LA EdLink Transcript Extract
This report extracts student transcript data in the format required for submission to the EdLink warehouse. If the extract is to be automatically uploaded to EdLink, select the SFTP connection that has been defined for reporting to EdLink.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:
The student’s school entry and exit dates indicate that the student was enrolled in the school at some point in the selected school year
The student, the student’s school, and the student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting
The student must not be excluded from the STS report ([S_LA_STU_X]State_ExcludeFromSTS = 1 if excluded)
The student must be enrolled in grade-level T9, 9, 10, 11, 12 or in grade-level 6, 7, 8 if Include Students in Grades 6-8 is selected on the report run page
The student's exit code must match one of the codes selected in the report parameters
- The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report run date (Pre-registered students will not be included in the file).
Grade Selection
The report selects stored grades records from the [StoredGrades] table that meet any one of the following criteria are met:
The potential credit hours ([StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs) of the stored grade record must be greater than zero
The Include in STS Despite Potential Credit ([StoredGrades]AB_Lng_CD=1) box is checked
The letter grade stored is an E ([StoredGrades]Grade)
The stored grade course number is 230000 ([StoredGrades]Course_Number)
The report does not consider Credits Earned for determining whether or not the grade record should be included in the report.
School Selection
The report selects records from the [Schools] table if the school is not excluded from State Reporting.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options: If sub-districts are not enabled:
If sub-districts are enabled:
Output File Name | Choose the extract to generate. |
School Year | Enter the school year of the report. |
Identify as a Partial File | Select this checkbox if the file being generated is not including all students that should be reported to EdLink. As a partial file, the file name will have '_partial' plus a unique number added to the name to ensure each file is unique when it is uploaded to EdLink. |
Include students with the following exit codes (Multiple codes can be selected) | Select the exit codes that will be used for student selection. |
Include Students in Grades 6-8 | Select the checkbox to include students in grades 6 through 8. |
Grade Point Max Regular* | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Regular classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - RG. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max - Honors | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Honors classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - HR. For example, 5.00 is entered as 500. |
Grade Point Max - Gifted | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Gifted classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - GT. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max - Adv Placement | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Advanced Placement classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - AP. For example, 5.00 will be entered as 500. |
Grade Point Max - Intl Baccalaureate | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for International Baccalaureate classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - IB. For example, 4.00 will be entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max - Special Ed | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Special Education classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - SE. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max - Talented | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Talented classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code of - TA. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max - Dual Enrollment | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - DE. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max - Dual Enrollment/Honors | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment/Honors classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - DH. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max – Dual Enrollment/ Advanced Placement | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment/ Advanced Placement classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code - DA. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Grade Point Max – Dual Enrollment/ International Baccalaureate | Enter the three-digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment/ International Baccalaureate classes (no decimal). This applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records that have a Course Type Code - DI. For example, 4.00 is entered as 400. |
Credit Value for 7th Sem Grades | Enter the three-digit credit value of your 7th-semester grades (no decimal). For example, 0.50 is entered as 050. If a grade has potential credit hours or earned credit hours of 0, this value is used instead of 0. |
Check to use Grade Scale for Grade Point Max | Select this checkbox to output the maximum GPA based on grade scale value. |
Check to include GPA and Rank | Select this checkbox to include GPA and Class Rank in the extract. |
