District Setup
The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > District Setup.
- On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
- Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.
- Click District. The District Setup page appears.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table] Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Editing District Course InformationDistrict > Courses > View Master Course List > New | ||||
Course Name | Enter the course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | Max 40 | |
Course Number | The course number. | [Courses]Course_Number | Max 11 | |
Alternate Course Number | Enter the alternate course number. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number | N/A | |
Credit Hours | Type the number of credits the student will earn upon successful completion of this course. | [Courses]credit_hours | 4 | |
CIP Code | Enter the appropriate Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code for this course. Refer to the list provided the MDE for a list of valid CIP codes. | [Courses]code | 4 | Carl Perkins |
Technical Skill Assessment | Select Yes if this course is a technical skill assessment. The default is No. | [S_MN_CRS_X]Perkins_TSA | 1 | Carl Perkins |
Exclude from MCCC | Check the box if you would like to exclude this report from MCCC Reporting. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_Exclude | 1 | MCCC Course MCCC Staff MCCC Student |
Course Code | Select the appropriate MCCC Course code from the available list. Click on the view codes link to choose a code. See Appendix C for the setup for Course Codes. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_CrsCd | 1 | MCCC Course |
Course Level | Choose the appropriate Course Level from the available drop-down. See Appendix C for a full list of and setup for Course Level. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_CrsLvl | 1 | MCCC Course |
Grade Reported | This is used to generate a MCCC grade for all students who are enrolled in this course and do not get a Historical Grade record. If Grade Reported is selected then Term Type and Term Number must be populated. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_Grade_Reported | 4 | MCCC Student Extract MCCC Staff Extract |
Term Type | This is used to override the term type for MCCC. If Term Type is selected then Grade Reported and Term Number must be populated. | [S_MN_CRS_X]Term_type | 2 | MCCC Student Extract MCCC Staff Extract |
Term Number | This is used to override the term number for MCCC. If Term Number is populated the Grade Reported and Term Type must be populated. | [S_MN_CRS_X]Term_Number | 2 | MCCC Student Extract MCCC Staff Extract |
Sequence | Fill in the blank for ‘ ‘ of ‘ ‘ Total Courses | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_SeqNum [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_SeqLimit | MCCC Course | |
Standard Addressed | Choose the type of standard from the available drop-down. See Appendix C for a full list of and setup for Standard Addressed. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_StdAddr | 2 | MCCC Course |
Grad Requirement Indicator | Select Yes if this course is a grad requirement indicator. The default is No. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_GrdReqInd | 1 | GRR MCCC Course |
End of Course Indicator | Select Yes if this course is a grad requirement indicator. The default is No. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_EOCInd | 1 | MCCC Course |
Local Course Description | Enter the local course description. | [S_MN_CRS_X]Course_Description | 4000 | MCCC Course |
Minutes Per Term | If left blank, the report will calculate this based on the school’s bell schedule. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MinutesPerTerm | Integer | MCCC Staff |
Defining MCCC Early Education Information | ||||
Site Number | Site number. | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_X]Site_Number | 3 | MCCC Course |
Location Code | Select the appropriate Location Code for the course from the drop-down. See Appendix A for a full list of location codes. | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_X]Location | 6 | MCCC Course |
State Program | Is this a State Program? 1 = Yes, 0 =No | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_X]State_Program_TF | 1 | MCCC Course |
Federal Program | Is this a Federal Program? 1 = Yes, 0 =No | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_X]Federal_Program_TF | 1 | MCCC Course |
ABE Indicator | Is this an ABE Indicator? 1 = Yes, 0 =No | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_X]ABE_Indicator_TF | 1 | MCCC Course |
