Selection Criteria
Student records are selected based on the following criteria:
- The student is included in state reporting. ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting)
- The student has not been excluded from MARRS reporting. ([S_MN_STU_X]Exclude_MARSSB)
- The school has not been excluded from MARSS reporting. ([S_MN_SCH_X]Exclude_From_MARSS)
- The student's grade level has not been excluded from MARSS Reporting. ([S_MN_SCH_SchoolGrades_C]Exclude_From_MARSS)
- The student had a school enrollment record between the First Day of Enrollment and the Last Day of Enrollment or a school enrollment record between the First/Last Day of School in the Years & Terms, depending on the selected option.
Reporting Enrollments that Partially Fall Outside of the Reporting Year:
Use this feature for PowerSchool student school enrollments that:
1) are partially outside of the MARSS B reporting window
2) and may contain incorrect information for the desired reporting year
These are typically Summer School/Extended School Year enrollments which often start in a different MARSS B reporting year than when they end. An example of this would be a student school enrollment that starts 6/15/2021 and ends 8/06/2021. For reporting purposes, this enrollment may need to be split between 2 reporting years:
6/15/2021 to 6/30/2021 - 2020-21 MARSS Reporting Year
7/1/2021 to 8/06/2021 - 2021-22 MARSS Reporting Year
Furthermore, some of the data elements may need to be reported differently than what is in PowerSchool to reflect changes in that specific reporting year. For example, a PowerSchool student school enrollment may show a grade level of 7, but a 6 needs to be reported for the 20-21 Reporting Year. This feature will split these enrollments between the 2 reporting years and report the correct data on the MARSS B report.
To use this feature, begin by overriding the First and Last Day of the School Year for the reporting period:
Select a school > Start Page > School > Years & Terms > select a year
Set the First and Last Day of School Overrides to the date range that should be reported on the MARSS A and B files.
Note: If a school sets the First/Last Day School Override dates, these dates are used when 'Use First/Last Day of School (Years & Terms) is set to 'Yes' on the report parameter.
Next, identify the student school enrollment that needs to be updated and set the Split Enrollments Flag to Yes:
Start Page > select a student > Transfer Info > select Current or Previous Enrollments > set Split Enrollment to Yes
Alternatively, if most enrollments in a school need to be split then set the flag at the School level:
Start Page > System Reports > State tab > Setup tab > Schools A File Setup > set Split Enrollments to Yes.
If setting the school option to Yes, you can still override individual enrollments by setting Split Enrollment to No on that enrollment.
For either option, only enrollments that actually fall outside of the First and Last Day of School Overrides will be used.
To properly report the Special Ed Service Hours. Utilize both of these fields:
Start Page > select a student > Transfer Info > select Current or Previous Enrollments
1) Special Ed Service Hours - report the first half of the split enrollment
2) Next Reporting Year Special Ed Service Hours - report the second input will be used for the second half
When running the report, set the Use Alternate Enrollment Selection to Yes.
Report Input
For help with report navigation and generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
This report uses the State reporting platform to generate results. There may be some additional setup required to run this report. The additional setup required to will be to configure ReportWorks Preferences if you have not already done so.
- If you have already configured ReportWorks Preferences, no additional setup is required.
- If you have not configured ReportWorks Preferences, please refer to the "ReportWorks Preferences" section of the ReportWorks Setup Guide located on PowerSource. This section will provide steps for configuring the scheduler node for the report queue.