SFTP connections | If the extract is to be automatically uploaded to EdLink, select the SFTP connection that has been defined for reporting to EdLink. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the report output is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Sts Demographics
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
SCHOOL_YEAR | The year of the school session. Required. | [Terms]FirstDay, [Terms]LastDay |
SPONSOR_CD | Sponsor (LEA) code of district submitting transcript data via STS. Required. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number |
STUDENT_LASID | A unique ID as it exists in the eScholar system. Required. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
STUDENT_LOCAL_ID | LEA-assigned student ID must be for students, and must not match their SSN or UID (LASID). Required. | [Students]Student_Number |
SITE_CD | Site code where the student is currently enrolled when transcript data is submitted. Required. | [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode |
GRADE_PLACEMENT | The grade placement code represents the student’s grade level for the school year. Two-digit grade placement codes 6-8 or T9-12 accepted only. Required. | [Students]Grade_Level |
GRADE_9_ENTRY_YEAR | YYYY Beginning School Session Year that the student entered grade 9. For example, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year. If the student’s grade placement code is T9, this date will be the following school year. If the student’s grade placement code is 6, 7, or 8, the Grade 9 Entry Year should be blank. Required if applicable. | [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] YearEnteredNinthGrade |
GRAD_DATE | MM/DD/YYYY Date the student’s graduation took or will take place. The date must fall between 9/1 and 8/31 of the current Beginning School Session Year in order to match the OSFA Annual Academic Year. Enter only after all graduation requirements are met. Leave blank if the student did not graduate. | [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] GraduationDate |
CAREER_OPTION_CD | Identifies the career option of a student and corresponds to the Area of Concentration or Jumpstart Pathway in the TOPS Core Reference Tables. Leave blank if not applicable. | Reported_value from the Career Option Codes code set for the [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] CareerOptionCode field |
MET_ASSESSMENT_REQ | Indicator of whether the student took or met the assessment requirements for graduation. Required for all public school students, who are assigned a Graduation Date. One of the following values should be used:
If Y, the Subject areas in positions 153-156 must be blank. Non-public schools may leave this data element blank. | [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] MetAssessRequirementsDiploma |
LOCAL_GPA | Locally defined grading. Optional. | [Gen]Name=LASRC |
LOCAL_CLASS_RANK_POSITION | Student’s rank placement within grade level (pad with leading zeros). Optional. If not used, leave blank. | [Gen]Name=LASRC [Gen]Cat=classrankmethod |
LOCAL_CLASS_RANK_SIZE | Size of class for student’s grade level (pad with leading zeros). Optional. | [Gen]Name=LASRC [Gen]Cat=classrankmethod |
DIPLOMA_PATHWAY | The diploma the student is working towards completing. Required for 11th and 12th graders.
| [S_LA_STU_Demographics_X] DiplomaPathway [S_LA_REN_X]DiplomaPathway |
LOSFA_PARENTAL_GUARDIAN_CONSENT | Parental/Guardian Consent on file
| [S_LA_STU_X]LOSFAConsentFlag [S_LA_REN_X]LOSFAConsentFlag |
FAFSA_APP | Indicates whether a FAFSA application has been completed by the student. Required for graduates. Optional for non-graduates. Allowed values:
| [S_LA_STU_X]FAFSAApplication |
COMMUNITY_SERVICE_ENDORSEMENT | If the student received community service endorsement for documented community service hours, fill in. Otherwise, leave blank. Required when applicable. (C1) | [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] CommunityServiceEndorsement |
STATE_SEAL_BILITERACY_ENDORSEMENT | If the student received the State Seal of Bi-literacy endorsement for competency in a foreign language, fill in. Otherwise, leave blank. Required when applicable (D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6).
| [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] BiliteracyEndorsement |
EOC_SUBJECT_AREA_ELA | This field is left blank for most students, but required for those identified in SER as Act 833 eligible or assessed on the LAA1 who also did not meet the ELA EOC assessment requirement for graduation. One of the following values should be used:
| [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_ELA |
EOC_SUBJECT_AREA_MATH | This field is left blank for most students, but required for those identified in SER as Act 833 eligible or assessed on the LAA1 who also did not meet the math EOC assessment requirement for graduation. One of the following values should be used:
| [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_Math |
EOC_SUBJECT_AREA_SCIENCE | This field is left blank for most students, but required for those identified in SER as Act 833 eligible and using an alternate means to meet the science EOC assessment requirement for graduation. One of the following values should be used:
| [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_Science |
EOC_SUBJECT_AREA_SOCIAL_STUDIES | This field is left blank for most students but required for those identified in SER as Act 833 eligible and using an alternate means to meet the science EOC assessment requirement for graduation.