Program Type Code | Select the appropriate Program Type Code for the course from the drop-down. See Appendix A for a full list of Program Types. | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_X]Program_Type | 4 | MCCC Course |
Curriculum | Select the appropriate Curriculum(s) from the drop-down: See Appendix A for a full list of Curriculums. | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Curriculum where [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Type = ‘C’ | 5 | MCCC Course |
Assessment Tool | Select the appropriate Assessment Tool(s) from the drop-down: See Appendix A for a full list of Assessment Tools. | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Curriculum where [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Type = ‘A’ | 5 | MCCC Course |
Standards Placement Codes | Select the appropriate Standards Placement Code(s) from the drop-down: See Appendix A for a full list of Standards Placement Codes. | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Curriculum where [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Type = ‘S’ | 9 | MCCC Course |
Implementation | Select the appropriate Implementation Code for the Curriculum or Assessment Tool from the drop-down. See Appendix A for a full list of implementation codes. | [S_MN_CRS_MCCC_EE_C]Implementation | 4 | MCCC Course |
Defining New College Course Association | ||||
College Course Level | An indicator that the course meets college credit requirements:
| [S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C]College_Course_Level | 1 | MCCC Course |
College Code | Enter the College Code in the box. The field is limited to 6 characters. | [S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C]College_Code | 6 | MCCC Course |
College Code - Ed-Fi | Select the appropriate College Code for Ed-Fi. The selection list comes from the Ed-Fi CST_PUBORGANIZATION table. | [S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C]College_Code_Ed_Fi | 19 | Ed-Fi Only |
College Course Code | Enter the College Course Code. The field is limited 20 characters. | [S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C]College_Course_Code | 20 | MCCC Course |
College Course Credits | Enter the college course credits received for this course | [S_MN_CRS_CollegeCourse_C]College_Course_Credits | 10 | MCCC Course |
Defining New Direct Pay Course | ||||
Record Id | Indicates the associated record Id. | [S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S]id | 19 | MCCC Student |
College Code | Indicates the associated College Code. | [S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S]College_Code | 10 | MCCC Student |
College Course Title | Indicates the associated Course Title. | [S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S] College_Course_Title | 500 | MCCC Student |
College Course Code | Indicates the associated College Course Code. | [S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S] College_Course_Code | 50 | MCCC Student |
Subject Area | Indicates the associated SCED Subject Area Code. | [Sections]MN_MCCC_SUBJ_AREA or [S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S]Subj_Area | 2 | MCCC Student |
State Course Code | Indicates the associated state course code. | [S_MN_CRS_X]MCCC_CRSCD OR [S_MN_DirectPayCourses_S]State_Course_Code | 10 | MCCC Student |
Entering District Information | ||||
District Number | Enter the District Number provided to your district from MDE | [Pref]districtnumber | 4 | MARSS A MARSS B MCCC Staff MCCC EE Course MCCC EE Student MCCC Student MCCC Course Perkins P File GRR STAR LA STAR LB STAR NA |
District Type | Enter the District Type | [Pref]DistrictType | 2 | MARSS A MARSS B MCCC EE Course MCCC EE Staff MCCC EE Student MCCC Course MCCC Staff MCCC Student Perkins P File GRR STAR LA STAR LB STAR NA |
MARSS Contact | Enter the MARSS Contact name for your district | [Pref]MARSSContact | NA | MARSS A MARSS B |
Updating Ethnicity Codes | ||||
Ethnicity Codes | Define ethnicity codes. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Name | 1 | MARSS B |
Editing School Information | ||||
School Number | Enter the 4-digit number assigned to the school building. For more information, see the list of valid school numbers supplied by MDE. | [Schools]School_Number | 4 | Student Attendance —Early EOY, and Summer Annual Report of Habitual Truants Class Level Membership Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment School Enrollment SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher CTE Enrollment Extract Class Level Membership High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Grades | Enter the school grades (lowest-highest). Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20. | [Schools]Low_Grade [Schools]High_Grade | N/A | Student Attendance —Early and EOY School Enrollment |
