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LA EdLink Students



This report collects student information and creates an extract file for submission to the EdLink warehouse. The report includes demographic, address, Section 504, and program participation information in three extracts. Use PowerSchool's Remote Connection Management feature to set up a SFTP connection to allow for automatic uploading of files to EdLink. Use with the report's scheduling feature to set up a recurring upload of files to EdLink.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The student’s school exit date must occur after the school year's start date.

  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the school year's end date.

  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report run date (Pre-registered students will not be included in the file).

  • The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.

  • The student, the student’s school, and the student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • Students with entry and exit dates for the same day will be included in the file.

  • Students with a grade level of -4, -5 or -6 (Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten Age 3) will be excluded from the extract.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report



Select Schools

  • Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options:

    If sub-districts are not enabled:

    • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

    • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

    If sub-districts are enabled: 

    • Select Sub-district  Select sub-districts to include in the report. To select a single sub-district, click that sub-district. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each sub-district to be included.

    • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

    • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students before running the report.

Output File Name

Select the extract to generate.

School Year

Select the school year for which to run the report. The options are controlled by the current Term selected.

Identify as a Partial File

Select this checkbox if the file being generated is not including all students that should be reported to EdLink. As a partial file, the file name will have '_partial' plus a unique number added to the name to ensure each file is unique when it is uploaded to EdLink.

SFTP connections

If the extract is to be automatically uploaded to EdLink, select the SFTP connection that has been defined for reporting to EdLink.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.


Data Element




The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.



The year of a school session. Required.



The locally assigned student identifier. Required.  



The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.



The student's ArchivedStudentID number. 



The student's legal last name. Required.



The student's legal suffix name.

[S_LA_STU_X]NameSuffix (periods are stripped on output)


The student's legal first name. Required.



The student's legal second or middle name (if populated). Required.



The student’s day of birth. Required.



Indicates whether the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic. Required.


"Yes" is reported if HispanicLatinoEthnicFlg = Y OR EthnicCd = 4 OR FedRaceEthnicityCd = HI7. Otherwise, a "No" is reported.


Indicates whether the student’s race is Asian. Required.


"Yes" is reported if AsianRaceFlg = Y OR EthnicCd = 2 OR FedRaceEthnicityCd = AS7. Otherwise, a "No" is reported.


Indicates whether the student’s race is Black or African American. Required.


"Yes" is reported if BlackOrAfricanAmericanRaceFlg = Y OR EthnicCd = 3 OR FedRaceEthnicityCd = BL7. Otherwise, a "No" is reported.


Indicates whether the student’s race is American Indian or an Alaskan Native. Required.


"Yes" is reported if AmericanIndianOrAlaskanNativeRaceFlg = Y OR EthnicCd = 1 OR FedRaceEthnicityCd = AM7. Otherwise, a "No" is reported.


Indicates whether the student’s race is White. Required.


"Yes" is reported if NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslanderRaceFlg = Y OR FedRaceEthnicityCd = PI7. Otherwise, a "No" is reported.


Indicates whether the student’s race is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Required.


"Yes" is reported if WhiteRaceFlg = Y OR EthnicCd = 5 OR FedRaceEthnicityCd = WH7. Otherwise, a "No" is reported.


The student's primary form of transportation to and from their current school. 



Indicates if there is parental consent to include the student's data in widely distributed or external reports.



The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.

[Prefs]Value where
If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number


The student’s gender. Required.

Valid values:

  • M

  • F

  • U (for unknown)



The student's primary language. Required.



The country in which the student was born. Required.

Valid values:

  • ZZ if not born in the U.S.

  • US if born in in the U.S.

  • US if born in one of the following U.S. Territories

    • GU (Guam)

    • PR (Puerto Rico)

    • VI (U.S. Virgin Islands)

    • MP (Northern Mariana Islands)



Indicates whether the student's parents or guardians are affiliated with the military for their career (active duty, reserves, retired).

Valid values: Y or N



Data Element




The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.



The year of a school session. Required.



The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.

[Prefs]Value where
If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number


The month, day, and year of the student's initial arrival into the U. S.



Indicates whether the student is a parent or an expectant parent. Required. Values Y or N.



The year the student entered 9th grade. Only the beginning year of the school year is reported. For example, 2017-2018 reports as "2017".

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] YearEnteredNinthGrade


The date a student’s Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) is reviewed. Required for a special education student.



The date of the student’s most recent 504 evaluation. Required for a special education student.



The student’s first section 504 disability. Required for a special education student.



