done so.

  • If you have already configured ReportWorks Preferences, no additional setup is required.
  • If you have not configured ReportWorks Preferences, please refer to the "ReportWorks Preferences" section of the ReportWorks Setup Guide located on PowerSource. This section will provide steps for configuring the scheduler node for the report queue.
  • There is no Report Output file included because the output file is in XML format.



Report Parameters

Select Set All; this will store your selections for this report which is helpful when you need to submit a new file and you are unsure of how you created your last file.

Academic Year

Select the appropriate academic year for which you want to run the report.

Select Schools

From the list of schools, select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

Use Alternate School NumberIf you require the use of the Alternate School number select Yes.
Tag to Report in HeaderSelect to run by Site or District Wide.

Scheduling – Run Now

Leave Run Now selected to run the report now and click submit.

Scheduling – Schedule (optional)

Click the Schedule button to schedule this report to run automatically at a scheduled time.

Please Select Schedule Settings

Enter the Start Date and Start time.

Select to Run Once or Repeat

If selecting Repeat, you will be given the option of Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

Please select daily repeat cycle options

Click Weekdays only if you want this report to only run on weekdays

Please select end date range option

Select No End Date or enter the End Date you want to use.


Click the submit button. You will be taken to the Report Queue. Once your file is complete, click on the complete button and you will have a PDF file to assist you in compiling your spreadsheet for the State.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

 The MCCC Course Extract is an XML file.


Data Element



Field Type

Field Length



Schema Version of the file. This set to 4 by MCCC Course Extract.






The Org Unit ID number of a district. This will be District Number from PowerSchool.
From the District Office > District > District Info.






District Type from MDE-Org
From the District Office > District > District Info.







This field contains the school year for the report
2015-2016 = 2016

Report Parameter




Used to indicate that this file applies to all sites in the district.




School number from MDE-Org

One line for each site.

[Schools]School_Number Or







This field contains the local course code as specified by the District. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.






This field contains the local course code as specified by the District. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.






Identifies the course as district-wide (000) or associated with a specific school ( 3-digit MDE OrgUnit school code)










This field contains the Course Code as specified by MDE. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.






This field contains the Course Level as specified by MDE. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.
Reported Values:
A = Articulation agreement
B = Basic or remedial
C = Industry/occupational certification courses
D = Dual/concurrent enrollment
E = Enriched, honors or advanced
G = General or regular courses
P = Early Education
N = No Credit
X = Not applicable






This field contains the Course Sequence. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.






This field contains the Course Sequence Limit. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.






This field contains the Standard Addressed by the Course. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.
Reported Values:
A = None addressed
C = Combination of national, state and/or local
L = Local
N = National
S= State






This field contains the Grad Requirement Indicator for the Course. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.
Reported Values:
True if = Y else False






This field contains the End Of CourseIndicator Indicator for the Course. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.
Reported Values:
True if = Y else False




11<LocalDescription>Brief explanation of content of local course. Required when MCCC classification refers to classification for "Other" in any subject area.[S_MN_CRS_X]Course_DescriptionAlpha1500

<Colleges> <College>



This field contains the College Course Level as specified by MDE. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > College Course Associations. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > College Course Associations.

[S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C] College_Course_Level





This field contains the Federal code representing post-secondary institution. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > College Course Associations. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > College Course Associations.






This field contains the Course code assigned by the post-secondary institution. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > College Course Associations. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > College Course Associations.

[S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C] College_Course_Code





This field contains the Number of postsecondary credits assigned to the course. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > College Course Associations. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > College Course Associations.

[S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C] College_Course_Credits




The organized delivery of subject area content used in teaching and learning.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.



[S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Type  = ‘C’


The appropriate Implementation  Code for the Curriculum

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.


The tool used to assess early education student achievement.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.



[S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Type  = ‘A’


The appropriate Implementation  Code for the Assessment

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.



The location in which the student instruction is delivered.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.


Is this course a MN State Program. 

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.


Is this course a Federal Program.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.


Is this course tied to an Adult Basic Education (ABE) Class.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.


The type of program under which this course is being reported.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.


Unique code(s) to identify the specific state standard(s) placed in the Local Course as a focus for student learning.

From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Education. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > MCCC Early Educations.



[S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Type  = ‘S’


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