Field | Description |
Report Parameters | Select Set All to store your selections for this report. This is helpful when you need to submit a new file and you are unsure of how you created your last file. |
Select Schools | If run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Current Selection | Choose to use the current selection of students or All Students. |
Use First/Last Day of School (Years & Terms) | If yes, the school year start and end dates are used as defined in Years & Terms (School > Years & Terms > Edit Terms > First Day of Term > Last Day of Term). Note: If a school sets the First/Last Day School Override dates, these dates are used when 'Use First/Last Day of School (Years & Terms) is set to 'Yes'. |
First Day of Enrollment | Enter the first day of enrollment to be used for the report. |
Last Day of Enrollment | Enter the last day of enrollment to be used for the report. |
Reporting Cycle | Select the option for Fall or End of Year |
Use Alternate School Numbers | If you require the use of the Alternate School number select Yes. |
Use Alternate Enrollment Selection | If you choose this option, enrollments will be included, if the entry date falls on or before the Last Day of Enrollment and the exit date falls after the First Day of Enrollment. Most Districts will use the standard method. This option was specifically added for Moorhead School District. |
Scheduling – Run Now | Leave Run Now selected to run the report now. |
Scheduling – Please Select When to run | Click the Schedule button to schedule this report to run nightly. Check the weekdays only box |
Please Select Schedule Settings | Enter the Start Date and Start time. Click the Repeat and Daily buttons. |
Please select daily repeat cycle options. | Click the Weekdays only box. |
Please select end date range option | Click the No End date or you may complete the Ends On field with the day after your last day of school. |
Submit | Click the submit button. You will be taken to the Report Queue. Once your file is complete, click on the complete button and you will have a PDF file to assist you in compiling your spreadsheet for the State. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
The MARSS B file is a fixed length file.
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
1 | Record ID | Record ID | Hard-coded "B" | Alpha | 1 | 1-1 |
2 | Sub Code | Sub Code - Value F for Fall or Value E for End of Year | User Parameter "F" or "E" | Alpha | 1 | 2-2 |
3 | School Year | This field contains the school year for the report, ie., 2019-2020 = 20 | Report Parameter | Numeric | 2 | 3-4 |
4 | Student Number | The student's MARSS ID. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Numeric | 13 | 5-17 |
5 | Filler | Filler | N/A | N/A | 9 | 18-26 |
6 | District Number | District number from MDE-Org | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | Numeric | 4 | 27-30 |
7 | District Type | District Type from MDE-Org | [Prefs]DistrictType | Numeric | 2 | 31-32 |
8 | School Number | School number from MDE-Org | [Schools]Schoolid or [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | Numeric | 3 | 33-35 |
9 | Grade Level | Grade Levels offered at the school | [S_MN_SCH_SCHOOLGRADES_C]Sch_Grd_Lvl | Numeric | 2 | 36-37 |
10 | Residence District Number | OE Code from Table C, column A. | [Students]DistrictOfResidence | Numeric | 4 | 38-41 |
11 | Residence District Type | The district type from MDE-Org. | [S_MN_STU_X]Resident_District_Type | Numeric | 2 | 42-43 |
12 | Filler | Filler | N/A | N/A | 3 | 44-46 |
13 | State Aid Category | The student's state aid category. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_Aid_Cat | Numeric | 2 | 47-48 |
14 | Entry Date | Student's Status Begin Date | [Students]entrydate | Date | 8 | 49-56 |
15 | Entry Code | The student's entry code. | [Students]entrycode | Numeric | 2 | 57-58 |
16 | Exit Code | The student's end code. | [Students]exitcode | Numeric | 2 | 59-60 |
17 | Exit Date | The student's end date. | [Students]exitdate (closest in session day) | Date | 8 | 61-68 |
18 | Percent Enrolled | The student's enrollment percentage. If set to 998 or 999 then Attendance Days and Membership Days are reported in hours, otherwise the Attendance Days and Membership Days are reported in days. | [S_MN_STU_X]Percent_Enrolled | Numeric | 3 | 69-71 |