Minnesota State Reporting | ||||
Virtual Status (VSS) for Ed-Fi Reporting | Select the Virtual Status (VSS) for the school. Valid option are:
| [S_SCH_X]learningPreference | 2 | Ed-Fi Reporting |
DIRS Information | ||||
School Safety Specialist's Email | Enter the email of the school safety specialist. | [S_MN_SCH_X]safetySpecialist | 75 | DIRS |
Does the school have a safety plan in place? | Select 'Yes' if the school has a safety plan in place. | [S_MN_SCH_X]safetyPlan | 1 | DIRS |
Does the school have a crisis plan in place? | Select 'Yes' if the school has a crisis plan in place. | [S_MN_SCH_X]crisisPlan | 1 | DIRS |
Does the school enforce an anti bullying policy? | Select 'Yes' if the school enforces an anti bullying policy. | [S_MN_SCH_X]antiBullyingPolicy | 1 | DIRS |
Does the school enforce an anti violence policy? | Select 'Yes' if the school enforces an anti violence policy. | [S_MN_SCH_X]antiViolencePolicy | 1 | DIRS |
Does the school have a drug education program in place? | Select 'Yes' if the school has a drug education program in place. | [S_MN_SCH_X]drugEducation | 1 | DIRS |
Does the school enforce a zero tolerance policy? | Select 'Yes' if the school enforces a zero tolerance policy. | [S_MN_SCH_X]zeroTolerancePolicy | 1 | DIRS |
A File School Setup | ||||
Title 1 School Indicator | Overrides the Title 1 Indicator for the entire school. | [S_MN_SCH_X]Title1SchoolInd | 2 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Report All Students in this school as Title 1 (MARSS B File) | A checkbox to report all students in the school as Title 1 on the MARSS B File. | [S_MN_SCH_X]allStudents_Title1 | 1 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Default Percent Enrolled | The Default Percent Enrolled when enrolling or re-enrolling students. | [S_MN_SCH_X]Default_Percent_Enrolled | 11 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Report Default Percent Enrolled | A checkbox to override student Percent Enrolled value and always report the Default Percent Enrolled selected. | [S_MN_SCH_X]Report_Percent_Enrolled | 1 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Split Enrollments | Split enrollments that fall outside of reporting years. Valid options:
| [S_MN_SCH_X]Split_MARSSB_Enrollments | 1 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
State Aid Category | The code set as the State Aid Category when enrolling or re-enrolling students. | [S_MN_SCH_X]State_Aid_Category | 4 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Report State Aid Category | A checkbox to override student value and always report the State Aid Category selected. | [S_MN_SCH_X]Report_State_Aid_Category | 1 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Transportation Category | The code set as the Transportation Category when enrolling or re-enrolling students. | [S_MN_SCH_X]Transportation_Category | 4 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Report Transportation Category | A checkbox to override student value and always report the Transportation Category selected. | [S_MN_SCH_X]Report_Transportation_Category | 1 | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Exclude from MARSS | A checkbox to exclude the school from MARSS reporting Use this options when the students in the school need to be included in MCCC reporting but should not be reported in MARSS. | [S_MN_SCH_X]Exclude_From_MARSS | 1 | MARSS A MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Grade Level InformationDistrict > Schools/School Info >Select School > A File School Setup > Grade Level Information | ||||
Grade Level | The grade level associated with record data. | [S_MN_SCH_SchoolGrades_C]Sch_Grd_Lvl | 2 | MARSS A MARSS B MARSS B Audit MCCC |
KG Schedule Indicator | A code indicating a kindergarten student's schedule. | [S_MN_SCH_SchoolGrades_C]KG_Sched_Indicator | 1 | MARSS A |
Track | A code identifying the track used by a particular grade and school. | [S_MN_SCH_SchoolGrades_C]Track | 1 | MARSS A |
Instructional Days | The days calculated from the school calendar based on the track setting above. | Calculated | MARSS A | |
Non-Instructional Days | The number of non-instructional days. | [S_MN_SCH_SchoolGrades_C]Non_Instruct_Days | 6 | MARSS A |
Length of Day in Minutes | A number indicating minutes for the length of a school day. | [S_MN_SCH_SchoolGrades_C]Length_Sch_Day_Min | 6 | MARSS A |