| [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_SocialStudies |
POST_HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE | Indicates a student's plans after graduation. Required if applicable. 01 = 4 year college 02 = 2 year college 03 = Military 04 = Propel 05 = Employment 06 = OneGoal 07 = Advanced Training 08 = Extension Academy 09 = Service Program 10 = Other | [S_LA_STU_Academics_X]Post_High_School_Code |
Sts TData Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
SCHOOL_YEAR | The year of the school session. Required. | [Terms]FirstDay, [Terms]LastDay |
SPONSOR_CD | Sponsor (LEA) code of district submitting transcript data via STS. Required. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number |
STUDENT_LASID | A unique ID as it exists in the eScholar system. Required. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
COURSE_BSSY | Beginning School Session Year (BSSY) of the course. For example, 2012 for 2012-2013 school year. Required. | [StoredGrades]TermID |
COURSE_CD | Valid Course Code for the course that the student is enrolled in. Required. | [Courses]alt_course_number or [StoredGrades]Course_Number |
COURSE_PART_NUM | Distinguishes the first and second half of the course that the student is enrolled. This is required for LEAs that report 1.0 unit courses as two .5 unit courses. Use 1 for the first part and 2 for the second part. Leave blank if not applicable. | [StoredGrades]GPA_Custom1 or [S_LA_SEC_X]CoursePartNumber |
SEMESTER_CD | Semester Code for the course's semester that the student is enrolled (B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, S1, S2, Z1, Z2, Y1). Required. | [StoredGrades]StoreCode |
LETTER_GRADE | Letter grade assigned to a student for a course. Must be A B, C, D, F, P (Pass) or E (Exempt). Required. | [StoredGrades]Grade |
CREDIT_EXPERIENCE_ATTEMPT_CNT | Credit/Experience attempted by the student for the course reported with implied decimals. For example, 0.5 would be reported as 050 in the batch record. Required. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs |
CREDIT_EXPERIENCE_EARN_CNT | Credit/Experience Earned Count – Credit/Experience earned by the student for the course, reported with implied decimals. For example, 0.50 would be reported as 050 in the batch record. Required. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs |
GRADE_PT_MAX_CNT | Maximum grade points that can be earned for the course/class (4.00, 5.00, etc.), that is, the number of quality points that are awarded for letter grade A (has implied decimal, that is, 4.00 is submitted as 400 in the batch record). Required. | Based on [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideCourseType or [S_LA_SGR_X]OverrideCourseTypeCode |
CORE_CURRICULUM_WAIVER | Y if the student is exempted from a course, otherwise N. Optional. | [StoredGrades]GPA_Custom2 |
COURSE_SPONSOR_CD | Sponsor Code of the LEA that the student took the course. Must be supplied for all courses taken in Louisiana, otherwise leave blank. If position 166 (Course Type Code) is DE, this field must contain the Post-secondary Sponsor code instead of the LEA Sponsor code. Required. | [StoredGrades]Course_Equiv [S_LA_SGR_X]TakenOutOfStateInd_TF [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode If Course Type Code = DE then [S_LA_SEC_X] PostSecCourseSponsorCode |
COURSE_SITE_CD | Site code of the school from where the student took the course. Must be supplied for all courses taken in Louisiana, otherwise leave blank. If position 166 (Course Type Code) is DE, this field must contain the Post-secondary Site code instead of the LEA Site code. Required if LA course. | [StoredGrades]Course_Equiv [S_LA_SGR_X]TakenOutOfStateInd_TF [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode If Course Type Code = DE then [S_LA_SEC_X] PostSecCourseSponsorCode |
COURSE_SITE_NAME | Name of school that the student took the course. Used only for transfer credit. Required if the Course Site Code is not provided, otherwise is optional. | [StoredGrades]SchoolName |
TRANSCRIPT_COURSE_NAME | Name of the course that the student is enrolled. Enter only if different from the LDOE course description, otherwise leave blank. Used only for printing transcript. Optional. | [StoredGrades]Course_Name |
QUALITY_PTS_AWARDED | The amount of quality points awarded for the letter grade given for the course (has implied decimal, that, 3.00 submitted as 300 in batch). Required. | [StoredGrades]GPA_Points [StoredGrades]GPA_AddedValue |
