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MCCC – Student/Course Audit Report

On this page:

Student/Course Extract

To create the Student/Course XML extract file, select System Reports/State, and click on the MN MCCC Student Extract link. Be sure to have the proper current term set and select All Schools. Click Submit to start the process. The resulting file will be included in the Report Works report queue. Click the Completed link to download the XML file. This file needs to be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education in tandem with the Staff/Course file.

Student/Course Audit

Similar to the Staff/Course Audit, the Student/Course Audit listing will help verify data to be extracted. To execute the on-screen report select System Reports/State, and click on the MCCC – Student/Course Audit Report link. This listing can take some time to process.

Student/Course Audit Report

This report displays the list of unique courses that are included in the current year's historical grades, or do not have a final grade depending on which Class Selection Option is selected.
Class Selection - Select the desired option and click Submit.

  • All Classes
  • Only Classes with a Final Grade
  • Only Classes without a Final Grade

Submit button is disabled until a Class Selection option is selected.
Once results are displayed, the Submit button is disabled until a new Class Selection option is selected.
If the Class Selection is set to Only Classes without a Final Grade then a course that does not have an associated historical grade will not display here but will be on the report if the Sections Marking Indicator is set to 'No' and the other MCCC reporting requirements are met.
Courses that should not be included in the MCCC export file are still listed but are identified by the strike-through font. For example: ENG 100.

The columns displayed on the screen are as follows:


Data Element





This field contains the course number as specified by the district. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.




This field contains the local course code as specified by the district. This field value is extracted from the Courses table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses.




This field contains the section number. This field value is extracted from the Sections table.
From a School > School Setup > Sections > Edit Section.




This field contains the student's name. This field value is extracted from the Students table.
From the Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province – MN or From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics.




This field contains the student's legal gender.

[StudentCoreFields]pscore_legal_gender or [Students]Gender



This field contains the student's date of birth. This field value is extracted from the Students table.
From the Start Page > Select a Student > Demographics.



Marking Term

The Store Code for the section in which the student earned their final grade as determined by MCCC Grade Mapping setup.




This field contains the grade that the student received from Historical Grades based on the MCCC Grade Mapping for the section.
From the Start Page > Select a Student > Historical Grades.




This the Earned credit hours the student received from Historical Grades based on the MCCC Grade Mapping for the section.
From the Start Page > Select a Student > Historical Grades.




This field contains the number of postsecondary credits assigned to the course. This field value is extracted from the S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C table.
From the District Office > District Setup > Courses > College Course Associations. Or from a School > School Setup > Courses > College Course Associations.




If the section's Instruction Method is G – Guided (Independent Study) this is set to Independent Study; otherwise it is Scheduled Student Record


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