Exclude from MARSS | A checkbox to exclude grade level from MARSS. | [S_MN_SCH_SchoolGrades_C]Exclude_From_MARSS | 1 | MARSS A MARSS B MARSS B Audit MCCC |
KG Schedule IndicatorDefine the codes for the KG Schedule Indicator. | ||||
Code | Enter the code name. See Appendix A for the setup for Title 1 School Indicator Codes. | N/A | N/A | MARSS A |
Description | Enter the Description of the code. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Expiration Date | Enter the expiration date in mm/dd/yyyy format. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter the sort code order displayed on the File A School Setup page. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Title 1 School IndicatorDefine the codes for the Title 1 School Indicator. | ||||
Code | Enter the code name. See Appendix A for the setup for Title 1 School Indicator Codes. | N/A | N/A | MARSS B MARSS B Audit |
Description | Enter the Description of the code. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Expiration Date | Enter the expiration date in mm/dd/yyyy format. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter the sort code order displayed on the File A School Setup page. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Updating Test InformationDefine the SOL tests for the district. | ||||
Name | Enter the name of the test. You should start the test name with SOL. | [Test]Name | 20 | |
Type | Select the type of test. Note: For an SOL test, select State. | [Test]Type | N/A | |
Description | Enter a description of the test. | [Test]Type | N/A | |
Defining Test ScoresDefine the test score categories. | ||||
Score Name | You must create a Passed test category. This category is used to determine if a test is Pass Advanced, Pass Proficient, Locality Awarded, or Not Passed. | [TestScore]Score_name | N/A | Students |
Defining Grade for MCCC ReportingDefine the MCCC Grade assigned to the PowerSchool grade. | ||||
Grade for MCCC Reporting | Indicates the student's grade earned in terms of the State's scale (only populated when different from school's). | [S_MN_GSI_X]MCCC_Grade_Earned | 10 | MCCC Student Extract |
MCCC - Calendar Entry (Term Mapping)To complete the mapping in PowerSchool, navigate to District > SERVS Setup > MCCC-Calendar Entry (Term Mapping) and be sure to be aware of the current term. Click the New button to create a new mapping. Select a local term from the dropdown list. Enter the appropriate Academic Year Number, Calendar Number, Term Type and Term Number for the selected PowerSchool school and term. Repeat this process for each of the schools and terms. To edit a given Term Mapping entry, simply click on the Local Term Id field to make any corrections. | |||
Data Element | Additional Information | [GEN]CAT = mn_mccc_trm_map | Used in These Reports |
Local Term Id | Select the local term to map. Must be set up for each term at the School. Drop down will only show the terms with the current school year. | [GEN]Name | MCCC extracts & SERVS |
MCCC Academic Year Number | Enter the MCCC Academic Year Number. | [GEN]Valuei | MCCC extracts & SERVS |
MCCC Calendar Number | Enter the MCCC Calendar Number. | [GEN]Valuei2 | MCCC extracts & SERVS |
MCCC Term Type | Select the appropriate MCCC Term Type: Full Year | [GEN]Value | MCCC extracts & SERVS |
MCCC Term Number | Enter the MCCC Term Number. | [GEN]Valuei3 | MCCC extracts & SERVS |
MCCC Grade MappingTo complete the mapping in PowerSchool, navigate to District > SERVS Setup >MCCC-Grade Mapping > select school (be sure to be aware of the current term.) Click the New button to create a term mapping. You will need to make an entry for each Term at a specific school that has a final grade that will be submitted to MCCC. | |
Code | Definition |
Course Term Id | The Term of the sections which will be submitted in the MCCC Reports. |
Store Code | The Historical grade that will be submitted in the MCCC Reports. |
MCCC Term Type | Select the appropriate MCCC Term Type: Full Year |
MCCC Term Number | From the MCCC Calendar Mapping. |
Create Entry Codes
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode | |
Code | Enter the entry code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the entry code description. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate | 8 |
Create Exit Codes
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode | |
Code | Enter the exit code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the exit code meaning. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8 | 8 |