COURSE_TYPE_CD | Code to identify the type of Course. Required. RG – Regular GT – Gifted SE - Special Education DA - Dual Enrollment and AP DI - Dual Enrollment and IB AP - Advanced Placement IB - International Baccalaureate HR - Honors TA - Talented DE - Dual Enrollment | [S_LA_CRS_X]CourseType [S_LA_SGR_X]OverrideCourseTypeCode [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideCourseType |
DISTANCE_LEARNING_COURSE_TYPE_CD | Code to identify the type of distance learning course. Leave blank if not applicable. 01 - Local LEA Provided Online Courses 02 - Distance Learning Satellite Courses 03 - Other Distance Learning 04- Course Choice/Supplemental Course Providers 05-Dropout Recovery Program Providers | [S_LA_CRS_X]DistanceLearning [S_LA_SEC_X] OverrideDistanceLearningType |
LOCAL_COURSE_CD | LEA assigned course code. Optional. | [Sections]Course_Number [StoredGrades]Course_Number |
DE_POST_SECONDARY_CREDIT_HRS_EARNED | If position 166 (Course Sponsor Code) is designated DE, DA, or DI, this field must be populated with the Dual Enrollment Post-Secondary credit hours earned by the DE course. Otherwise, populated with blank (spaces). This field is added with two leading zeroes and an implied decimal. For example, 4.00 is submitted as 00400. in batch. | If Course Type Code = DE, DA, DH, or DI then [S_LA_SEC_X] DualEnrollPostSecCreditHours |
DE_SECONDARY_SITE | If position 166 (Course Sponsor Code) is designated DE, DA, or DI, this field must be populated with the student's high school Site Code, from where they enrolled for the course. Otherwise, populated with blank (spaces). | If Course Type Code = DE, DA, DH, or DI then [Schools]School_Number [StoredGrades]Course_Equiv |
LOCAL_COURSE_OFFERINGS_KEY | Value that uniquely identifies each course section/offering record submitted. This may be a single code value. If multiple codes/values are required to uniquely identify a course section within a district, school, and academic year, then these codes should be concatenated. LEA Class Code. This field populates only if the course is taken during the current school year. | "[Terms]Firstday, [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits), [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits) [S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or [Courses]Course_Number + [Sections]Section_Number (use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use Course number and section number)" |
WORK_BASED_LEARNING_CATEGORY | Identifies a student's participation in work based learning by identifying the work based learning Required for courses taken in the current year at the submitting LEA. | [S_LA_SGR_X]WORK_LRN_CAT] or [S_LA_SEC_X]WORK_LRN_CAT] or [S_LA_CRS_X]WORK_LRN_CAT] |
WORK_BASED_LEARNING_BUSINESS_NAME | Identifies a student's participation in work-based learning by identifying where work-based learning occurs. Enter if applicable. | [S_LA_SGR_X]WORK_LRN_NAME] or [S_LA_SEC_X]WORK_LRN_NAME] or [S_LA_CRS_X]WORK_LRN_NAME] |
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
SCHOOL_YEAR | The year of the school session. Required. | [Terms]FirstDay, [Terms]LastDay |
SPONSOR_CD | Sponsor (LEA) code of district submitting transcript data via STS. Required | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number |
SITE_CD | Site code of the submitting district. Required. | [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode |
STUDENT_LOCAL_ID | Student’s Local ID. Required. | [Students]Student_Number |
STUDENT_LASID | A unique ID as it exists in the eScholar system. Required. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
IBC_CD | 3 byte code for the IBC. Refer to the IBC Code code set. Required. | Reported_value from the IBC Code code set for the [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]IBCCode field |
SEMESTER_IBC_EARNED | 1 = Fall, 2 = Spring, 3 = Summer. Required. | [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]SemesterIBCEarned |
YR_IBC_EARNED | The beginning year of the school session when the IBC was earned. Required. | [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]YearIBCEarned |
TEST_VENDOR | 3 byte code for testing agency of the IBC. Optional. | [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]TestVendor |
PASS_FAIL_FLG | Indicates if Student Passed or Failed Test: P = Passed, F = Failed. Required. | [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]PassFail |
SPONSOR_CD_IBC_EARNED | The Sponsor Code where the student was enrolled when IBC was earned. Required. | [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]SponsorCodeIBCEarned |
SITE_CD_IBC_EARNED | The current LEA must send all IBCs the student has earned, including those earned in another district. Required. | [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]SiteCodeIBCEarned |