19 | Attendance Days | Attendance days are used in calculating average daily attendance (ADA). Attendance days are the total number of Instructional Days students were present in a given grade for the school year or for the period covered by a unique enrollment status record. If Percent Enrolled is set to 998 or 999 this number represents the hours a student was present in a given grade for the school year or for the period covered by a unique enrollment status record. | [S_MN_STU_X]Attendance_Hours if blank then calculate as follows: If [S_MN_STU_X]Percent_Enrolled is less than 250, then use the ps_adaadm_defaults_all view, sum the AttendanceValue of all records between the [Students]entrydate and one day prior to the [Students]exitdate for student enrollment of this school (Transfer Info page). If [S_MN_STU_X]Percent_Enrolled is 250 or greater then use the ps_adaadm_defaults_all view, subtract the Minutes_Present from the Potential_Minutes_Present and divide the result by 60 for each record where the CalendarDate is between the [Students]entrydate and one day prior to the [Students]exitdate for student enrollment of this school (Transfer Info page). Sums the hours from all the days and rounds to the nearest hour. | Numeric | 5 | 72-76 |
20 | Membership Days | Membership Days are the total number of Instructional Days during which students were enrolled in the school during the current school year or for the period covered by a unique enrollment status record. If Percent Enrolled is set to 998 or 999 this number represents the hours a student is enrolled in the school during the current school year or for the period covered by a unique enrollment status record. | [S_MN_STU_X]Membership_Hours if blank then calculate as follows: If [S_MN_STU_X]Percent_Enrolled is less than 250 then use the ps_adaadm_defaults_all view, sum the MembershipValue of all records between the [Students]entrydate and one day prior to the [Students]exitdate for student enrollment of this school (Transfer Info page). If [S_MN_STU_X]Percent_Enrolled is 250 or greater then use the ps_adaadm_defaults_all view. The Potential_Minutes_Present is divided by 60 for each record where the CalendarDate is between the [Students]entrydate and one day prior to the [Students]exitdate for student enrollment of this school (Transfer Info page). Sums the hours from all the days and rounds to the nearest hour. | Numeric | 4 | 77-80 |
21 | PSEO Indicator | The PSEO (Post Secondary Options Indicator) concurrent enrollment flag identifies students who are enrolled in concurrent enrollment courses. | [S_MN_STU_X]Post_Secondary_Options | Y/N | 1 | 81-81 |
22 | PSEO High School Participation Hours | The hours the PSEO student spends in the high school. | [S_MN_STU_X]PSEO_HS_Hours | Numeric | 4 | 82-85 |
23 | Homebound Service Indicator | The homebound service indicator is used to validate membership days for students who have no attendance days. It is an indication of whether the students received homebound instruction during the enrollment period. | [S_MN_STU_X]Homebound_Service | Y/N | 1 | 86-86 |
24 | SPED Eval Status | Special Education Evaluation Status is used to verify Primary Disability and Primary Disability Instructional Setting. | [S_MN_STU_X]SPED_Eval_Statu | Numeric | 1 | 87-87 |
25 | SPED Instruction Setting | The SPED Instructional setting (in MARSS as Primary Disability Instructional Setting) must be reported for students with a Primary Disability other than 00 or 54, and who have at least one enrollment status record with a Special Education Evaluation Status of 4, 6, 7 or 9. The student instructional setting must be obtained from the IEP/IFSP/IIIP. | [S_MN_STU_X]SPED_Instructional_Setting | Numeric | 2 | 88-89 |
26 | English Learners | Limited English Proficient (LAP) is used in several federal reports which generate aid. The LEP indicator is used in the calculation of the LEP formula of basic skills revenue. | [S_MN_STU_X]Limited_English_Proficient | Y/N | 1 | 90-90 |
27 | EL Begin Date | The LEP begin date. YYYYMMDD format | [S_MN_STU_X]LEP_Begin_Date | Date | 8 | 91-98 |
28 | Gifted and Talented Participation | An indicator of whether the student qualifies as Gifted and Talented. Gifted and Talented children and youth are those students with outstanding abilities, identified at preschool, elementary, and secondary levels. | [S_MN_STU_X]Gifted_Talented | Y/N | 1 | 99-99 |
29 | Gender | The student's gender. | [Students]Gender | M/F | 1 | 100-100 |
30 | North American Indian | The indicates if the student is of North American Indian descent. | [Students]Ethnicity | Numeric | 1 | 101-101 |
31 | DOB | The student's date of birth. YYYYMMDD format | [Students]DOB | Date | 8 | 102-109 |
