MB Chronic Absenteeism Report
This report lists students with severe chronic absenteeism.
Prerequisite setup
The following attendance setup is required for each school included in the report:
Absent Attendance Codes must have an Absent status.
Absent Attendance Codes must have ‘This attendance code earns ADA credit’ selected.
Attendance Conversions must be set up for the school.
Full-Time Equivalency must be entered for each student.
Attendance is derived from the nightly process. If attendance changes during the day, the data is not current until after the nightly process runs. Manually refresh the data using Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data.
Navigation: Special Functions, Attendance Functions, Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data.
Selection Criteria
School Selection
School must not be a closed school.
School must not be excluded from State Reporting.
Student Selection
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
Student must be enrolled at the selected school as of the end date of the selected date range.
Note: Report can be printed for previous years by choosing a prior term at the top of the page and the report’s date range is within that year.If the Include Inactive Students flag is selected while running the report, then students who were enrolled at any time during the specified date range are included.
For elementary students:
Students must be marked as absent for 20% or more of the total days they were enrolled. Only unexcused absences are considered.
Accumulated attendance is calculated for the following:
Students transferred from one homeroom to another homeroom.
Students transferred out and then transferred back into the same homeroom.
Students transferred out of school and then transferred back to the same school within the date range.
For secondary students grades 9 and higher:
A student is enrolled or cross-enrolled in at least one class in the date range.
Current and Completed are included.
Dropped/Withdrew courses are excluded.
Students must be absent 20 or more classes in at least one course in the specified date range. Only unexcused absences are considered.
Only courses with a total number of classes missed are 20 or more asses are included.
Remote courses (taken at another school) will be reported by the school where the course is taken.
Accumulated attendance is calculated for the following:
Students transferred from another section of the same course in the same school.
The student transferred out and then transferred back into the same section.
Note: If the student transferred from another school, attendance at the current school is only reported (Elementary and Secondary).
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools* | Choose one of the following:
The Current School Only option is for troubleshooting purposes only for this report.
The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.ool only |
Current Selection Students* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Include Inactive Students | Select this field to include students who were enrolled at any time during the specified date range. This field is unchecked by default. |
Date Range Start Date* | Enter the start date for attendance counting. This date must be within the selected school year’s start and end date. This field is mandatory |
Date Range End Date* | Enter the end date for attendance counting. This date must be within the selected school year’s start and end date. This field is mandatory. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
The report is outputted in Excel format, allowing for easy data manipulation, filtering, and analysis.
Column | Description | [Table]FieldName |
DIVISION CODE | Four-digit division code | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = 'DistrictNumber' |
SCHOOL CODE | Four-digit school code | Schools]Alt_School_number if not 0 Otherwise [Students]/[ReEnrollments]SchoolId |
SCHOOL NAME | The name of school selected for running the report. | [Schools]School_name |
STUDENT LEGAL LAST NAME | Student’s legal last name. If not updated then the preferred last name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name if defined otherwise [Students]Last_Name |
STUDENT LEGAL FIRST NAME | Student’s legal first name. If not updated then the preferred first name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name if defined otherwise Students]First_Name
STUDENT LEGAL MIDDLE NAMES | Student’s legal middle name. If not updated then the preferred middle name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name if defined otherwise [Students]Middle_Name
MET NUMBER | The nine-digit MET number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
DATE OF BIRTH YYYY-MM-DD | The student’s date of birth. Format: YYYY-MM-DD | [Students]DoB |
STUDENT POSTAL CODE | The postal code for the student’s address. Format: A1A 1A1 or A1A1A1 | [Students]Zip |
GRADE | The student’s grade level: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, SS, SE. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level
COURSE CODE | Four-digit course code/subject code. For example, 0001 for English Language Arts. This column is blank for kindergarten through 8 students. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number if not blank, else [Courses]Course_Number |
COURSE DESCRIPTION | The course/subject name. This column is blank for kindergarten through 8 students. | [Courses]Course_Name |
LAST KNOWN DATE PRESENT IN-SCHOOL | The last day the student was present on or before the date range end date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD | Calculated |
NUMBER OF INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS | Number of school days minus non-instructional days during the collection period. In number format. For example: 2.5, 7 For Elementary Students:
For secondary students:
| Calculated |
NUMBER OF DAYS/CLASSES ABSENT | The number of days the student was absent. | Calculated |
PERCENT OF DAYS ABSENT | The percentage of absences relative to the total instructional days within the collection period. This column is blank for students in grades 9 through 12. Format. For example: 21% | Calculated NUMBER OF INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS/NUMBER OF DAYS ABSENT |