The student’s second section 504 disability.



The student’s third section 504 disability.



The student’s fourth section 504 disability.



The student’s fifth section 504 disability.



The student’s sixth section 504 disability.



The student’s seventh section 504 disability.



The date the student exited all 504 services.



Indicates why a student no longer receives 504 services

Valid values

  • 01 = No longer qualifies

  • 02 = Refuses Services

  • 03 = Qualifies for IDEA Services

  • 99 = Other



Indicates whether a student requires large print assessments. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



Indicates whether a student requires extended time for assessments. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X] ExtendedTimeAccomm


Indicates whether a student needs to record the answers for assessments. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X] AnswersRecordedAccomm


Indicates whether a student requires the answers transferred for assessments. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X] TransferredAnswersAccomm


Indicates whether a student requires individual testing. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X] IndividualTestingAccomm


Indicates whether a student requires small group testing. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X] SmallGroupTestingAccomm


Indicates whether a student requires that tests for English/Language Arts be read aloud. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X] ReadEnglishLangArtsAccomm


Indicates whether a student requires that tests for Math be read aloud. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



Indicates whether a student requires that tests for Science be read aloud. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



Indicates whether a student requires that tests for Social Studies be read aloud. Required.

Valid values:

  • N = This accommodation is not needed.

  • C = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.

  • B = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



Indicates if the LEA is allowed to show if the address is located on a military base. This is to help direct funding.



Indicates if the LEA is allowed to show if the student attending is in a non-district building. This is to help direct funding.

[S_LA_STU_X]NonDistrictBldgFlag or [S_LA_SCH_Charter_X]NonDistrictBldgFlag


Indicates whether the student is attending school in person, remotely, or a combination of both. This information is based on the current date.

01 = 100% Virtual
   - Student is participating in virtual instruction full time and is not attending the physical school campus

02 = 100% In Person
     -Student is participating in in person instruction full time and is not regularly attending classes virtually

 03 = Combination/Hybrid
     -Student is participating in a combination of virtual and in person instruction on a regular basis

If no data is specified for the student, this field will be reported as '01' (100% Virtual).


where [S_LA_STU_VirtualIndicator_C]EffectiveDate is <= the current date


EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



EL Individual Testing Accommodation
   “Null” = not an EL student
   “C” = This accommodation is needed in the Classroom ONLY.
   “B” = This accommodation is needed in BOTH the Classroom and for Statewide Assessments



Data Element




A value that uniquely identifies each student program membership record submitted. Required

Derived as BeginningSchoolSessionYear; SponsorCd; StudentIdNumber; SiteCd; ProgramCd; ProgramStartDate


First three digits of [S_LA_STU_StudentPrograms_X](Program)_OverrideSiteCode if populated, otherwise [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode


All six digits of [S_LA_STU_StudentPrograms_X](Program)_OverrideSiteCode if populated, otherwise [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode 

(uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended based on District Preference)




The year of a school session. Required.



The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.

First three digits of [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode


The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.



A value that uniquely identifies each program record submitted. Required.

[S_LA_STU_StudentPrograms_X] (program code translated from PROGCD table),

[S_LA_STU_StudentPrograms_X](Program)_OverrideSiteCode if populated, otherwise [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended)

PROGCD values:

  • ASA001: ASAP

  • COA001: COA Pathway/ Non-Connections Students

  • CON001: Connections

  • CON002: HiSet Pathways after participation in Connections

  • CON003: SASC Pathway after participation in Connections

  • DRP001: Dropout Recovery Program

  • GED001: HiSet Pathway/ Non-Connections Students

  • JAG001: JAG-LA

  • LSW001: Louisiana Seat Time Waiver

  • NTP001: New Tech Program

  • SSC001: SASC Pathway for Non-Connections Students

  • WLI001: World Lang Immersion Learning (French)

  • WLI002: World Lang Immersion Learning (Spanish)

  • WLI003: World Lang Immersion Learning (Chinese)

  • WLI004: World Lang Dual Immersion Learn Spanish


The school’s site code. Required.

[S_LA_STU_StudentPrograms_X](Program)_OverrideSiteCode if populated, otherwise[S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended)


The unique, district-assigned code identifying the particular calendar associated with the school and the student.



The start date of the program membership.

[S_LA_STU_StudentPrograms_X](Program)_EntryDate, if populated.

Otherwise, the first date in the school's calendar for the corresponding school year.


The end date of the program membership.


if populated.

Otherwise, the last date in the school's calendar for the corresponding school year.

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