32 | Home Primary Language | The language that was first spoken by students when they began speaking, the language that is spoken most of the time, or the language usually spoken in the home. | [Students]PrimaryLanguage | Numeric | 3 | 110-112 |
33 | Primary Disability | On the Fall Submission report, this is the disability on the IEP/IFSP/IIIP as of December 1. For end-of-year reporting, when the Primary Disability changes during the year, the most recent disability is reported. If the IEP/IFSP/IIIP is terminated during the year, report the Primary Disability indicated on the last IEP/IFSP/IIIP. | [S_MN_STU_X]Primary_Disability | Numeric | 2 | 113-114 |
34 | Transportation Category | The student's to and from category for the regular school term. To-and-from school transportation is defined as the student's trip to school at the beginning of the school day and the trip home at the end of the school day. | [S_MN_STU_X]Transportation_Category | Numeric | 2 | 115-116 |
35 | Economic Indicator | An indicator of whether the student is eligible for free or reduced prices. | [S_MN_STU_X]Economic_Indicator | Numeric | 1 | 117-117 |
36 | Filler | Filler | 1 | 118-118 | ||
37 | Title 1 Student | An indicator of whether the student is eligible for Title 1. | [S_MN_STU_X]Title1_Indicator | Alpha | 1 | 119-119 |
38 | Homeless Student | An indicator of whether the student is homeless. | [S_MN_STU_X]Homeless | Y/N | 1 | 120-120 |
39 | Transporting District Number | The district number providing transportation. | [S_MN_STU_X]Transporting_Dist_Number | Numeric | 4 | 121-124 |
40 | Transporting District Type | The district type providing transportation. | [S_MN_STU_X]Transporting_Dist_Typ | Numeric | 2 | 125-126 |
41 | Special Pupils Care and Treatment | An indicator of whether the student is flagged as a Special Pupils Care and Treatment Student. | [S_MN_STU_X]Ward_of_State | Y/N | 1 | 127-127 |
42 | Independent Study Flag | An indicator of whether the student is a participant in an Independent Study component. | [S_MN_STU_X]Independent_Study | Y/N | 1 | 128-128 |
43 | Filler | Filler | 4 | 129-132 | ||
44 | Special Education Service Hours | SPED Service hours are regular special education service hours, which may be different than the membership hours. This includes direct and indirect services. In some cases, these hours could be greater than the membership hours. | [S_MN_STU_X]SPED_Service_Hou | Numeric | 5 | 133-137 |
45 | MN Care program opt out | Minnesota Care and General Assistance Medical Care Program opt-out status. | [S_MN_STU_X]Opt_Out_MN_Care | Y/N | 1 | 138-138 |
46 | Filler | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1 | 139-139 |
47 | Reserved | Reserved for future use | N/A | N/A | 11 | 140-150 |
48 | Hispanic | An indicator that the student is Hispanic. | [Students]FedEthnicity | Y/N | 1 | 151-151 |
49 | American Indian Alaska Native | An indicator that the student is American Indian and/or Alaska Native. | [StudentRace] Race code = Begins with "I" | Y/N | 1 | 152-152 |
50 | Asian | An indicator that the student is Asian. | [StudentRace] Race code = Begins with "A" | Y/N | 1 | 153-153 |
51 | Black- African American | An indicator that the student is African American. | [StudentRace] Race code = Begins with "B" | Y/N | 1 | 154-154 |
52 | Native Hawaiian - Pacific Islander | An indicator that the student is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. | [StudentRace] Race code = Begins with "P" | Y/N | 1 | 155-155 |
53 | White | An indicator that the student is Caucasian. | [StudentRace] Race code = Begins with "W" | Y/N | 1 | 156-156 |
54 | PSEO Concurrent Enrollment | An indicator that the student is concurrently enrolled through PSEO. | [S_MN_STU_X]PSEO_Concurrent_Enrollment | Y/N | 1 | 157-157 |
55 | Local Use Data | The PowerSchool student number. | [Students]Student_Number | Numeric | 10 | 158-167 |
56 | Student Last Name | The student's last name. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_Last_Name / [Students]Last_Name | Alpha | 40 | 168-207 |
57 | Student First Name | The student's first name. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_First_Name / [Students]First_Name | Alpha | 40 | 208-247 |
58 | Student Middle Name | The student's middle name. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_Middle_Name / [Students]Middle_Name | Alpha | 40 | 248-287 |
59 | Suffix | The student's generational suffix. | [S_MN_STU_X]State_Suffix | Alpha/Numeric | 5 | 288-292 |